GE WMXR3080T Скачать руководство пользователя страница 15

Содержание WMXR3080T

Страница 1: ...ratingInstructions TheControlson YourWasher OtherWasherFeatures Careof Product SpecializedFabric Guide Preparingto Wash StainRemovalGuide If SomethingGoesWrong Before YouCall ForService GESewice Numbers Warran Back Cover GEAnswer Center 800 626 2000 GE Appi ances ...

Страница 2: ...lnumber Serial number Dateofpurchase Helpus helpyou 800 626 2000 Before you callfor service thereare afew thingsyou can do to help usseineyou better Readthis manua Itcontains instructionsto help you use and maintainyour washerproperly Savetimeandmoney Check the section titled If SomethingGoes Wrong before calling This sectionwasdesigned to solve common problems you might encounter Ifyou do need se...

Страница 3: ...aof alloccupants the gassupplier 4 hmediately callyour gas supplierfrom aneighbor s phone Folfowthe aS supplier stistructions 5 If y ukannotreachyour gas supplier cdl me fire department 4 f 2 A Wate HeaterSa e Under certainconditions If the hot waterhasnot been used hydrogen gasmaybe produced for W6 weeksor more preventthe in awaterheaterthathasnot been possibilityof damage or inju by usedfor twow...

Страница 4: ...hen the washerisnot in use to relieve pressureon hosesand valvesand to minimizeleakageif a hose or valveshould breakor rupture Do not repairor replace any partof the appliance or attempt anyservicingunlessspecifically recommended in thisOwner s Manualor in published user repairinstructionsthatyou understandand havethe skills to carryout men disconnecting this appliance pull by the plug rather than...

Страница 5: ...these substancesto thewashwater Do not use thesesubstances around yourwasherand or dryerduring operation The laundryprocess can reduce the flame retardancyof fabrics To avoid sucha result the garmentmanufacturer scare instructionsshould be followed verycarefully Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acidssuch asvinegar and or rustremover Mixingcan produce a toxic gaswhich may causedeath Never...

Страница 6: ...tatorduring waterlevel For the bestresults selecta size thewashand thebasketduringspin appropriatefor the load you arewashing WiththeNormalwashspeed theagitatormoves faster Usefor cottons denimsandplayclothes WiththeGentlewashspeed theagi tor moves slower Usefor delicateandknititems The Fastspinspeed isfor durable items The Slowspinspeed isfor delicateitems likesweaters and lingerie Clotheswillbe ...

Страница 7: ...generalguide Wash Rinse Temperature Guide wash rinse temperature temperature cold cold I warm warm Warmwataris approximately N E tollOOE handcomfotiable M DELICATES Forhgerie andspecid carefabrim with fight to nomd soil SOAK Forheatiysoiledclothes that needtobesoaked beforewashing POWER WASH Forheatiysotied and hea dutyfabri This qcle protides alonger agitation A SelectingQcle Stafling Washer Push...

Страница 8: ...epowdered bleach pour it into thewash basketwithyour detergent NOTE Pour liquidbleachinto bleach dispenser 1 2 3 Check clothing care labelsfor specialinstructions Measureliquid bleach carefully following instructionson bottle Beforestarting thewasher pour measuredamount of bleach directlyinto bleach dispenser Avoid splashingor over filling dispenser Neverpour undilutedliquid chlorine bleachdirectl...

Страница 9: ...dispenserfor liquid fabric sofieners If dispensergefsclogged see Cleaningsecfionbelow Do not pour anything into the agitator if the top is removed f Remove the dispenserfrom the top of the agitator Separate for cleaning Separatethedispensercup from thecoverbygraspingthetop and pushingdownon theinsideof the cupwithyourfingers Dispenser cupwillpop freefrom thecover To cleandispenser soakboth the dis...

Страница 10: ...ottonsand blends Syntheticand poly knits Delicates Separatelint producersfrom lint collectors Lintproducers terrycloth and chenille Lintcollectors velveteenand corduroy SOH by soil Light Medium o Heavy Non colwfatfatics maybleed wfade SW individualcalm Alwaysadd detergentbefore Usingtoo littledetergentis adding clothesso thatthe deter a common causeof laundry gent canworkeffectively problems Usemo...

Страница 11: ...ds etc in your washe Leavethe lid open afterwashing m to allowmoistureto evaporate The washbasketispracticallycarefree If you wantto clean the basketuse a clean softcloth dampened with liquid detergent then rinse Do not useharshor grittycleaners To rinse 1 Choose thelargestload size 2 Turn the Cycleknob to any rinsesetting 3 Startwasher Fi ffoses Hoses connectingwash er to faucetshould everyfiveye...

Страница 12: ...fore washingcheck pillowsfor weakseamsor holes and mend Let thewasherfillwithwaterand add detergent Letthewasher agitatefor severalminutesand thenadd pillowsin pairs This willkeep theload balanced Use the largestload water level available Bidets Letthewasherfill withwater add detergent allowdetergentto dissolve thenadd blanket Washonly one blanketata time Electic Bltiets Sewa swongpiece of cloth o...

