RS232 Settings
Bits per second ................................................................................................. 19200
Data bits .................................................................................................................... 8
Parity .................................................................................................................. None
Stop bits .....................................................................................................................1
Flow Control ....................................................................................................... None
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Only Pins 2 (RX), 3 (TX), and 5 (Ground) are used on the RS-232 serial interface
What features are available via the RS-232 serial communications port?
The DVI RS-232 Extender can accept commands through the RS-232 serial
communications port located on the rear panel.
What pins are used for communication with the DVI RS-232 Extender?
Only pins 2 (Receive), 3 (Transmit), and 5 (Ground) are used for communication.
A null-modem adapter should not be used with this product.