Barista Tip: Milk Temperature
• Under: If not heated long enough, it will
be warm with little texture.
• Optimum: See below table.
• Over: If heated for too long it will start to
boil around 72°C and will have a burnt
taste with all texture lost.
Correct Temperature:
An indication of reaching correct milk temperature is when the pitcher
base can only be touched comfortably for approximately 3 seconds.
Full & Skim
Place the Steam wand ⓰ Arm in the
pitcher spout at the 12 o'clock position,
with the Froth nozzle ⓱ in the milk at the
3 o'clock position, a finger width away
from the edge of the pitcher. Keep the
Froth nozzle ⓱ just under the surface of
the milk. Turn steam/water knob ⓮ back
to STEAM position to start texturing. A
whirlpool action should be created in the
How air is introduced to the milk determines the consistency of the
foam. If large gulps of air are added to the milk, the foam will have
large bubbles. Introducing air to the milk in a controlled, gentle
fashion indicated by a gentle hissing sound, will ensure the milk has
fine aerated microfoam.
Barista Tip: Milk Texturing Sounds
• Gurgling: Froth nozzle ⓱ not deep enough, raise pitcher.
• Smooth Hissing: Just right for latte.
• Screeching: Froth nozzle ⓱ too deep, lower pitcher.
Amount of Foam:
Create the amount of microfoam you want. Cappuccinos traditionally
have more microfoam than flat whites.
Note:Some adjustments to technique will be required when
using non-dairy milk.
Keeping Froth nozzle ⓱ Position :
As the steam heats & textures the milk, the
milk will stretch causing the level of the
milk in the pitcher to rise. As this happens
follow the level of the milk by lowering the
pitcher, keeping the Froth nozzle ⓱ just
below the surface.
Immerse Froth nozzle ⓱:
After creating the desired amount of foam,
immerse the Steam wand ⓰ half depth
way into the milk. This heats all the milk
and pulls in milk instead of air. This ensures
the milk & foam are blended together, ma-
king it denser & smoother.