Transferability and Renewals:
This Limited Warranty is not transferable or renewable.
If We pay for a loss, We may require You to assign Us Your rights of recovery against
others. We will not pay for a loss if You impair these rights to recover. Your rights to
recover from others may not be waived.
In the event of a disagreement between You and Us concerning costs, either of us may
make a written demand for arbitration. This must be done within sixty (60) days after
the day You filed Your claim. Each of us will select an arbitrator. The two arbitrators
will select an umpire. Each of us will pay the expenses of the arbitrator We select. The
expenses of the umpire will be shared equally. Unless both of us agree otherwise,
arbitration will take place in the country and state in which You live. Local rules apply.
A majority decision will be binding.