– 4 –
7. Inspect all four feet for good condition. If any of
the rubber feet are damaged as in the pictures
below, it can cause front load washer vibration.
8. If installed on a pedestal, con rm all four
washer-to-pedestal bolts are wrench-tight.
Proceed with these checks if front load washer
vibration cannot be adjusted to acceptable levels in
the prior Steps.
1. Inspect for correct basket depth by placing a pen
or pencil as shown in diagram below with the
point touching the basket rim. Manually rotate the
basket a full turn so that the pen/pencil is pushed
forward to the maximum extent. Now, holding
the pen/pencil in place, manually rotate the
basket slowly while looking for the maximum gap
between the basket rim and the point pen/pencil.
Maximum allowable gap is 1/4 inch or less.
2. Check for Washer not bolted to Pedestal or
Pedestal rubber pads left on in error. If found,
advise consumer to correct installation fault.
3. Check that all 4 dampers and both suspension
springs are present, undamaged, and properly
installed. There should be no rust on the steel
part of damper that enters the black plastic part
of damper. Replace damper if defect is found.
4. Check that all counterweight bolts are in place
securing the three counterweights. A loose
weight will cause excessive noise during spin.
5. Enter Test Mode and check for any Error Codes
and con rm no Error Codes. If Error Codes are
found, diagnose and repair per the Service Guide
GE Pub. 31-9135, then retest until no relevant
Error Codes are found.
1. Both the front load washer and pedestal are
made to move. They absorb the energy from
spinning to reduce vibration. If they were rigid,
and did not move, they would hammer the oor
as the basket spins.
2. Top load washers vibrate side-to-side and front-
to-back. Front load washers vibrate up and
down. While accelerating into spin, the legs on
one side push harder on the oor and the other
side push less. This force can be very large. A
load of clothes and the machine together could
weigh 400 to 500 pounds (268 lbs for machine
plus 150 lbs of wet clothes).
3. Front load washers are more ef cient using just
13 gallons of water verses 35 gallons for a top
load machine. Front load machines have shorter
dry times and use less energy. Front load
machines cause less wear on clothes. However,
Front load washers vibrate more in spin. Front
load washers can spin at more than 1000 RPM
verses just 500-600 RPM for top load washers.
4. Below 120 RPM, the front load washer cannot
calculate or adjust to out-of-balance load
conditions. The solution to a slow speed
vibration issue is to adjust or change the load.
It is best to wash similar fabrics in reasonable
amounts for best results.
5. The front load washer must be level for the
dispenser to work properly.
6. Each of the four front load washer legs must
carry approximately equal weight to minimize
movement and vibration.
Four on the oor!
Proceed with Steps 7-8
if Front load
washer vibration and movement cannot be adjusted
to acceptable levels.