MP3 Node
Hardware Installation and User Guide
9000-0000-127 Revision 01
14 of 21
Genave Electronics
Equalizer (On/Off per channel)
The MP3-Node includes a four channel audio equalizer to
help match the response of your audio to the amplifier and
speakers. Value range is OFF or ON. Factory default is OFF.
The equalizer settings are adjusted in the Global Settings.
This setting adjusts if the specific channel should use the
Equalizer is disabled for this channel.
This channel will use the equalizer.
Max Run Time
Maximum time in seconds for a channel to remain active and
playing audio. Value range is None to 60000 seconds.
Factory default is NONE.
To prevent overheating to some amplifiers or speakers, or to
conserve battery power on solar charging systems, it may be
useful to limit the run time of any audio or SFX.
No limit on the channel run time.
To change the time, use the Left and Right buttons to
increase or decrease the time in seconds. While adjusting the
time, the count speed will increase as the button remains
pressed to quickly traverse a large number range.
Enable or disable the fallback feature. Valid range is OFF or
ON. Factory default is ON.
If the SD memory card is missing or the MP3 file cannot be
found on the card, this feature enables the MP3-NODE to
substitute a computer generated SFX sound for the missing
audio file.
Each input has its own unique SFX sound.