GE WWA8360G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 20

Содержание WWA8360G

Страница 1: ...ftenerDispenser 8 Filter FloPan 4 HardWater 16 LimestoneDeposits 14 26 Loading 12 Mini BasketT fib 9 Mini QuickCycle 9 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Moving VacationTips 26 OperatingtheWasher 4 5 Pre Treating 7 8 ProblemSolver 20 25 RepairService 27 SafetyInstructions 3 4 Sorting 11 Stains 18 StainRemovalGuide 19 User Maintenance Instructions 26 Warranty BackCover YourDirectLinetoGeneralEkctric me GEA ul...

Страница 2: ...n correctyourself Write downthemodel andsaid numbers You ll findthemonalabelonthe lowerleftsidenearthefront Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourwasher Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence orservicecalls concerningyourwasher ToobtainHispanicversionof thisbook call TheGEAnswe...

Страница 3: ...action within your water heater andthegascan accumulate inthewater heater andkxwater pipesifhotwater has ndtbeenusedforaperiod oftwo weeks orlonger HYDROGEN GAS QWW3E Exln amm UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES Soto prevent thepossibility ofdamage or injury ifyouhave notusedhot water fortwoweeks ormore or move intoaresidence inwhich the hotwater system maynothave been usedforsome time turnonailhot water fa...

Страница 4: ...ashedin the Fiker l lopan Seepage8 forinformationon howtouseBleachandFabric SofienerDispensers For informationon bleachesand fabricsofteners seepage17 Closelid washerwillfiHbutnot agitateor spinwithlidopen Settq the Controk UsetheControlsSettingChideon pages6 and7 tohelpyoumakethe properselections SelectWash SpinSpeed SelectWaterLevel SMALL Washeris lessthan 1 3 fullofclothes MEDIUM Between1 3and ...

Страница 5: ...fectivepolyester knitslaundering Plusanextended cool downsprayrinseisprovided to minimizethe settingofwrinkles r OFF w Forsmall lightlysoiledloadsyou needina hurry UsewithMIiW BASK13T tubOdJL w soaksettilqig Usewithmostsoakingaidsto loosenembeddedsoilsandstains Regular EXTIIA LIPdSE OFF Cycles SOAK LIGHT_ SOIL NORMAL s I Reguiar Extra Cleaning Special Penn Press I I I I Q sekdm Normal Light Soak L...

Страница 6: ...nts ifmachinewashing isrecommended Gentle Gentle Warm PermPressCycle Normalor LightSoilSetting depending onamountofsoil BabyClothes Sturdy suchasDiapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Bk nkets Coveralls Normal Normal Hot RegularCycle SetatKnits BabyClothes Delicate Gentle Gentle Warm SpecialCycle Blankets Wool Part Wool Cotton Blankets Synthetic Electric Warm RegularCycle 5min soakthen No...

Страница 7: ... Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersina covered pailofcold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateembrand mf Whiteor colorfast liquidchlorinetype m Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dohand knitgarmentsbyhandor inMini Baskettub see page9 Fillwasher adddetergent allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanketat a time Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent Onelectricblan...

Страница 8: ...penser Thefabricsofienerwill automatically bedispensedatthe propertime Donotstop the washerduring the first spin Thiswillcausethe dispenserto emptytoosoon WhenusingFabricSoftener DispenserwiththeMini Basket tub useone 1 teaspoon 5ml of concentratedsofteneror one 1 tablespoon 15ml ofdiluted softener DonotusetheFabricSoftener DispenserwiththeSoakSetting ortheMini QuickCycle 8 SOAK setting temperatur...

Страница 9: ... DispenseronFiber Flopan See page8fordispenserinstructions special instructions for Use Of theMini BaskerM tub TheMini Basket tubcanbeused withanycycleexceptEXTRA CLEANINGandtheSOAK setting WhenusingtheMINI QUICKcycle theMini Basket tub should be used Do notwashclothesintheregular washbasketwhenusingtheMini Baskettub Therewillnotbe enoughwaterin theregularbasket I and clothes damagecouldresult Don...

Страница 10: ...ures approximately 90 to 11O F or handcomfortable If younotice thatsoilhas accumulated after severalconsecutive washings use HotWashoccasionally if safe forfabrics Alwaysrinsein ColdWater The temperatureoftherinsedoesnot ect cleaning fSTrytowashlessoften Save articlesofthesametypeoffabric untilyouhavea fill load Ifyoupmstwashsmallerloads adjusttheamountofwater Small loadsshouldhavelowerwaterlevels...

Страница 11: ...zippers snapsnaps hooks andbuttons Doanynecessarymending rips hems tears Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilor stain Removestains ForST REMOVAL GUIDE SEEPAGE19 TurnPolyKnitsinside outto minimizefabricsurfacedamage EXTRACLEHG Special ModernFabricCyclesfor removable heavyandoilysoils Seepage5 forinstructions Seepage18 StainRemoval ide Seepage6 Controls SettingGuide Seepage20 TheProblemSolver Soakingan...

Страница 12: ...nd detergentbyadjustingthewater levelforthe sizeoftheload See page4 Specialrecommendations fbr wishing ymmMM nt press it you do nothave 23dryer If youaremachine washing PermanentPressclothesthatyou plantolinedry or drip dry use extracareto minimizewrinkling inthewashprocess Becarefi d nottooverload washer PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomtomove freelv A MediumsizePermanent Pres loadisthelarg...

Страница 13: ... Cleanssynthetics andfabric blendswell Areexcellent asconcentrates forremovingspots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Disadvantages Arenotavailable insomeareas Generallydonotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficulttodissolve especiallyincoldwater Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonateasaningredient may causeharmfi d limestone deposits onclothesandwasherwhe...

