GEAppliances 49-6716 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 27

Содержание 49-6716

Страница 1: ...hindthe Refrigerator 16 leaning lnsicfeand Outside 14 undenser 15 lrawers 15 ight BulbReplacement 16 Prob emSolver 2 23 Preparation BaseGrille 17 Clearances 17 Dimensions 18 Location 17 Rollers 17 Water Supplyto the Icemaker 18 Vacation and Moving 17 installation Installation 19 20 Eafihing 19 2 ElectricalRequirements 19 20 Fittinga Different Plug 20 Mains Lead Replacement 3 20 Model and Serial Nu...

Страница 2: ... If Ow l eceived a damaged i re rigeR6ator e mxnediately contactthedealer orbuilder thatsoldyouthe refrigerator save time and money Beforeyou umt Stice S ChecktheProblemSolver It lists minoroperatingproblemsthatyou cancorrectyourself EWRGY SAWG mS Locationof yourrefrigeratorisimportant Avoid locatingit nexttoyourrange a heatingventor jh re the sunwillshinediratly on it Closethedoorsw soonas possib...

Страница 3: ...oodfi thathav thawediftheystillcantai icficrystals oriftheyarc stillcold below 40 F 4 C Thawed groundmeats poultryorfishthathave anyoff odor oroff color shouldnotberefrozen and shouldnotbeeaten Thawed icecreamshouldbe discarded Iftheodororcolorofanyfoodispoor orquestionable getridofit Th foodmaybe dangerous toeat Everipartialthawing andrefreezing reduces the eatingqualityoffoods particularly fruit...

Страница 4: ...odcompartment Usethe Ice cream test for the freezer Placea containerof milkonthetopshelfinthefresh compartment Placea containeroficecreamin the foodcompartment Checkit a daylater If themilkis centerof thefreezercompartment Checkit aftera toowarmor toocold adjustthetemperature controls day If it istoohardor toosoft adjustthetemperature control AIwaysallow24hours for the refrigerator to reach the te...

Страница 5: ...uugh durub e stain and scratch resistattt the b rk su clccon the RefreshlnentCenter counter should not be used as u cutting board Sharp utensils can ciarna eit e CQId airen eringfromthe freezercompartment ISI t a eepsthe temperaturein heRefreshmentCenter 1 Compartment at proper food keepinglevels A Compartment isalso accessible througha lift updooron theinsidesof thefreshfood compartment door Tore...

Страница 6: ...nthedoorandisdispensedwhenthe dispenserpadispressed 7 Alightswitch onsomemodels turnsthenight lightinthedispenseronoroff Thelightalsocomesonwhenthedispenser pad ispressed Thelightinthedispenser shouldbereplaced witha 10wattmaximum bulbwhenit bumsout Ifyoucannotlocatethecorrectbulb seeyourlocal dealer a cTohelp k p bits of icefrom beingsprayed beyondthe ass pIacetheglasscloseto theice chute ut riot...

Страница 7: ...n ndercertainm c cm m icecubesmaybe discol usdy appearing witi agreen bluish color he u ofthisunusual discoloration is apparently duetoa combination offactorssuchas q characteristics ofl waters household plmbiig andtheaccumdationofcoppersaltsinan inative watersuP91ytie w c f tie i m ero Onmodelswitha waterdispenser pourthefmt six e glassfiIsofwaterintheMtchen sinktocleanoutthe line Thefirstwaterth...

Страница 8: ...tions Pressheretoremove grille Thegrilleiseasilyremoved bypressingon theback rightcomer If Ice Clmps Formin the StorageBin Theicemakerejectscubesingroupsofeight and it is normalforseveralcubesto bejoinedtogether However if youdon tusetheiceveryoftenice clumpsmayformin thestoragebinandcan clogthedispenser If thishappens Removethestoragebinfromthefyeezer Q Breakupice clumpswithyourhands Throw awayan...

Страница 9: ...our refrigerator will vary 2t03 2t03 FreshFod StorageTips Asa furtheraidto freshness prepackaged vegetablescanbe storedin theiroriginalwrapping Cheese Tostore u frozenmeats fwhand poultry Usethevegetabledrawers they avebeendesignedtopreservethe naturalmoistureandfreshnessof produce Wrapwellwithwaxpaperor aluminumfoil or putin a plastic bag Carefullywrapto expelairand helppreventmold Alwaysremovest...

