Chapter 4: Software
There are three software programs that must be installed for Geode EM3D acquisition
operation. These are SAS (System Acquisition Software), GeoEM2010 which is the user interface
software, and the GPS driver software. The current GPS is manufactured by GlobalSat, but this
may change as GPS technology changes so contact Geometrics, Inc. for the latest information.
Nearly any good GPS will work.
SAS backbone description: SAS (System Acquisition Software) is the underlying
acquisition software which is a modified version of the acquisition components of
the SAS seismic software (Seismic Acquisition Suite) for the Geometrics Geode DZ
seismic system. It must be installed and operating on the Geode EM3D Controller
before data acquisition can take place.
The following files must be installed in order for acquisition to take place.
The files “EMmain.exe”, “EM.sas”, and “EM.log” can be installed by running
Geo2010.exe (location determined by user)
SAS.exe (c:\geometrics\Seismic Acquisition Suite\)
EMmain.exe (c:\geometrics\Seismic Acquisition Suite\Firmware)
EM.SAS (c:\GeometricsSurveyAndSettings\EM\Survey Parameters)
EM.LOG (c:\GeometricsSurveyAndSettings\EM\Survey Parameters)
Available SAS screens
i. Noise monitor: Described below
ii. System settings:
1) Set Date/Time: This allows you to set the system time and date
2) Test: Tests various performance parameters
3) Sounds: Sets audio (sound) feedback.
NOTE: The power option for your acquisition computer should be set to never put the
computer to sleep when it is on battery or plugged in. If the computer goes to sleep during
acquisition it can shut down the system.
GEM3D Controller software, GeodEM2010: This is the software that the operator
will use to start SAS, stop SAS, set up the transmitter and receiver scheduler, start
acquisition, and all the other operational functions. Below is a brief summary of the
functions available through the software.
Open SEG2 File: This option allows you to review raw SEG2 time
series files before the SEG2 files are consolidated into a GTS file.
Open Setup File: Allows the operator to recall a previously
configured patch setup for the current survey. This will allow the