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Software Installation
Adjust Image Settings with Preview
If you are unfamiliar with 3D technology or not
an advanced graphics user, use the Adjust
Image Settings with Preview page to preview
any changes you make for improved image
quality and rendering.
Manage 3D Settings
(Note 1)
The Manage 3D Settings page enables you to
establish default 3D settings to use for all your
Direct3D or OpenGL applications and to estab-
lish a unique set of 3D settings for a particular
game or application.
Set SLI Configuration
(Note 2)
SLI technology allows you to use two or more
GPUs together. This results in significant im-
provements in rendering performance and
image quality.
It is recommended that you set to Enable SLI
technology to enhance the graphics card's
(Note 1) This item is present only in Advanced view mode.
(Note 2) This item will show up when you install two graphics cards with the same model name and
from the same vendor.
3D Settings
Tasks in the 3D Settings pages allow you to do the following:
• Change the image and rendering settings of your 3D applications and games that utilize Direct3D and
OpenGL technology.
• Override the shipped clocked frequencies of your GPU and GPU memory to increase your GPU
• Assign specific 3D settings to a game so that these settings automatically load when a game is