GE WWA8340G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 7

Содержание WWA8340G

Страница 1: ... Additives 13 17 Energy Swing Tips 10 FabricSoftenerDispenser 8 Filter FloPan 4 HardWater 16 LimestoneDeposits 14 26 Loading 12 Mini BasketTh Tub 9 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Moving Vacation Tips 26 C erating theWdsher 4 5 Pre Treating 7 8 11 ProblemSolver 20 25 RepairService 27 fctyInstructions 3 4 SortingClothes 11 Stains 18 StainRemovalGuide 1 UserMaintenanceInstructions 26 Wrranty Back Cover L c ...

Страница 2: ...thatyoucan correctyourself Writi down themodel M Mll serialnumbem You ll findthemonalabelonthe lowerleftsidenearthefront Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourwasher Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here Model Number SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourwasher ToobtainHispanicversionof thisbook ...

Страница 3: ...eebemical action within your water heater andthegasemi accumulate inthewater heater and or water pipes ifhotwater has notbeen used foraperiod oftwo weeks orionger mwmuwAs CMBEEW S UNDER THESE631WMSTN Soto prevent thepossibitityofdamage orinjury ifyouhave notusedhot water fortwoweeks ormore or move intoaresidence inwhich the hotwater system maynothave beenusedforsmne time turnon allhotwater faucets...

Страница 4: 12formoreloading inf wnlatiOn PositionFilter Flopanon agitatorandaddmeasuredamount ofdetergent Seepages13through 17forinformationondetergen andotherlaundryadditives N E Do notusetheFilter Flo panasa washbasket Donotput anyitemstobewashedinthe Filter Flopan Seepage8forinformationon howtouseBleachandFabric SoftenerDispensers For informationonbleachesandfabric softeners seepage170 Closelid washerw...

Страница 5: ...nded cool down sprayrinseisprovided tominimize wrinkling PE M PRESS 1 N TsSynthetics q Cycles 4 OFF Fkg 3f I Synthetics Regular Cycle with Extra Rinse TOM Lx _ 23 11 7 2 24 20 42 37 rime REGULAR f3 Kx E Wrrf i EXTRARIPR E Emmodemfabricswithheavy oroilysoil Asecondrimeis provided tohelpremove the additiomd detergent that srequired forthesesoils EkepageH SOAKSETTING Usewithmostsoakingaidsto loosenem...

Страница 6: ... Cycle Perm PressSetting Normalor LightSoilSetting depending onamountofsoil I lot RegularCycle BabyC othes Sturdy suchas Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets coven ails Normal Perm PressSetting Synthetics Cycle BabyClothes Delicate Gentle Warm LightSoilSetting BIankets Wool Part Wool Cotton 5 min soak thenNormai Warm RegularCycle LightSoilSetting RegularCycle Blankc Synthetic E...

Страница 7: ...wns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersinacovered pailofcold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateem brand Nobleach Whiteor colorfast liquidchlorinetype Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dohand knit garments byhandorinMini Baskettub Seepage9 Fillwasher adddetergent allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanketat atime Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent Onelectricblanket sewastrongpiec...

Страница 8: ...rwill automatically bedispensedatthe propertime Donotstopthewasherchrhqg thefirstspin Thiswillcausethe dispenserto emptytoosoon WhenusingFabricSoftener DispenserwiththeMini Basket tub useone 1 teaspoon 5ml of concentratedsofieneror one 1 tablespoon 15ml ofdiluted softener Do not use theFabric Softener Dispenserwith the Soak Setting SOAK settingtemperature is controlled bytheRinsetemperature switch...

Страница 9: ...1 3CUP 60tO80ml detergentintoFilter Flopan 6 Addbleach if desired Measure carefullyandpourrecommended amountofliquidbleach 1 4 cup 60ml directlyintothebleach dispenser Seepage8fordispenser instructions 7 Addfabricsoftener ifdesired Pour1teaspoon 5ml of concentratedsofteneror 1 tablespoon 15ml ofdiluted softenerintoFabricSofiener Dispenseron Filter Flopan See page8 fordispenserinstructions speciali...

