Getting Started with LTE Modem Cards
2.3 Start Up the Module
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The assignment of the module’s installed USB CDC ACM ports 1-4 (see
), the ASC0
UART interface and the possible Multiplex channels to the two AT command service instances
MDM and APP as well as the NMEA streaming service interfaces is done by the AT command
AT^SSRVSET. The command provides a number of preconfigured service sets and a custom-
izable service set.
With PLS8 for example, Service Set 1 is configured as delivery default:
the MDM service is available at the ASC0 interface (UART COM port)
the APP service is available at the USB interface (CDC ACM port 1)
the NMEA service (reserved for GNSS data) is also available at the USB interface (CDC
ACM port 2)
The AT command AT^SQPORT shows whether the MDM or APP service is connected to the
device interface the command was sent over.
The two USB devices implemented as USB CDC ECM network adapters are activated and de-
activated by the AT command AT^SWWAN. Via the two WWAN or RmNet adapters different
APNs can be assigned and used simultaneously.
For further details and more information on the above AT commands to configure and operate
the module please refer to
Figure 4:
Installed USB devices mPLAS9-W/X
The assignment of the module’s installed LTE USB Modem and LTE USB ports 1-4 (see
) to the two AT command service instances MDM and APP is done by the AT command
AT^SSRVSET. The command provides a number of preconfigured service sets and a custom-
izable service set.