If the digital source can control the digital level, it may be advantageous to lower the sensitivity either with
the GLM or the ”SYSTEM LEVEL” control of the DSP subwoofer. This will enable the use of the upper end
of the digital level controller.
The “SYSTEM LEVEL” switch group allows scaling the maximum sound level of the whole loudspeaker
system. This control changes the subwoofer level as well as the levels of all loudspeakers connected to
the subwoofer outputs.
It may be necessary to use the “SYSTEM LEVEL” attenuation switches to ensure that high-level digital
audio signals do not overload the loudspeaker system. The suitable setting also depends on the listening
distance. The correct setting for this control depends on the program source and the maximum sound
level needed.
Note that when daisy-chaining subwoofers, the “SYSTEM LEVEL” controls in all subwoofers in the daisy-
chain must be set to the same setting. For example, if the “SYSTEM LEVEL” control is set to –10 dB, this
should be set on all subwoofers in the daisy-chain.
Connector panel warning light
Normally the light on the connector panel of an 700 subwoofer is green, indicating that the subwoofer is
in normal operational mode.
If the output capacity of the power amplifier is exceeded (clipping in the power amplifier), the light turns
yellow. Red colour indicates thermal overload of the power amplifier or loudspeaker drivers (thermal
protection has activated). In each of these cases, turn the source level down.
Bit errors in the AES/EBU digital audio data or exceeding the maximum input range of the digital output
cause audible distortion, but are not indicated by the warning light.
Typical applications of different LFE bandwidth settings
Using the 85 Hz LFE bandwidth setting with "Redirect" function is the most universal configuration
for LFE monitoring. However, there are situations when the band-limited LFE settings serve a definite
Limiting the LFE bandwidth to 85 Hz without using the "Redirect" function can be used to simulate the
effect of some consumer decoders that do not replay information above 80 Hz on the LFE channel when