GE WWA8072 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 16

Содержание WWA8072

Страница 1: ...flL Setingthe controls p4 Bleach and Fabtic Softener Dispensers p UshgtheMhi BaskeP tub p9 Ener saving tips plo Sorting andIoadng Jy choosing detergenE pl Swnremoval p18 Save timeand money Before youcd forsemice usetheProblem Solver p20 220Volt so Hertz yJ ...

Страница 2: ...6 1 7 EImvtoremovestains 18 W E 3blernsolving 20 25 HelpU S It isintendedto h lp you operate You llfind them on a label on the and maintainyour newwasher lowerleft sidenear the front properly Please write these numbers here Keepit handy for answersto your questions LJserrnaintemmce instructions 26 2 Model No SerialNo Usethese numbers in any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyour washer Myou ...

Страница 3: ...dryer during operation HYDROGEN GAS isproduced by the chemicalaction withinyour water heater and the gascan accu mulatein the water heaterand or water pipesif hot waterhas not been used for a period of two weeksor longer HYDROGEN GAS CAN BEEXPLOSIVE UNDER THESE CIRCUM STANCES So to preventthe possibilityof damageor injury if you have not usedhot water for two weeksor more or moveinto a residencein...

Страница 4: a good placeto put the pan whileloading or unloading clothes Do not use Mini Baskettub when washingregularIoads You llfind completedetailson how and when to usethe Mini Basket tub cmpage 9 Load clothesinto the wash basketbeingcareful not to over kwl Clothesshould be Mow the r tajnjng xing Seepage 12for moreloadinginformation Position Filtm Flopan on agita i5r and add measured amount of fj f c g...

Страница 5: ...dsoilsand stains Regular cycle O F Q Lwl son t 1 wFAv What Happens inEach SWng ApproximateMinutes Regular Penn Press Cycle Selector Heavy Normal Light Soil Soak Sturdy Delicate Settings Wash 19 15 6 10 4 Spin 3 31 31 2VZ 21 2 Rinse 3 3 3 3 3 31 z Spin 7 7 7 7 4 4 Total Time 35 31 22 11 22Y2 16V 2 Noms III Total time includespausesbetweeneach phaseof cycle Totaltime does rzo includewater filltime F...

Страница 6: ... Gentle Gentle Gentle Normal Gentle 5 min soak then Normal 5 min soak then Normal Gentle Gentle Normal Normal Gentle Gentle wash water Temperature Hot or Warm Warmor Cold Hot Hot or Warm Hot Warm Warm Warm Warm Warm Warm Hot Warm Warm Warm Hot or Warm Hot or Warm Hot or Warm Cold or Warm Warm Warm cycle FAMion Regular Normalor LightSoilSetting Regular Normalor LightSoilSetting Regular Normal for s...

Страница 7: ...erand conditioningagentlikeBorateembrarld chlorinetype A Youmaypreferto usea mildtypedetergent Do hand knitgarmentsby hand or in Mini Basket tub Seepage9 Fillwasher add detergent allowto dissolvebeforeaddingblanket Do oneblanketat a time Pre treat heavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent On electricblanket sewa strongpieceof clothoverplugto protectblanketand washerfrom damage Do oneblanketat a time P...

Страница 8: ... The fabric softenerwillauto maticallybe dispensedat the proper time Do not stop the washer during the first spin Thiswillcausethe dispenserto emptytoo soon When usingFabric Softener Dispenserwith the Mini Basket tub use one 1 teaspoon 5 ml of concentratedsofteneror one 1 tablespoon 15ml of diluted softener m mot use the Fabricsoftener Dispenser with the soak setting gular cycle SOAK settingtemper...

Страница 9: the useof a net laundry bagis recommended Here show to usethe Mini Basket tub RemoveFilter Flopan PlaceMini Baskettub on agitator Pull the agitator toward the front of the machinefor easier installatiofiand removalof Mini Baskettub Load clothesin Mini Baskettub Seepage 11for sortinghelp After loadingclothesin the Mini Baskettub besuretoreplacethe Fi ter F o pan The pan servesas a lid to keepth...

Страница 10: ...mallerloads adjust the amount of water Small Ioadsshouldhavelowerwater levels 5 Washin off peak utilityhours Yourlocalutilitycan tellyou whichare the off peak hours 6 Useyour washer sNormal Spin Thiswillremovemore water duringspin whichwillshorten dryingcycleto savemore energy Youcan usethe Normal Spinin placeof the GentleSpinusually recommendedfor Permanent Press items The dryingwill removeany wr...

Страница 11: ...pers snap snaps hook hooks and button buttons Do any necessaryrnending rips hems tears Checkallitemsfor areas of heavysoilor stain Removestains FOR STAIN REMOVALCHART SEE PAGES 18and 19 Turn Poly Knitsinside outto minimizefabric surfacedamage soaking Pre4m mRg agood way hkuwn deep soils and Sttains A thorough soakingwith detergent or specialsoakingagentisan ex cellentwayto removeheavysoils embedde...

Страница 12: ...y adjustingthe water levelfor the sizeof the load See page 4 Special recommendations for washing permanent press ifYOU do not hwe a dryer If youare machine washing Permanent Press clothesthat you plan to line dry or drip dry use extracareto minimizewrinklingin the washprocess Becarefulnot to overload washer Permanent Press clothes must haveample room to move freely A MediumsizePermanent Press load...

Страница 13: ... types Cleansyntheticsand fabric blendswell Are excellentas concentrates for removingspots Completelydissolveevenin cold water Perform wellin soft water Are not availablein some areas Generallydo not cleanwellin hard water May be difficultto dissolve especiallyin coldwater Shouldnotbe usedin cold water Thosecontainingsodium carbonate as an ingredientmay causeharmful limestone depositson clothesand...