Страница 13: ...model does not havea soakcycleyou can To removestainson whiteor stillsoakbyallowingthewasherto bleachable fabrics trysoakingthe fillandagitatefor afewminutesto stainedareain a containerfor five help loosensoils Thenpushin the minutesin thefollowing solution Cycleknob to stopthewasher and thenlaunderin thewasher keeplid closed andallowto 1US gallon 3 8Ijters cool water soak Don t leaveyourlaundry 1...

Страница 14: ...erature Washsynthetics often Stain White and Bleachable Fabrics Other WashableFabrics Rub withice or immerseinverycold water Sameaswhiteand bleachable Use dull tool to careful smape offas much fabrics adhesive or wm bossibk Rub the stainwith undiluted iauidheter ent Rinsewell thenwashas usual Applyundiluted liquiddetergent Rinse Sameaswhiteandbleachable Ifstain remains usetheBleachSolution fabrics...

Страница 15: ... Bleach non chlorine bleach launder Solution launder Severescorch stainscan Old mildewcannotbe removed seldom be removed Scorchcanseldombe removed Freshstains Placestainface down on an Sameaswhiteand bleachable absorbenttoweland use a spraycleaner fabricsexcept launderusing Rinsewell thenwashasusual Old stains non chlorine bleach Use the BleachSolution launder Soakstainin cool water If srdinremain...

Страница 16: ...operly connected makesurehosesare connected to c orrect faucets Water dw smeens are Turn off thewatersourceand remove the stopped up waterconnectionhosesfrom theupperback of thewasher Use abrushor toothpickto cleanthescreensin themachine Reconnect the hosesand turnthewaterbackon Housewater heater isnotset Makesurehouse waterheaterisdelivering properly waterat 120 F 1500F 48 C 650C Drain hoseiskink...

Страница 17: ...lected Makesurethe cycle selectedmatchesthe load you arewashing This isnormal forsomefabrics Separatelintproducersfrom lintcollectors Washing toolong Washsmallloadsfor a shortertimethan largerloads Detergent notdissolving For bestperformance alwaysadd detergent before adding clothes If you use powdered detergent pre dissolvedetergentin hot waterbefore adding to washer Trya liquid detergent Usewarm...

Страница 18: ...ns beltbuc es Remove loose itemslikepins objectsin zippers andsharp objects pocketsand sharpbuttons Turn knits whichsnageasily insideout UntiutedcMorine bleach e Check bleach packageinstructionsfor proper amount Neveradd undilutedbleach towashor allowclothesto come in contactwith undilutedbleach Sm tears orholes Repairtearsand holes before washing present beforewash emicds Me hairbleach Rinseitems...

Страница 19: ...sher isoverloaded MakesureLoad SizeSelectormatches load size Soaktimeistoo short Soakatleast30 minutes Soaking with toofitiedetergent Usemore detergent especiallywith heavysoil Detergent isnotdissoltig Add detergentaswashbasketfillswith waterbefore you load clothes Torestore Grayed Clothes Putclothes through awashcycleusinghot tryone of the foflowing water Check thegarment smanufacturing carelabel...

Страница 20: ...casionally To removespotsspreadstainareaoverapan of boiling w terand squeezelemonjuic through the stain kcorrectuseof fabticsoftener Checkfabric softenerpackage for instructions seeFabricSoftener Dispensersection To remove s otsdam en the s ots 1 L and rub withundiluted liquid detergent Rewash usingchlorine bleach if itissafe for thefabric Typeof detergent Switchto a lowersudsingdetergentbrand and...

Страница 21: ...Notes 21 ...

Страница 22: ...led ata time that sconve out somostrepairscan be han nientfor you ManyGEConsumer died injust one visit Servicecompany perated loca tionsoffer you servicetodayor tomorrow or atyour convenience 7 00 a m to 7 00 p m weekdays 9 00 a m to 2 00 p m Saturdays Upon request GEwillprovide Consumerswithimpaired hearing Braillecontrols for avarietyof or speechwho haveaccessto a 800 626 2000 GEappliances and a...

Страница 23: ...sterCard and Discovercards Careandcleaning instructions con tainedin is manualcoverproce duresto be performedbyanyuser Otherservicing genera yshouldbe referredto quafifiedserviceperson nel Cautionmustbe exercised sinceimproperservicing maycause unsafeoperation areaccepted We re proud of our serviceand Finally if your problem isstill wantyou to be pleased If for some not resolved write reasonyou ar...

Страница 24: ...product to theservice shopor for theservicetech nician stravel coststoyourhome Allwarranty service willbe providedby ourFactory Service Centers or byour authorized Customer Care servicers duringnormalworkinghours Shouldyourapplianceneedsemice duringwarranty periodor beyond call800 GE CARES 800432 2737 Servicetripstoyourhometo teachyou Ifyouhaveaninstallation problem howto usetheproduct contactyour...
