5.6.5 Trigger Area
You can specify an area of interest to trigger face recognition, and an output device if a person
from the selected groups appears on the live view and/or if the person fails to be recognized
from the database.
Figure 5-23
[Trigger Area]
to fill the entire screen or select
to define an area of
interest to trigger face recognition and/or an output device.
[Face Size]
to draw an area corresponding to the size of a face. The area
outlined must be smaller than the face detected for a triggering action.
[I/O Trigger for Unknown]
Trigger the output device when a person fails to be recognized
from the database.
[Interval to Ignore Same Faces]
Specify the time interval to prevent the output device from
being triggered again if the same face is detected on the live view.
[I/O triggered by checked group]
Select the face groups to be detected to trigger the output