Страница 14: ...s Calgon brandwithphosphate Goodmu pradkes may delay Ih n ne danlag e to ck thes Thefollowingrecommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto 150 F forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashin coolerwaterto...

Страница 15: ...or normalconditions but forbest results putitnexttotheagitator aftertheclotheshavebeenloaded If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well prediss olve thedetergentin hotwater thenpourdirectlyinto thewashbasket Waterl kvelSetting Water Extra Mini Hardness Large Large Medium Small Basket VERY I LMU3 2 cups 1 cups 1 cups 1 cups 1 cup High dsing 020 Gr Powderme HARD 4 10Cir 1 cups 1 4cups 1 4cups cup hcup SOF...

Страница 16: ...ardwater If youhave HARDwater lessthan10grains andyouusephosphatedetergent youalsohavenoproblem But ifyouhavemorethan10 grains youwillneedtosoftenyour walerwitheither L Aninstalledwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseofapa agedwater softener For information cmwater Smxmrs seeguidebelow Add thismuchwater Mlftener with am water b d Gains of hardness I 0 10 I 1O L5I 15 20 I 20 25 I 25 30 I over30 When...

Страница 17: ...achabove WATERSCMTENER Non precipitating Followpackagedirections Suspends hardnessmineralsinsolution keeping suchasCalgonbrand Addatstartofwashcycle waterclear Precipitating suchas Followpackagedirections Combineswithwaterhardnessmineralstoformprecipitate Boraxbrand TJsewithdetergentor soapinwashcycle whichgivescloudyor milkyappearancetowater SOAKAGENT SuchasBizbrand Followpackage directions PRETR...

Страница 18: ...nderin washer The Caseof the vk3ible9 Wain Foodor cookingoilsonyour syntheticgarmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedinthewash theoilyspots maypickupdirtfromthewash water Thentheywillbecomevery visibleandyoumaythinktheywere causedbythewashcycleitself Oncethesespotsbecomevisible howcanyouremovet...

Страница 19: ...aner Apply undiluted liquiddetergent Oldstains bleachaccording toStain Removal Hintonoppositepage Soften withoil lardor Vaseline thenspongewithturpentineor bananaoil Launderinwarmwater Applyundilutedliquiddetergentandlaunderinwarmwater If colorhaschangedyoumaybeabletorestoreitbytreatingwith ammonia orvinegarY Ifanystainremains treatwithsafedry cleaning fluid orbleachaccording toStainRemoval Hinton...

Страница 20: ...emswith correctwaterlevel Toomuchbleach Usecorrectamountofbleachaccordingtopackagedirections Not enoughdetergenttoholdlintinsuspensionduringwashcycle Increaseamountof detergent Seepage15 j Incorrect useoffabricsoftener Ifusedinwashcycle softenersmayreactwith detergenttocreateawhitedeposit Usesoftenersin rinsecycleonlyunlesspackage specifiesaddingtowashcycle Jse FabricSoftenerDispenser Seepage8 Pil...

Страница 21: ...ommended amountofdetergent Useof soapinhardwater Switih toapho phate detergent orfollowsixsteps describedabove Washingtoolong mayresultinincreasedsoildeposition Us eshorterwashtimesfor smallerloads Detergentdissolvqs tooslowly Det rgent must bepresent inthewashsolutiogatthe startofagitaticin Seepage15 Torestoregrayedclothes followoneoftheseprocedures 1 2 3 4 Putcltithesinwasher FillwithHOI water C...

Страница 22: ...dilutebeforeaddingtorinsewater DilutesoftenerbeforefillingyourFabric SoftenerDispenser Seepage8 Also donotliftlidduringspin Thismaycause improperdispensing resultingin stains TOremovestains dampenstain areaandrub withundilutedliquiddetergent Re wash usingchlorinebleachif safeforfabric W RINKAGE Somefabricswillshrinkwhetherwashedina washeror byhand othersmaybe safely GENERAL washedbutwillshrinkina ...

Страница 23: ... TO remove wtiMw L Retumble on Permanent Press setting 2 Rerinse anddryon permanent Press setting 3 Ifunsuccessfd retumble onhighheatforW X2 minutes andhangimmediately 4 koncarefully 5 Sendtodrycleaners forpressing 6 Some wrinkles mayremain which cannot beremoved SNAGS HOLES Pinsongarmentsor sharpobjectsleftinpockets Checktomakesureallsuchobjects TEARS R13 s OR areremoved AJsocheckwashtub EXCESSIV...

Страница 24: ......

Страница 25: ...asthemotor stopsandthe spinbrakeinsidethetransmission locksin7 Thissoundisnormal Heavilyunbalancedloadscancausethewashertovibrateexcessively duringspin andmaycauseit tomovefromitsoriginalposition In extremecases usuallyoccurs whenwashinga single heavyitemor a smallloadwhenwaterlevelissethigherthan necessary the spinbasketmaystriketheoutertub creatingaloud butharmlessnoise TOcorrect openthelid andr...

Страница 26: ...eanylintthat mayhaveaccumulated Notools areneeded simplygraspagitator withbothhandsandpullstraight up sharply Theslottedsectionat thetopofthemetalshafthasa light coatingoflubricanttopreventparts stickingtogether If thisarea appearstobe dry applya Iightcoat ofgreaseor petroleumjelly around theslottedsectionoftheshaft beforereplacingtheagitator Do notovergrease Excessgreasemay getintoclothesload Soa...

Страница 27: ...rfurtherhelp FIRST contact the peoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 F ALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illi...

Страница 28: ...ers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRIC XNVIPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACKWIY SERVICE GENERAL ELEHRK2 l 10TPOMT FACT3RYSERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRIC YJSTQMER CARP SERVICE WHATs Nm COVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your fuse andCkm material If you then have any questions about operating th...
