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5. Appendix
5.1. How to Reflash the BIOS in MS-DOS Mode
1. Extract the downloaded Zip file to your hard disk(s) or floppy disk. This procedure assumes drive A.
2. Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode. (You may need a startup disk to restart the computer in
MS-DOS mode.)
3. Change the command prompt to A:\>.
4. To back up the current BIOS, at the A:\> prompt, type
[BIOS flash utility name]
- s [ B I O S f i l e n a m e ]
(example: gvf18 -s 98XP5B.f1)
and press
5. To flash BIOS, at the A:\> prompt, type
[ B I O S f l a s h u t i l i t y n a m e ] - p
[ B I O S f i l e n a m e ]
(example: gvf18 -p 98XP5B.f2)
and press
6. Wait until it's done, then restart your computer.