Step
Separate
the
wires
(3)
in
to
pairs.
Solder
the
uncovered
wire
of
the
Neck
Pickup
(4)
to
the
body
arm
of
the
Tone
Selector
(22).
Solder
the
covered
wire
to
the
right
central
arm
of
the
Tone
Selector.
Solder
the
uncovered
wire
of
the
Bridge
Pickup
(5)
to
the
body
arm
of
the
Tone
Selector.
Solder
the
covered
wire
to
the
left
central
arm
of
the
Tone
Selector.
Solder
the
Grey
cable
of
the
long
cable
pair
to
the
body
arm
of
the
Tone
Selector.
Solder
the
Purple
cable
of
the
long
cable
pair
to
the
central
arm
of
the
Tone
Selector.
Solder
the
Purple
cable
of
the
long
cable
pair
to
the
first
arm
of
the
Volume
Pot
(8).
The
Grey
cable
of
the
long
cable
pair
should
be
soldered
to
the
back
of
the
Volume
Pot
(8).
The
Green
wire
should
be
soldered
from
the
second
arm
of
the
Volume
Pot
(8)
to
the
long
arm
of
the
Jack
Input
(9).
The
yellow
wire
should
be
soldered
from
the
back
of
the
Volume
Pot
(8)
to
the
short
arm
of
the
Jack
Input
(9).
The
third
arm
of
the
Volume
Pot
(8)
should
be
soldered
to
the
back
of
the
pot.
Solder
the
Transformer
(10)
from
the
second
arm
of
the
Tone
Pot
(7)
to
the
back
of
the
Tone
Pot.
The
short
purple
wire
should
be
soldered
from
the
third
arm
of
the
Tone
Pot
(7)
to
the
first
arm
of
the
Volume
Pot
(8).
The
blue
wire
should
be
soldered
from
the
back
of
the
Tone
Pot
(7)
to
the
back
of
the
Volume
Pot
(8).