To enable the DDNS function:
1. Select
2. Select the DDNS service provider you have registered with. If you do not have a DDNS
provider, you can click on
Register GeoVision DDNS Server
to register the service via
GeoVision DDNS V2
and obtain a host name.
Figure 4-15
3. Type the
Host Name
used to link to the GV-VD8700. For the users of GeoVision DDNS
Server, it is unnecessary to fill the field because the system will detect the host name
4. Type the
User Name
used to enable the service from the DDNS. The user name should
look similar to your host name. Depending on your service provider, you should add
domain name (.dipmap.com, .gvdip.com or .org) after your user name, for example,
5. Type the
used to enable the service from the DDNS.
6. Click
to save the settings.