Страница 14: ...brand with phosphate mod washing practices may way Wm stone hmMge to CMhes The fol owingrecommendations willtemporarily delaythe effects of limestoneon your clothes Theseare generallygood washing practicesand willgivebetter soil removalwhether or not you have hard water or use carbonate detergent Usehotter washwater for exampleup to 150 for cottons Thisalso improvesoily soil removal If you wash in...

Страница 15: ...en pour directlyinto the washbasket Usingtoo littledetergentisa corn moniause of laundry problems Alwaysmeasuredetergentin a standard measuringcup Rmm mended amount d detergentform w ge soil had 1 I I Water Level Settina I Water Hardness Extra Large Medium Small Mini Large Basket 01 I HARD 2 cups 1 cups 11 2 cups 1VI cups 3 cup I High kdsing 10 20 Gr 480 ml 420 ml 360 ml 300 ml 80 ml Powder Type H...

Страница 16: ...RD 20grainsand over EXTREMELY HARD But if youhavemorethan 10 grains youwillneedto softenyour waterwitheither 1 An installedwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseof a packagedwater softener For information on water softeners seechart below Add this much watersoftenerwitha W waterBevel Grains of hardness o 1o 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over 30 When using o 4 cup 1 2 cup 2 3 cup 1cup 1 cup plus 1 tbs for ...

Страница 17: ...ot be chlorinebleachedsuchas 100VO cotton flame retardant children ssleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilutebleach before usingon any fabric 3 CheckManufacturers Care Labelsfor special instructions 1 Maybe usedon all kindsof fabrics 2 Is mosteffectivein hot water 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyand soft 2 Reducesstatic electricity 3 Usecarefully Toomuchmay causestainingon somec...

Страница 18: ...dirt from the wash ater Then theywillbecomevery isible and you r nay think theywere causedby the wash cycleitself once these spots beume VisibleJ how can you remove them Rub in undiluted liquid cie ergent and let stand 30 minutes Rewashusinghottest waterthe fabriccan stand How can you prevent these llfteT YOti WaSh stains s Increasethe amount of detergent ilol md UX Q ncrease water temperature I h...

Страница 19: ...s bleachaccordingto Stain RemovalHint on opposite page Soften withoil lard or Vaseline then spongewithturpentine or banana oil Launder in warmwater Apply undiluted liquid detergentand launder in warm water If color has changedyou may be ableto restore it by treating withammonia or vinegar Jf any stain remains treat with safe dry cleaningfluid or bleachaccordingto Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage ...

Страница 20: 15 Overloadingwillcauseabrasion whichcreatesexcessivelint Washfeweritemswith correctwater level Too much bkach Use correctamount of bleachaccordingto packagedirections Not enough detergentto hold lint in suspensionduring wash cycle Increaseamount of detergent Seepage 15 Incorrectuse of fabric softener If usedin wash cycle softeners may react with detergentto createa whitedeposit Use softeners i...

Страница 21: ...ya 30 minute soak issufficient However whenusingextendedsoaks for heavily soiledgarmentsyou mayneed to usetwicethe recommended amount of detergent Use of soap in hard water Switchto a phosphate detergent or followsixstepsdescribedabove Washingtoo longmay resultin increasedsoildeposition Use shorter washtimesfor smallerloads o Detergentdissolvestoo slowly Detergentmust be presentin the wash solutio...

Страница 22: ...indamagecan occur do not usein the washer usea plasticcontainer Improper useof fabric softener Neverpour fabric softener directlyon clothes a ways dilutebeforeaddingto rinsewater Dilute softener before fillingyour Fabric SoftenerDispenser Seepage 8 Also do not lift lid duringspin Thismay causeimproper dispensing resulting in stains To removestains dampen stainedarea and rub with undilutedliquiddet...

Страница 23: ...To removewrinkies 1 2 3 4 5 6 Retumbleon Permanent Press setting Rerinseand dry on Permanent Press setting If unsuccessful retumbleon highheat for 10 12 minutesand hang immediately Iron carefully Sendto drycleanersfor pressing Somewrinklesmay remainwhichcannot be removed Pins on garmentsor sharp objectsleftin pockets Checkto makesure a lsuch objectsare removed Also checkwashtub Snaps hooks sharp b...

Страница 24: ...mosphere Thisisinevitable and is not causedby washer Slowprocessby washingon Gentle Wash Spin Speed Toolargeloads or too littlewater Load washeronlywithnumber of item that willmovefreely Selectcorrectwater level Pre treat withliquiddetergent o Im S Make surecord ispluggedinto outlet Makesureboth hot and cold faucetsare turned on Make surecontrolsare set and CycleSelectorKnob ispulledout to ON posi...

Страница 25: ...heard at the end of each spin period as the motor stops and the spin brake insidethe transmission locks in This sound is normal Heavilyunbalanced loads can causethe washerto vibrate excessively during spin and may causeit to move from its original position In extremecases usuallyoccurswhenwashinga single heavyitem or a smallload when water levelis set higherthan necessary the spin basket may strik...

Страница 26: ...etrckm Jelly meActivator agitator Removeat regularintervals about 4 to 6 months andremove any lint that may haveaccumu lated No tools are needed simply grasp agitator with both handsand pull straightup sharply The slotted sectionat the top of the metal shaft has a lightcoatingof lubricant to preventparts sticking together If this area appears to be dry applya lightcoat of greaseor Petroleum Jellya...

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