clean, deep bass. Move your listening position within the range shown in the diagram to find the best
bass and stereo imaging. Move the loudspeakers back by say 15cm and readjust your listening
position for the best sound as before. If the sound is worse move the loudspeakers slightly forward. If
it is better, try moving them back another 15cm. Use this technique, with appropriate size movements,
to home in on the position that provides a deep and even bass response, combined with the best
defined and most realistic stereo image.
As you move the loudspeakers closer to the front wall, the level of the bass response will increase.
The converse will be true as you move the loudspeakers away from the front wall. The Ultimate should
not be placed closer than 1m from the front wall. If the loudspeakers are too close to the front wall,
not only will the bass response be excessive, but the stereo image will be degraded due to an increase
in early reflections.
Distance from the Side Wall
Moving the loudspeakers closer to the sidewalls will increase the bass response. If you move the
loudspeakers closer to the sidewalls, make the appropriate adjustment to the listening position. We do
not recommend placing the loudspeakers closer than 1m from the sidewalls, as the early reflections
will degrade the stereo image. Positioning the loudspeakers too close to the sidewalls will also lead to
an uneven bass response.
If you change the distance to the sidewalls, listen to the loudspeakers a little further forward and a little
further back to confirm that the distance to the front wall is the optimum.
Aim to find a position that provides an even bass response, combined with the best defined and most
realistic stereo image when seated at the listening position.
Because the Ultimate is an omnidirectional loudspeaker, there is no need to adjust the toe-in angle.
The loudspeakers should always be set with the front of the loudspeakers facing down the room.