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Finland’s most popular form of heating
District heating is the most popular form of heating in Finland. It is used in nearly all cities and urban areas. Some 2.4 million Finns live
in houses with district heating.
District heating accounts for around 50% of the heating market. District heating is used in more than 90% of multi-storey residential
buildings, around half of terraced houses and the majority of public and commercial buildings in Finland. District heating pipes are
built for new developments if enough houses opt in for the district heating network.
To end users, district heating is a reliable and flexible form of heating.
District heating contributes to a cleaner and more comfortable living environment
District heating also conserves energy and the environment. Optimal savings are achieved through combined heat and electricity
production, which has a fuel efficiency of 80% to 90%.
District cooling is an environmentally friendly method of cooling indoor areas.
In district cooling, chilled water is delivered through pipes to cool the temperature of a building. Its operating principle is the same as
in district heating, but excess heat is transferred back from the customer to the energy company’s cooling water reserve.
District cooling can also be used for cooling production and storage facilities at industrial plants.
Easy and cost-effective district cooling
District cooling conserves energy and saves money as it is more cost-effective than cooling individual buildings.
District cooling eliminates noise pollution caused by refrigeration machines and allows the space needed for them to be used for
other purposes. Switching away from refrigeration machines also saves on service and maintenance costs.