GE VG4275 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 41

Содержание VG4275

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Страница 2: ...he ventilationholes Plastic surfaces areeasily scratched and canbe marredby alcoholand various solvents Avoidexcessive useof oil based furniturepolishes sincethe materials usedin the cabinetwill accumulate moredust A nonabrasive antistatic cleaner polisherisrecommended Care and Cleaning VCRPlus and PlusCode are registeredtrademarksof GemstarDevelopment Corporation The VCRPlus systemismanufactured ...

Страница 3: ...ionalSet UpFeatures 17 RemoteVCR1 CR2 Option 17 Auto Play 18 Auto TVA CR 18 EnergySaver 19 FrontPanelBrightness VCRDisplay 19 Preferred TapeSpeed 19 SetAuto Repeat 19 VCR Basics 21 RemoteButtons 22 ComponentButtons 22 VCRFunctionButtons 22 TV FunctionButtons 23 Playinga Tape 24 Recording 25 Recording 27 Recording Features 28 ExpressRecording XPR 28 TimerRecording 29 TimerRecording with VCRPlus Sys...

Страница 4: ...s 44 Reception 44 TapePlayback 45 Gonnections 47 Thingsto Know BeforeConnecting Components 47 Connecting YourVCR 48 Jacksand Cables 48 RFJacksand CoaxialCables F type 48 Audiol ideo Jacksand Cables RCA typ 48 Choosinga VCRConnection 49 Advantages of AudioffideoConnections 49 TV with RFJackOn y 50 TV with Audio ideoJacks 51 TV with Audioffideo Jacksand CableBoxto Unscramble PayChannels On1y 52 Refe...

Страница 5: ...and date your remotecontrol sfeatures workingwith channels and basicvideotape operations areessential to get all you can out of the VCR Onceyou arecomfortablewith these features feelfreeto referto othersectionsbecause they coverthe moredetailedinformation What Remains Thefinalsections of this manualcontain playback and recordinginformation a detailed connections section and a reference sectionincl...

Страница 6: ...e antennaor cable systemand then to your TV usethe VCR sANT lN and OUTTO TV jacksfor a good signalas shown to the right lf you havea TV with AUDIO IDEOjacks usethe jacksfor a betterconnection Referto the section Connections towardthe backof the manual for additional connection options Step 4 Plug in the VCR YourVCR spowercord hasa plasticbandstrungthrough the blades Remove plastic band before plug...

Страница 7: ...alset up asks which language you preferto usefor your VCR Usethe remotecontrol snumberbuttonsto selectoptions Setect a Ianguage Seteccione un idioma Choisissez une Iangue 2 EspaffoI 3 Frangais 1 Press1 for English 2forEspanol Spanish or 3 for Frangais French The remainingmenusthroughoutthe set up will appearin the chosenlanguage Just followthe step by step questionsuntilthe setupis complete contin...

Страница 8: ...ialset up do the following 1 PressMENUto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU VCR MAIN MENU 1 VCR Plus 2 Timer Recordings 3 Time 4 ChanneIs 5 Setup 6 Preferences Z Aud i o 2 Press8 to displaythe LANGUAGE menu LANGUAGE Setect a Ianguage 2 EspafioI 3 Frangais Press I 4ENUto conti nue 3 Press1 for English 2 for Espanol Spanish or 3 for Frangais French All otheron screen menusareworkedin similarways usingthe remot...

Страница 9: ...ngea menu refer to this section Language CableBox Set Up VCRChannels List AutoChannelSearch Auto Clock alsosetstime zoneand Daylight Saving Tme or ManualClockSet VCRPlus Channels List RemoteVCRl CR2 Auto Play EnergySaver FrontPanelBrightness Preferred TapeSpeed Features which are NOT handled during the VCR sQuickSet initial setup and must be set manually 2 SETTINGUPTHEVCR V V V V V V V 7 ...

Страница 10: complete all on screen displayswill appearin that language 1 On your remotecontrol pressthe MENU buttonto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 VCR MAIN MENU VCR PLus Timer Recordings I I me ChanneIs Setup Preferences 2 Press8 to selectthe LANGUAGEmenu LANGUAGE Setect a Ianguage spanoI 3 Franga is Press l lENU to cont i nue Press1 for English 2for Espafrol Spanish or 3 for Frangais French An ar...

Страница 11: ...nnels enterthe outputchannel of your cablebox usually03 or 04 or pressthe INPUT buttonon the VCR sremoteto selectthe VCR svideo inputchannelif you usedthe AUDIOI IDEO jacks Choosing the RightSetupfor YourCableBox lf you use your cablebox to receive ALL channels enter two numbers for the output channelof your cable box or pressINPUTif you connect your cablebox with AUDIO VIDEO jacks Only SOMEchanne...

