Stand: 28.2.200 2
Gedruckt: 06.02.20 07
Stand: 28.2.200 2
Gedruckt: 06.02.20 07
Stand: 28.2.200 2
Gedruckt: 06.02.20 07
Stand: 28.2.200 2
Gedruckt: 06.02.20 07
Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • Ge BE Do k.N r .: SM AN -E- 567 -V0 .1 Mo dul ar The rm al Pri nte r GPT -15 78
2 5 Set Print Mode
+n [1B 21 +n ]
+n is defined as:
Bit 7--- Not used.
Bit 6 --- Not used.
Bit 5 --- 0 = Double high print OFF, 1 = Double high print ON.
Bit 4 --- 0 = Double wide print OFF, 1 = Double wide print ON.
Bit 3 --- Not used.
Bit 2 --- Not used.
Bit 1 --- Font size.
Bit 0 --- Font size.
Both double wide and double high can be selected for either character
size. When a printed line contains character s with different heights, the
characters are arrange d so that the base line of all characters line up.
Default = 01 hex (FontA, 30 x 50 matrix) Printer Reset
ESC @ [1B 40]
Initialize s the printer.
Any data received before the ESC @ but not yet printed is cleared. The
character size is set to the default font. Internatio nal character set is set
by the DIP switch setting. Left and Right Margins are set to the defaults.
Reverse video is turned off. Underli ne printing is turned off. Bar code
height is set to 64. Bar code magnifica tion is set to 3. GeBE's Windows Commands.
Due to restriction s of the Windows operatin g system and to allow the
use of device fonts for print speed enhancem ent, the Begin Document
(US b) and End Document (US e) command s were created for use by
the GeBE Windows driver. These two command s should not be sent to
the printer by any other applicati on program since unexpecte d results
will occur.
Language Monitor Info. -
Not availabl e at publicati on date