Loading the software
1. I cannot get an image through the projector
i. Is the power connected and switched on (see step 3)?
ii. Is the lens cover open?
iii. Is the VGA lead connection from the projector plugged into the visualiser?
2. How do I switch to my desktop image on my board?
Swap the VGA projector lead from the visualiser to your computer.
3. How do I annotate over my visualiser images?
i. Check that the supplied VideoCap and/or Genee Toolbar has been installed.
ii. Check that the supplied USB lead is connecting the visualiser to your computer.
iii. Open either the VideoCap or Genee Toolbar software to get a live video window (you may
have to select the USB 2861 camera if there is a choice).
iv. You can now use your IWB tools or the Genee Toolbar tools to annotate over.
4. Will this work with any board?
5. Can I save these images?
VideoCap and Genee Toolbar will save both still images and video images. You can also use
generic programs such as Microsoft MovieMaker or insert images directly onto Word pages,
for example, by going to the ‘insert from camera or scanner’ command.
Please contact [email protected] if the problem persists.
The disk also contains additional information, including user guides and training videos.
‘USB’ socket
The accompanying disk has essential
software for enabling your computer to
recognise the visualiser and capture
images, both still and moving. This will be
done through the USB connecting lead.
The driver for your operating system must
be installed before connecting the USB
lead. The set-up wizard will take you
through the process.
VideoCap and Genee Toolbar are pro-
grams that will give you live camera win-
dows and whiteboard tools on your desk-
top, allowing you to annotate over them
or capture in common image and video
formats that can be incorporated into
different applications.