Страница 10: setting onyourwasher temperatures approximately 90 to MI F or handcomfortable Ifyounotice thatsoilhasaccumulated after severalconsecutive washings use HotWashoccasionally ifsafe forfabrics Tryto washlessoften Save articlesofthesametypeoffabric untilyouhavea fullload If YOU must washsmallerloads adjusttheamountofwater Small loadsshouldhavelowerwaterlevels Washinoff peakutilityhours Yourlocalutil...

Страница 11: ...tcuffs zipzippers snapimps hooks andbuttons Doanynecessary mending rips hems tears Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilorstain Remove stains ForSTAIN REMOVAL GUIDE SEEPAGE 190 TurnPolyKnitsinside out to minimize fabricsurfacedamage Regular CyclewithExtra Rinse SpecialModernFabricCyclesfor removable heavyandoilysoils Seepage5 forinstructions Seepage6 ControlsSetting Guide _ _ iiiiir _ Seepage20 ThePro...

Страница 12: ...asherstopsandhang immediately reachingthe ClothesRetaining Ring showsa properload Clothes haveampleroomto movebecause theyarenotpackeddown nor wrappedaroundtheagitator Clothesareloadeddrysincewet itemsare aptto packdownwhich encouragesoverloading Thissize loadrequiresa fullwaterfill TO minimizewridding Use GentleWash Spin Speed Whatisthebestsizeloadof clothes large rmedimn7 or smali Savetime energ...

Страница 13: ...hosphate types Cleanssynthetics andfabric blendswell Areexcellentasconcentrates forremovingspots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Arcnotavailable inscime areas c Generally donotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficulttodissolve especially incoldwater Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonateasaningredient may causeharmfullimestone deposits onclothesandwasher...

Страница 14: ...Od washingpractices may delayIin me damage to clothes Thefollowing recommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto 150 F forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincoolerwaterto saveenergy usemoredetergen...

Страница 15: ...ashtemperature 5 Lowphosphate detergent Usingtoolittledetergent is acommoncauseoflaundry problems Always measure detergent in a standard measuringcup How toWedetergent gmnular orpowdered Placedetergent inthefikerpanfor normalcondition but forbest results putitnexttotheagitator aftertheclotheshavebeenloaded Ifyourdetergent doesn t dissolve well predissolve thedetergent in hotwater thenpourdirectlyi...

Страница 16: ...ave HARDwater lessthan10grains andyouusephosphate detergent youalsohavenoproblem But ifyouhavemorethan10 grains youwillneedtosoftenyour waterwitheither L Aninstalledwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseofapackaged water sofiener Forinformation onwater softeners seeguidebelow Addthismuch water softener witha M water level Grainsof hardness o lo 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over30 Whenusing hcup 2 cup cup...

Страница 17: ...ruses See under Bleach above ATER SOFTENER Jon precipitating Follow package directions Suspends hardness minerals insolution keeping uchasCalgonbrand Addatstartofwashcycle waterclear rccipitating suchas Followpackagedirections Combines withwaterhardnessmineralstoformprecipitate Ioraxbrand Usewithdetergentor soapinwashcycle whichgivescloudyormilkyappearance towater SOAK AGENT Suchas Bizbrand Follow...

Страница 18: ...esand launderinwasher TheCaseofthe gInvisible Stain Foodor cookingoilsonyour synthetic garmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedinthewash theoilyspots maypickupdirtfromthewash water Thentheywi lbecomevery visibleandyoumaythinktheywere causedbythewashcycleitself Oncethesespotsbecomevisible howcan...

Страница 19: ...ntonoppositepage launder Coloring I Grass Foliage Flowers Applyundilutedliquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots Mildew Scorch whiletheyarefresh beforemoldhasa chancetoweakenfabric If eithertypestainremains bleachaccordingtoStainRemoval Hint onoppositepage launder Severescorchcannotbe removed Ink Ballpoint Freshstains Placestainfacedownonanabsorbenttoweland spongewithdrycleaningfluid or usespraycl...

