in.touch techbook
Wi-Fi Alert
If your iDevice has communication issues with your in�touch module,
the in�touch app will display an alert message� Make sure you are within
range of the in�touch system before attempting to solve the problem�
network error:
The in�touch app has difficulty communicating with your in�touch� Don’t
do anything, it will try to connect to your in�touch again�
If the alert does not disappear after 2 or 3 minutes, or if a Wi-Fi alert
appears during this delay, please close your in�touch app�
Open the app again�
Wi-Fi alert :
Your iDevice is not connected to the in�touch network anymore�
please close your app, go to Settings on your iDevice to reconnect it to
the in�touch network� If the in�touch network isn’t available anymore,
please restart your in�touch module, reconnect your iDevice on the
in�touch network when it becomes available, and you will be able to
enjoy your spa with your iDevice again�
If the problem persists, please contact gecko alliance for support