Страница 10: ...r Turnips Greenonions Storagetimewilldependuponthetypeof foodandits conditionwhenplacedhl thedrawer Excesswaterwhichmayaccumulatein thebottomof theMoist n Freshdr wershouldbe pouredoutand TheConvertible MeatPandrawerhasitsowncold airductto allowa streamof coldairfromthefreezer compartment toflowaroundthedrawer The variable temperature controlregulatesthe airflowfromthefreezercompartment Setcontrol...

Страница 11: ...ecabinet Then lowerthefrontoftheshelf untilit locksintoposition Wireshelves onsome models areadjustablein thesamemanner n 1 I Engage I tophook 3P I ft 2 Lo ver to lock intoplace f Bins onFreshFood CompartmentDoor onsomemodeIs Adjustablebinscaneasilybecarriedfromtherefrigeratorto your workarea r On modelswith RRefreshment Center Compartment allexceptthetop a bincanbe relocatedon thefreshfoodcompart...

Страница 12: ...stopbeforecomingallthewayout ofthe freezertohelppreventcontentsfromspillingontothefloor Theycan bercrno fed easilyby liftingup slightlyandpullingpastthe stop location _ e QuickSpaCe Shelf onsomemodels Thisshelfsplitsin halfand slidesunderitselfforstorageoftalIitemson he shelfbciow Deep OOrShe vQs in Freezer Compartment onsomemodels Detachableshelfextendersdeepenandenclosefixeddoorshelves providing...

Страница 13: ...helf positionitslipovereitheredgeof theshelfyouwantto suspendit fromandpushit all thewayin Juice CanRack onsomemodels Pns of frozenjuice areeasilyaccessiblewhenstoredin therackon the reezercompartment door Toload it placethefirstcan in thebottomof therack Thenload additionalcansintotherackfromthetop 2 Additional cansgohere 1 Placf3 first mn here ...

Страница 14: ...ercare it willstaynew looking andrust freeforyears Applykitchen appliance waxwhenthe refrigeratorisnewandthenat leasttwicea year Cleantig inside k freshm m center compartment door inside Wipeup spillsrightaway Useonetables n 51nl of bakingsodainonequartof waterto cIean he insidedoorsurface refresh flt enter binafl inside accessdoor Rinse wipedry lmide the frmh fti and f r compartments shouldbeclea...

Страница 15: ...slots oh thegasketarefreeof thedrawersupport bs Pullthedrawer partwayout Reachin pushtherearofthe glassupfind at the sametime pushit Ih backuniilit clearsthe frontcornerretainers 5 Pullthedrawer forward iif the front to clearstops and removethe dctiw r If therefrigeratordoor doesn topen completely pullthe drawerout ntiiit hits thedoor Theriliftthe cirawcrup untilit is higher thanthan he drawersupp...

Страница 16: ...rreplacingwithsamesize buIb reinstallshieldandshelf andplugrefrigeratorbackin If youcannotlocatethecorrectbulb seeyour localded er LightBulb Replacement Refreshment Center onsomemodels 1 Unplugtherefrigerator 2 Opcnthe freshfoodcoinpart nertt door removethe opbinandraiseRefreshmentCenterinnerdoor 3 Pressthe sidesof the flexiblelightshieldto releasethe lockingtabs andallowtheshieldto swingdown 4 Un...

Страница 17: andcleananddrytie interior Secureall looseitemssuchas grille shelvesand storagepansbytapingthemsecurelyinplaceto preventdamage Besurerefrigeratorstaysin upriglztposition during actualmovingandin van Retigeratormustbe securedinvanto preventmovement Protectoutside ofrefrigeratorwithblanket RoIIers Adjustable rollersbehindthebw grilleenableyouto movetherefrigeratoraway fromthe wallfor cleaning T...

