Genius Advanced Technologies
(Default IP is,8011, you should set IP first if the IP is
changed, notice will display on website if IP is changed )
The real time tracking platform: www.geniusgps.com
Platform user name and password is the last 7 digital number of the
tracker’s ID number, The label on the back of the device has print the
S/N number, this number is the ID number, also user can send SMS
“ID*password” (Tracker default password is 123456) to the tracker to
check the ID number, user can change the password and user informa-
tion (Such as car plate, phone number ), but can not change the user
name, our administrator can change the user name by user request
(ask your dealer to contact us), User login the website can see the cur-
rent location on the Google map, also user can display the history track-
ing in the specified date and time.
If you have several trackers, we can create a user that can see all your
trackers after you login, this can be used as fleet management, ask your
dealer to contact us to get your administrator user name and password
of your fleet.
The data & time of the tracker upload to the website is GMT time
(Greenwich Mean Time, add or minus a fixed digit is your local time),
you can send a SMS to the tracker to change the time to your local
time,(“TIMEZONE*123456*XXX”, XXX is from -12 to +12, for example:
Newyork is -05, Paris is +01).
Platform Operation Guide
This platform is designed by our company, and is only suit for our real
time tracking series products, for example CCTR-800/801/802/808/810
etc. you can select the different langue version at the first page, website
Every tracker have a unique user name and password, the user name
is the last 7 digital number of the tracker, for example the tracker ID is:
CW0810C12345678901, and then the user name on the platform of
this tracker is : 5678901, and the platform password for this user name
also is :5678901. Please send SMS “ID*123456” to tracker to check the
tracker ID.
user can change the password and user information (Such as car plate,
phone number ), but can not change the user name, our administrator
can change the user name by user request, also if you have several