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The PIN-CODE procedure allows deactivating the alarm system in case of
emergency, that is to say when, for any reason whatsoever, the remote control
or the electronic key cannot be used
To have the system deactivated, the final user shall “communicate” a four-digit
numeric code to the system, originally set up by the manufacturer as
Due to obvious safety reasons, we recommend to replace this original code
with another user’s customized code.
Please see next pages to carry out this operation, than read the instructions
below to unlock the alarm with the PIN-CODE:
Cause an alarm situation
s soon as the alarm condition is finished, the
will turn on and stay fixed for about 5
While the LED is on with a fixed light, switch “ON” and “OFF” the ignition
key switch
After 4”
The installed
will turn off so showing the beginning of the unlock
from the LED turning off, it will start flashing for 9 blinks
As soon as the number of blinks is equal to the first digit of the PIN
CODE, switch on and off the vehicle ignition key, so confirming the first digit
of the code
After 4”, the LED will start flashing for 9 blinks again
As soon as the number of blinks is equal to the second digit of the PIN-
CODE, connect and disconnect the ignition key switch, so confirming the
second digit of the code
epeat the same as above for the remaining two digits to be entered
As soon as the last digit is stored, the system will be deactivated by
signalling this operation as shown in the paragraph ” ystem disarming with
alarm memory”
To better understand the alarm system unlock by means of PIN-CODE, please
refer to the following example considering the case of a PIN-CODE formed by
these digits: 2-3-4-1
As soon as the alarm condition is finished, the installed led will turn on and
stay fixed for about
While the LEED is on, connect and disconnect the ignition key.
The LED will turn off showing the beginning of the unlock procedure by
means of PIN-CODE
After 4”
After another 4”,
from the LED turning off, it will start blinking
As soon as the number of blinks is equal to the first digit of the PIN-CODE
(which is 2 in this case), connect and disconnect the ignition key switch
this LED will start blinking again.
As soon as the number of blinks is equal to the second digit of the
PIN-CODE (which is 3, in this case), connect and disconnect the ignition
key switch.
After the system is armed, wait for the end of “neutral time” and then cause
an alarm condition.
After 4 seconds,
the system restarts counting to set up the other following
two digits (which are 4 and 1 in this case
Key in
“ON” position
Key in “OFF”
An alarm condition
will occur
First digit: “2”
Second digit: “3”
4 Sec.
4 Sec
Third digit: “4”
Fourth digit: “1”“ON”
4 Sec.
4 Sec.
As soon as the fourth digit of the PIN-CODE is entered, the alarm system
will be deactivated by showing the last alarm cause.
If during this phase, the ignition key switch is kept connected for more
than 5”, the system will read this as a theft attempt, so causing another
alarm condition.
In case the LED blinks exceeds the number of 9, this procedure will fail
and this will be read as a theft attempt.
Key in “ON”
Key in
LED fixed
on for
about 5”.
LED turned off.
procedure starts