Страница 18: ...e A watersupplykitcontaining coppertubing shutoff vaive fittingsandinstructions isavailabIe atextracost fromyourdeder Thereshouldbesuficienttubingfrom thecoldwatersupplytotheicemakeridet to allow movingtherefrigerator outfromthew severalfeet approximately 8 feet 2 5m of 1 4 6 25mm copper tubingintiee 10 250mm diametercoils Donotusekitswithplastictubingsincethereiswater pressureinthesupplylineatall...

Страница 19: ...arthedwalloutletisencountered it is yourpersonalresponsibility andobligation to haveit replacedwitha properlyearthedwalloutlet Therefrigerator shouidalwaysbe pluggedintoits ownindividualeiectrieaIoutlet PIeaserefertothe ratingp ateon thereftiger tor forthecorrectvoltage andfrequency Thisisrecommended forbest performance andtopreventoverloading housewiring circuits whichcouldcausea fireh ard fromov...

Страница 20: ...brown Live wireto the erminal marked L or colouredred With alternative pluga 15Afusemustbe fittedeither in theplugor adapterorinthemainfusebox In the eventofreplacinga fuseintheplugsupplied a 13A AST 4approvedfuseto BS1362mustbe fitted If theplugis themouldedontypethefusecovermust berefittedwhenchangingthefuse 1ntheeventof losingthefusecovertheplugmustnotbeuseduntila replacement fusecoverhasbeenob...

Страница 21: ...ERATUWCONTROLS Grilleandcondenserneedcleaning RefertoCareandCleaningpage s CheckENERGY SAVMG PS Temperature controlstartsandstopsmotorto maintaineventemperatures If refrigeratorvib tes morethantikel y it is not restingsolidlyonthefloorand on rol er screwsor frontlevelinglegsneedadjustingor floorisweakor urIeven Referto ROLLERSsec ion on1nsMlation Requirements page Icemakersupplyiine onsomemodels m...

Страница 22: ...ngtime P kage maybe holdingdooropen m Foodsnotcovered wrappedor sealedproperly or mayhavebeenleftajaror packageholdingdooropen Toofrequentortoo longdooropenings e s Frostwithinpackageisnorm Doormayhavebeenleftopen Turntemwratureof freezercompartment colder s d u s ne toh discmded lcc storagebin needstobe emptiedandwashed s Unsealedpackagesin reftigemtorand orfreezercompartments maybe transmittingo...

Страница 23: ...penser h notbee usedforextendedperiod waterinfi t WW notbe ascoolas in sucding glasses If the watersystemhasbeendrained ow severalhoursforreplenished Wa rtipply fie turnedoffornotconnected Sufily Me my beclogged withsediment NOti warrnti is createdby automaticenergysaversystemcirculatingwarm fiquidaroundfrontedgeof mr compartment to helpprevent condensation on outsi of refrigeratorin hot humidweat...

Страница 24: ...sde conservation 34 Comrnande de temp ratt re 28 B o Solutions des probl mes 45 47 Pr6parati0n Alimentation en eau 42 D gagements 41 D part envacances etdemenagement 41 Dimensions 42 Emplacement 41 Roulettes 42 Installation Installation 43 44 Mise a la terre 43 44 Posed une autre fiche 44 Specifications electriques 43 44 Replacement dufilconducteur 3 44 Entratien N4ttoyer derri re Ie refrigerateur...

Страница 25: ...ans tou ecorrespondence concemantvotrer6frig rateur ou lorsquevousappeiezleservicer parationsr coNsEms pou ficONOmER L EmRGm cmplacementde votrer frig rateur est important Assurez vous quelesportessentbienferm es v Evitczde le placerpr s de votrecuisinikre d une Avantdequitterlarnaisonoudevouscoucher bouchede chauffageouclansunendroitdirectement e v rifiezqueiesportesn ontpasEt Iaiss es ouvel CXPO...

Страница 26: ... alt r es quelaplupartdesautresaliments Consommez lesalirnents reconge15s clans iesplus brefsd61ais pourpr server aumaximum Ieur qudit alimentaire s f c e r frig rateur avantde le nettoyeret deIer4parer WMARQUE nous vousrecomrnandons vivernent deconfiertoute r6pmtionhuntechnician quafifi6 Avant deremplacer uneampouie gril16e le r frigirateurdoit tred brancht pour viter toutcontactavecunfilsoustens...

