b. On: Always send frame with protection.
c. Off: Always send frame without protection.
Beacon (ms)–
The time between two beacons. Default setting is 100 ms.
TX Power–
Manually force the AP transmits power. Default setting is 100%.
TX Rate–
Manually force the Transmit using selected rate. Default is auto.
Idle Time–
Manually force the Idle Time using selected value. Default setting is 300.
Manually force the AP using the channel. Default setting is channel 1.
Use Mac Address–
Use MAC address of used wireless card to be AP name. Default
seting is APX. ( X is last number of Mac Address.)
Security Setting–
Authentication mode and encryption algorithm used within the AP.
Default setting is no authentication and encryption. See further section for detail
configuration of security.
No forwarding among wireless clients–
No beacon among wireless client, clients can’t
share information within connected Network area. Default setting is no forwarding.
Hide SSID–
Hidden AP name. Default setting is no hide.
Allow BW40 MHz–
Allow BW40 MHz capability.
Apply system default value.
Apply the above changes.