PMD Measurement and Long-term Monitoring:
The functions contained in these two categories are designed to measure and/or monitor
the PMD in a system.
PMD Measurement:
The functions in this set measure the PMD in the system under test using the PMDPro’s
PMD compensation function. They scan through a selected set of PMD values and
optimize the SOP at each state in the scan to determine which PMD value in the set can
best compensate the PMD in the system. That PMD value is the measured PMD for the
system under test.
There are two tabs under this function set.
PMD Measurement:
This function uses the quasi-continuous PMD generation mode to scan through a selected
set of PMD values and optimize the SOP at each state in the scan to maximize the output
DOP. It allows the user to scan through a selected DGD range with fixed SOPMD or a
selected SOPMD range with fixed DGD, to perform a 2-D DGD/SOPMD grid scan, or to
scan through a table of user-set DGD/SOPMD pairs.
Select the desired scan function from the scan setting pull-down menu, as shown in the
picture below.
Document #: GP-UM-PMD-1000-21
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