Страница 27: ...pfroid r glezlatemp rature en lendemain Si lacrkmeglac6eesttropdureoutrop consequence molle r6glezlatemperatureen cons quence Attendez toujours 24heures pour Iaisserle r6frig6rateur atteindre la temperature que vous _ avez rigl e Systimeautomatique d5 on0mie d inergie Pasded givrage Cer6frig4ratcur rt estpasrnunid uncommutateur 11 n estpasnfcessairede d givrerle cong lateur ou le d conomic d rtcrg...

Страница 28: ...s ii n estpas recommandi de 1 utilisercumme pianc zedc upeccar Ies ustensiiesuiguisks risqueraientde endommogc venancedu cong lateur intient1atemp rature ducompartment rafr lchissements ad quate pourlaconservationdcs aliments C npeutaussiacc derau compartment rafralchissements parun couverclesitu h I intgrieur de laportedu r6frig rateur PourretirerIebacPorta Binducompartment rafratchissements ouvr...

Страница 29: ...poule correcte consultez votrerevendeurlocal Sic5estvotrepremi re machine h aforls3 vow Pour6viterquedesmorceaux deglacerie eutendrez patiuisdesbruits quivoussembleront tornbent endehurs duverre placezcelui cipr inhabituels Cesbrui s normaux sentcausfspar delaglissi re sans toutefois bloquerlasortiea lafabrication delaglaceetilrt ya paslieude desglagorts s inqui ter L intermittence dedistributio d...

Страница 30: ......

Страница 31: ...EcouIement est important Iorsqu onappuiesurlecoindu essuyez eimm diatement fondhdroite Lamachinehglagons jectant lesglagonspargroupes Danscecas de huit il est normalqueplusieursd entreeuxsoient s Retirezlebachgla onsdu congdlateur C0116S Toutefois si vousn utilisezpas souventde gla ons des blocspeuventse formerclanslebacet s BrisezIesblocsdeglaceavecvosmains Jetezce boucherle distributeur quevousn...

Страница 32: ... origine sacde plastique CouvrezlesI gurnes aveeun Enveloppezde papieralutninium oEnveloppez les pourchasser1 air torchonhumide ilsres ent frais en plastiqueou cir6et r6frig6rez et 6viterles moisissures Lesl gumespr ernbal16s se imm diatement Vouspouvez si vousle d sirez conserventmieuxclansIeur conserver lesfiomages pr embal16s emballaged origine clansleuremballaged origine COnseils surlac0ng61at...

Страница 33: ...n d6penddu typeet de la fralcheurdesalimentsau momentob iissentplac s clansle bat Del eaupeuts accurnuier da nsle bacMoist nFresh Videzet ssuyezIebat L bacMoist nFreshcstpartieilementscel16 pardes jointsd 6tanch4it fix6sauxrebordsavantet arri re ducouvercle Re ettez loujo rs eco vercleen place froiden provenance du cong61ateu Pourconserverlaviande fiafche placezle levieren positionMEAT temp rature...

Страница 34: ...rouiller I l avantde laclayette 1 jusqti CC qu elles encliquette Les6tag2res en vem trem disponibles surcertains inod ies se glentde la tn memani re Vouspouvezfacilementtransporterleshdcsrkglablesdttr frig rateur votreplande Iravtiil Stir Iesmodkimrnunisdiuficompatin ent rafra chksernen tousles bats saufceluidu haut peuvcntse placersur la portedu rifrig rateur Le bacdu hautest amovible maisdoit tr...

Страница 35: ...cong61ateur sebloquentavantde sortircompl ternent du cornpartiment afind em her Ieurcontenude serenversersurle sol On peutfacilementlesretireren lessoulevant16g rement et enIestirantau delhde la positiond arr t e Clayetterepliable sur certainsmod les CettecIayettese diviseen deuxet sa partieinf rieureglissesousla supirieurepourpermett e de rangerdcsproduitsde hautetaiIIesw la Ciayettc du dessous B...

