Consult the following list of problems and possible solutions should difficulties arise. Consult
the factory for additional troubleshooting help.
Symptom: Displacement Transducer Readings are Unstable
Is the readout box position set correctly? If using a datalogger to record readings
automatically are the swept frequency excitation settings correct? Try reading the displacement
transducer on a different readout position.
Is there a source of electrical noise nearby? Most probable sources of electrical noise are
motors, generators, transformers, arc welders and antennas. Make sure the shield drain wire is
connected to ground whether using a portable readout or datalogger. If using the GK-403, GK-
404 or GK-405 connect the clip with the blue boot to the shield drain wire. (Green for the GK-
Does the readout work with another displacement transducer? If not, the readout might have
a low battery or be malfunctioning. Consult the appropriate readout manual for charging or
troubleshooting directions.
Has the transducer gone outside its range? If so, the transducer can be reset using the
installation instructions in Section 3.
Symptom: Displacement Transducer Fails to Read
Is the cable cut or crushed? This can be checked with an ohmmeter. Nominal resistance
between the two gauge leads (usually red and black leads) is 180
. Remember to add
cable resistance when checking (22 AWG stranded copper leads are approximately 14.7
ft. or 48.5
/km, multiply by two for both directions). If the resistance reads infinite, or very high
(megohms), a cut wire must be suspected. If the resistance reads very low (
) a short in the
cable is likely.
Does the readout or datalogger work with another transducer? If not, the readout or
datalogger might be malfunctioning. Consult the readout or datalogger manual for further