1. Connection Preparation
Your phone must be connected to 2.4Ghz Wi‐Fi and not the 5GHz,
To verify your mobile phone is connected a 2.4Ghz Wi‐Fi network, Navigate to the
menu and click on
In this menu you will see all detectable networks in your area.
Locate the SSID for your network, select a Wi‐Fi SSID that doesn’t end with 5GHz.
Check you have a strong Wi‐Fi signal (at least two bars) in the location where the smart
device is installed.
If you don’t have at least two bars signal on your phone, then you may need to reconsider
the location or getting a Wi‐Fi extender to boost the Wi‐Fi signal strength.
If you have dual band router but you don’t see two Wi‐Fi name SSID’s, one with 5G and
one without 5G, you
log into the router and manually disable the 5Ghz Wi‐Fi signal
if you’re having connection issues. Please contact your internet provider on how to
disable 5Ghz Wi‐Fi
for your router.
Install the APP and register Account
For the best experience, download the "Mirabella Genio" APP to your smartphone from the App Store or Google Play, the APP
icon will be displayed after it’s installed successfully
EZ method – when the light is fast blinking (2 blinks per second)
Connect the stick light to the Wi‐Fi controller and power supply, then switch on power at the wall, wait a few seconds, stick light
will start to rapidly blink (2 binks per second)
If it did not automatically start to blink fast when first powered on,
press and hold
the pairing button on the Wi‐Fi
controller until the light starts to blink rapidly
Open Mirabella Genio APP, tap on
+, add Manually
then choose
genio strip light
from the list