Страница 36: ...les plats ne sent pas conquspour tre utiIis4s clansunfourstandard surune cuisinitreou clansune r6tissoire Une telle utilisationrisquerait d tredangereuse Casierb vin amovible surcertains mod les Leeasier vinestcongupour Pour ddplacerIeeasier h vin supporterunebouteillecouch e et Tirezleeasierdroitversvous s accroche n importequelle Placezensuitesonbecpardessus clayettt l unou l autrereborddelaclay...

Страница 37: ...uregarderason clat et r sisterah larouille pendantde Ionguesann s Appliquezunetire pour appareils61ectrom6nagers quandler6frig rateur est neuf puisau moinsdeuxfoisparan v Nettoyageint6rieur Portedu cornpartimentrafm ckmen htifieur Essuyczimtn diatement lesdimentsou liquides renversds Utifisezunecuiller hsouw debichnate de soudeclansun Iitred eaupournettoyerla surface int6rieurede la pofie le bacdu...

Страница 38: ...z c chaqueextr mit e _ jusqu cequeIes 4 fentesdujoint se lib rent despattes de supportdu bat Sortezparticllcment Iebat Dttdessous relevezI arri re de la tabletteen verretout en lapoussantversIe hautet le fond jusqu hce qu clle c d6gagedes fixations descoinsavant 4 Inclinezle couvcrclcet sortez le rdfrig6ratettr ne s ouvre pascompl temcnt sortezIebacjttsqu hce qu iitouchela porte Puissoulevez le ju...

Страница 39: ...aille remettezl 6cra n et laclayetteen place puis rebranchezler frig6rateur Sivousnepouve trouver l ampoule correcte consultez votrerevendeurlocal e Replacement de I ampode Compartmentrafrafchissements surcertainstnod les 2 OuvrezIaportedu rdftig teur retirez le b c sup ricuret soulevczhiporteinigrieuredu compartimcntvafra chissemen s 3 Appuyexsur esc6t4sde l dc ran d dclairageseupie pour1ib4rerie...

Страница 40: ...long ef Si vous vous absent pour une Ionguep6riode d brmchez le r4frig rateur r6glezlacornmandede a mpdrattire sur 0 et nettoyez1 int rieurdu frigdratcuravecunesolutionde bicarbonatede soude unecttillerdehs uw 1 ml PMli ed eau Essuyez PourdviterICS odeurs posezunebo te de bicarbonatede soudeouvertcclansIerdfrig r teur C laisseziesporlesouvcrtes D6m6nagement D6branchez lecordond alimentation retire...

Страница 41: ...ig ra eur estmunid uflc machine5gla ons N utilisezpasde kitscontenantunetuyautcrieen ouqucvousptivoyezd eni outerLine ul drieurelllent plastique car l caudu tuyaud alimentation est vousclevczla rciierh un tuyaud eaufroidcpotable constammcntsousprcssion Moyennantu lSU f i6113 t VOLiS pOLIVCZ vous procurert tnkit d alimen atio l d eaucontenanttine tuyauterieen cuivrc unevam ed arrtt des raccords et ...

Страница 42: ...isehla terre Lerifrigirateur doit toujours6trebranch6 clans tineprise ilecttique individuelle veuillezvous r6fdrerh laplaquecaractEristique dutifrig6rdteur pourconnaltrelatensionet lafriquencecorrectes ceiavous rmettra d obtenirunepetiorrnance jptjma e erd emp cher la surchargedescircuits dornestiques dentlasurchaufferisqueraitde causer unincendie SiIecordond alimentation cstendornmagk faites le r...

Страница 43: ...uvercle n utilisezpaslafichetantqu il couleursde ces filsne correspondront peut trepasa xmarques desbornesde la fiche Danscccas proc dez commesuit n estpasremplac Vouspouvezvousen procurerun chezvotrerevendeurou auprksdevotrecompagnie d 61ectricit Lacouleurducouvercledu fusiblede rechangecorrectestla m mequecelledesmarques colokes oude lapi ceh labasedelafiche 1 BranchezIesfilsvert etjaune terre 5...

Страница 44: ...g rateur OUle cong lateur Us portessentsouventouvertsspartempschaud Uneporteestrest ouverte Lescomrnandes detem raturesentsurun r glage tropfroid R6f6rez vous aux ES DETEMPERATURE instictions surl usagedesCO gfi e et ondense doiven K net to s R f6rez vous auxinS CtiOilS de la pagesurI entretien Consultezla sectionCONSE POUR CONOMISERL tiNERGE La cQmmande de temperature faitd6mw er et titer le mote...

