© 2020 Genesis Attachments, LLC
Genesis GHG Handling Grapple 21
Follow the General Welding Guidelines and Rules.
Determine the area to build up, using a straight-edge or square. Do not allow tines to wear to
more than a 3/4” radius on edges of tool.
Build up the tines to slightly higher than the original parent material profile with E7018. Apply
single passes in each line with the grain of the steel, peening after each pass.
See drawings for grain, as indicated by arrows. (Red lines indicate hard-surfacing pattern.)
After build-up is complete, grind material to be flush with the flat surfaces of the tool.
Hard-Surfacing Patterns
Where parallel lines are shown, apply single passes approximately 1” apart. Cover exposed faces
with a crosshatch pattern with stringer beads at 45˚ angles to form 1” squares.
Hard-surfacing patterns are indicated by red lines in the drawings. Crosshatch may be used in
place of straight stringers on any flat areas of the jaws and on the outside of the upper jaw.
Follow hard-surfacing instructions on the following page.