Страница 20: ...mswith correctwaterlevel Toomuchbleach Usecomectamountofbleachaccording topackage directions Not enoughdetergent toholdlintinsuspension duringwashcycle Increaseamountof detergent Seepage15 0ficorrectuseoffabricsofiener Ifusedinwashcycle softeners mayreactwith detergent tocreateawhitedeposit Usesofteners inrinsecycleonlyunlesspackage specifiesaddingtowashcycle UseFabricSoftener Dispenser Seepage8 P...

Страница 21: ... twicetherecommended amountofdetergent Useofsoapinhardwater Switchtoaphosphate detergent or followsixsteps describedabove Washingtoolongmayresultinincreasedsoildeposition Useshorterwashtimesfor smallerloads Detergentdissolvestooslowly Detergentmustbepresentinthewashsolutionatthe startofagitation Seepage 15 To estore grayedclothes followoneoftheseprocedures 1 Putclothesin washer FillwithHOTwater Ch...

Страница 22: ...everpourfabricsoftenerdirectlyonclothes afways dilutebeforeaddingtorinsewater Dilutesoftener beforefillingyourFabric Softener Dispenser Seepage8 Also donotliftliddufingspin Thismaycause improperdispensing resulting instains Toremoves ins dampenstainedareaandrub withundiluted liquiddetergent Re wash usingchlorinebleachifsafeforfabric e Somefibficsw sti whetherwash ina washerorbyhand othersmaybe saf...

Страница 23: ...ener Properusewifiminim eWrhlkbg Toremovewrinkles 1 2 3 4 5 6 Retumbleon Perm ent fiess setting Rerinseanddryon PermanentPress setting If unsuccessful retumbleonhighheatfor 10 12 minutesandhangimmediately Ironcarefu y t Sendtodrycleanersforpressing Somewri es mayremainwhichcannotberemoved Pinsong arrnents or sharpobjectsleftinpockets Checktomakesureallsuchobjects are removed Alsocheckwashtub Snaps...

Страница 24: ...ispluggedintooutlet Makesurebothhotandcoldfaucetsareturnedon Makesurecontrolsare setandcycleselectorknobispulledouttoONposition Makesurelid isclosed Washerwilliill butwillnotspinor agitatewithlidopen Checkhousefusesor circuitbreakers If anotherapplianceis sharingtheelectrical outlet removeit Washershouldhaveseparateoutlet Makesuretemperatureselectorcontrolsare properlyset Makesurehotandcoldfaucets...

Страница 25: ...riod a the motor sto dthespinbr e insidethetransmission 6 locks i Thi soynd normal Heavilyunlxil d loads cal causethe asher 0 vibra exc sivgly y i spirit andmaycauseit tomovefrpmltsGrigimd position Inextremecases usuallyoccurs whenwashingasingle heavyiternix a smallloadwhenwater Ievdissethigherthan necessary thespinbasketmaystriketheoutertubY creatinga loudbutharm16ss noise Tocorrect openthelidand...

Страница 26: ...ayhaveaccumulated Notools areneeded simplygraspagitator withbothhandsandpullstraight UPsharply Theslottedsectionat tfietopb themetalshafihasalight coatingoflubricanttopreventparts stickingtogether If thisarea appearstobedry applyalightcoat ofgreaseorpetroleum jellyaround theslottedsectionoftheshaft beforereplacingtheagitator Do notovergrease Excessgreasemay getintoclothesload Whenreplacingtheagita...

Страница 27: ...rfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illino...

Страница 28: ...r YeiiowPages of your teiephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRiC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRiC t fOTPOiNT FACTORYSERViCE or GENERAL ELECTRiCCUSTOMER CARE SERViCE WHATIS Nm COVERED o Service trips to your home to teach you how to usethe product Read your Useand Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product piease contact your dealer or our Consume...