Страница 45: ...sne sentpascouvertsotsembal16s de fa onappropri6e ouleurs emballagesne sentpasherm tiques La portepeutavoir6ti Iaiss entrouverte ouunpaquetl ernp che de fermer 0bs portessentouvertestropsouventou troplongtemps R6gleziacomrnandedu cong lateur 3uneternp rature plusfroide Wdezet lavezie bac gla ons Desdiments nonembti sherm tiqueinent clansle r6frig6rateur et oule cong61atetir peuventavoirtransmisleu...

Страница 46: ...a sectionconsacr6e au filtrebeau Attendezaumoins24 heuresapr s 1 installation dur4tilg6rateur pourqueI eau rcfroidisse latemperatureid ale Si iedistributeur d eaun apas t6 utilis6pendantlongtemps l eauvers eclans Iepremierverrene serapasaussifioidequecelledesverressuivants s Apr slavidangedu rdservoird eau attendezplusieursheurespourquel eau refroidisse arrivged eauestcou e ou n estpasbranch6e Let...

Страница 47: ...a QuickServew 61 Estanterias plegables 0 60 f30tellero 61 Cuidado Ylimpie ajafies 63 ambio de bombilta 64 ondefisador s63 impieza detras anever 64 irnpieza exterior y interior 62 OIUCibm rO rnaS 69 71 Preparaci6n Dimensioned o 65 EspacioIibre 65 Rejillade la base 65 F uedecitas 66 Suministrode agua 65 Ubicacion 65 Vacacionesy mudanzas 66 instalaci6n Instalacibn 67 68 Instalacibnde una clavija 68 C...

Страница 48: ...amente en e contactoconelconcesiona rio o fabricate dondchayaadquirido lanevcrd Ahorretiempoy dinero Antes de Ilamaral ttcnico Consultelasecci6n Soluci6nde problems Enellsseindican problemasIevesqueustedmismo puedosolucionar Esimportance saberd6ndecoiocaria nevera E vite AsegtiresedequeIaspuertasest nbiencerradas ponerioal Iadode lacocinadeguisar cercade Antesdesalirdecasao deacostarse cerci6resed...

Страница 49: ... NodeseM ufe nunealanevera deuntir6n Al contrario sujetela clavijamachofimemente con 10S dedosy s quelade la tomade corrientecon suavidad egravedad CONSERVE ESTAS NSTRUCCIOMf ...

Страница 50: ...ueunenvasede heladoen iaestantefiasuperiordel compartimiento de alimen os el centrodelcompartimiento delcongelador frescos Exarnineloal diasiguiente Si la Iechenoesti Examineloal dia siguiente Siel heladoest sufi cientemente fn ao demasiadofn a reajusteIos demasiadoduroo demasiadoblando reajuste10S mandosde temperature mancios de temperature Dejesiempre que transcurran 24 horas para que nevera alc...

Страница 51: ... resistente no debe usarse como si se ra arade L nci tabia de corta Los i tensiliosafilados pi eden stropeur a El sire ftioquepenetra desdee compartimiento 41 J el congeladormantienela compartifniento del ambigtia unnivel adecuadopar la 4 conservac 6n de 10s alimentos Tarnbi6n setieneaccesoal compartimiento del ll I amb gti porlapuerta situadaenel interiordela puertadelcompartimiento de alimentosf...

Страница 52: ... la puerta cuando sc presiona ei puls dor Clsandose coloca cl selector en la posici6n CRUSHED hie opicado en a gunosrnodelos unaplacadesviadora haccpasar10S cubitosporel picahielos Elhielopicadodesciendeporunconducto y sevierteencl vase En algunos modeios cl agua entra por 6 la tuberfasituadaen lapuertay seviertecuancio se presionael pulsador 7 Algunos modeios disponen de un interrupter eldctricop...

Страница 53: ...urrabastante puedenpresentarunaspectodescolorido deun tono tiemposinutilizarhielo azulverdoso Estainfrecuentedesco10raci6n se n Iosrnodeloscondistribuidor de agua vierta10S debeaparenternente a lacombinaci6n de unaserie meresseisvzsosde aguaenel fregaderode la de factores laf caractelisticas delaguadellugar las ocinaparaIimpiarasi1atubetia EIaguaquepasa tubehasde lacasay la acumulaci6n de salesde ...

Страница 54: ...mdquinade hater hieloexpulsacubitosen grupos de echo siendonormalqueva rios cubitosseadhieran entresi Sinembargo si no seutilizael hielocon muchafrecuencia sepodrti formarmasasdehieloen lacubitera lascualespo an obstruirel dlstribuidor Deocurriresto oExtraiga lacubitera delCongelador Separela masadehieloconlasmanes Tireaquellos cubitosqueno puedase arar Coloquede nuevola cubitcraen el congeladoran...

Страница 55: ... o unabolsade e udi sefio es ial ayudaaconseivar ensuenvaseoriginal p dstico a frescura natural delashortaliy s Grne do yavesdwongslados oEnvu41valo concuidado para P r conservar lafrcscura delas Sdquelos sicmpredelacnvohura eliminar todoelairey evitarla hortali s ctibralas conunatoallita delatienda formaci6n demoho depapelhtimeda EnvuElvalos enpapeldealuminio Conserve elquesopreempaquetado decerd...

Страница 56: ...rterloen el caj6n Elimineel excesode aguaqucpucdaaeumularseen c1 fondodelcaj6ny sfquclocon tsnpafio Estecaj6n tienesupropioconductoderefrigeraci6n el cualperrnitelacirculaci6nen dichocai6ndeaire frioprivenientedelcongelador El mando de temperature variable regulalacirculaci6nde sire provenientedel compartimiento del congelador Coloquela palancadel mandoen laposici6n MEAT came la posici6nm frfa par...

Страница 57: ...lanterade la estanteriahxciaarribay a continuaci6n Ievdntela y 6 irede ells haciaafuera al tiernpoqueladesencajade s guiassituacias en la pareddelfondode la nevera Para volver a colocarlas cstanterias Seleccione laaltura deseada Conlaparte delanteradelaestanterfa ligeramente alzada haga encajar10S ganchos superiors en lasguias situadasalfondo Seguidamente bajela partedelanterade la estanten a hast...

Страница 58: ...tes altiempo desenganche de Iasmuescas queoprimelasorejetas Asegtirese dequelas de Iossoportes barntasest6nbienmetidasen lasmuescas Estantem m extra les delcongelador endgunosmodelos Lasestanteriasdelcompartimiento delcongeiadorsecietienen antesde salirsedelcongeladorcone findeevitarquecaigaal suelosucontenido Puedenextraersefdcilmente Ievantindolasligeramente y tirandode ellas has pasare puntodon...

Страница 59: ...eben usarse nccesitc Elsoportese en hornos normales cocinas de guisarni en puedeCO1OCW en parrillas ya que dicho uso pudiera ser peligroso cualquierlugardel compartimiento de alimentosfrescos Botelieroextra le Para cambiarlo de posici6n enalgunosmodebs Tirehaciafueradelbotellero A continuaci6n coloquesu saliente Elbotelieroha sidodisefiado para en unode 10S hordesde laestanterfa darcabidaa unabote...

Страница 60: ...e con dctcr cntelavavajillasy Iguao un producloIimpiadt r de USC general no abrasive M8nten AIhnpiala pinturaexterior Paseunpafio Iimpiohumedecidoen cera paraelcctrodomdsticoso en dctergentcIfquidopara lavavajillas Sequelaneveray s queiebrilloconunpai o suaveIimpio Nofrotcla neveraconunatoallamojada Puedendejarunresiduo queconoer lapintura Nouscestropajos limpiadores enpolvo lejianiproductos delim...

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Страница 70: ... Louisviffe KZ 40225 USA This book s pr r ted on recycled paper 1 Ce manu l est imprimd sur papie precycle Este manual ha sido impreso en papel reciclado Sideby Side20 22 24 27 Mod Mod lesJuxtapose 20 22 24 w Modelos Sideby Side 20 22 24 27I ...