Страница 12: ...eletesome channelsdependingon whetherthey areactive Auto Channel Search 1 PressMENUto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU 2 Press4 to displaythe CHANNELS menu CHANNELS 2 Add Remove Channets 3 SignaL Type CABLE 4 VCR PLus ChanneL List 5 Cabl e Box Setup U EXlI 3 Press 1to display theAUTOCHANNEL SEARCH menu AUTO CHANNEL SEARCH v lhat type of signaI ane you using l CabLe TV 2 Antenna 0 CanceI 4 Selectone of the ...

Страница 13: of the channelshave weaksignalsor you don twant to watchthem 1 PressMENUto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU 2 Press4 to displaythe CHANNELS menu 3 Press2 to displaythe ADD REMOVE CHANNELS screen UseCHANup or down or numberbuttonsto go to the channels to be removedor added Auto ChannelSearch Usethe Auto ChannelSearch featureto placeall available channelsin memory lf you ever changecableor antenna signals...

Страница 14: ...the clockusingthe Coordinated Universal Time Thereare certainstepsthat are required suchas Auto Channel Search settingthe TlmeZone and DaylightSavingfeature beforethe Auto Clockfeatureworks Setting the Time Zone 1 PressMENUon the remoteto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU VCR MAIN I IENU 1 VCR Pl us 4 Channets 5 Setup 6 Preferences 7 Audio 8 Language 0 Exit 2 Press3 to displayTIMEmenu TIME 1 Set Time and Da...

Страница 15: ...4 Selectone of the options DSTis the acronymfor DaylightSavingTime lf you choseAUTOMATIC the VCRsetsthe clockusing the DSTinformationbroadcast in the signal channel Setting Time and Date Manually lf the Auto ClockSetwas unsuccessful setthe clock throughthe menu option TheAuto ClockSetfeatureis set to OFFautomatically when you setthe clockthis way 1 PressMENUto displaythe VCRMAIN MENU Auto Clock In...

Страница 16: ...dfollow the on screen directions SET TII IE AND DATE Ti me 12 34 P 4 Date 11 18199 Thursday Press CLEAR to correct Press I ENU to set Spring Forward FallBack ln the Spring Daylight SavingTime begins on the first Sundayin April Becausethe clock automatacally changesfrom 2 00AM to 3 00AM forward one hour remember to includethe extra hour for timer recordingfalling within this time frame In the Autum...

Страница 17: ...gistered trademarks of GemstarDevelopment Corporation TheVCRPtus Svstemis manufactured underthelicensefrom GemstarDevelopment Coryoration Two DigitVCRPlus SYstem ChannelNumbersfor CableTV CanadianList 35 American Movie Classics 39 Arts Entertainment 57 Black Entertainment 54 Bravo 42 Cable News Network 45 Cinemax 98 Cinemax 2 37 The Discovery Channel 53 The Disney Channel 63 Entertainment Televisi...

Страница 18: Home Shopping Network 56 Canal Famille 69 Cathaylnternational Television Inc 68 Chinavision Canada Corp 60 Country Music Television 63 Family Channel 62 First Choice 96 First Choice Two 97 First Choice Three 99 First Choice Four 90 House of Commons 91 La Chaine Francaise 51 The Learning Channel 65 MeteoMedia TheWeather Network 48 MuchMusic Network 55 MusiquePlus 52 Nashville Network 73 Newsworl...

Страница 19: ... itemfrom the menuto setup Remote VCRI VCRZ Option lf you own a compatibleGE RCA or PROSCAN remote that hasa VCR2 VCR2 LD or VCR2 DVD button this featureallowsyou to setthis VCRto respondto that button Press1 to selectthe RemoteControlitem Then pressthe VCR2 VCR2 LD or VCR2 DVD buttonto change PREFERENCES uto PLay 3 AUtO TVlVCR ON 4 Energysaver 2 00 5 Front Panet AUTo 6 Tape Speed SLP 7 Set Auto R...

Страница 20: ...sfeaturecontrolswhetherthe TV CRswitchchanges automatically to the VCRmode Press3 to switchbetween ON and OFF SelectON if you want the VCRto switchto the VCR modewhen the VCRis turnedon or a cassette is inserted Thisonly appliesif you connectthe ANT lN and OUT TO TVjacks of your VCRto your TV and watch your VCRon channel 3 or 4 of your TV SelectOFFif you want the VCRto remainin the TV mode This is...

Страница 21: ...tweenStandard Play SP and SuperLongPlay SLP In the PREFERENCES menu press6 to togglebetweenthe options SPsetsthe preferredrecordingspeedto SP SLPsetsthe preferredrecordingspeedto SLP Set Auto Repeat A tapecan be setto playthe samesegmentover and over in a repeatingloopwith the SetAuto Repeat feature Set Auto Repeatusesthe VCR smemorycounterto determine the durationof the loop 3 Auto TVlVCR 4 Energ...

Страница 22: ...rationtime hasbeenset The VCRwill automatically switchto rewind if the countermeetsor goespastthe Auto Repeatset duration TheVCRwill automatically switchto playback during rewindif the counterequalsor is lessthan 0 00 TheAuto Repeatmay be adjustedby settingthe counterto 00 00 Thiscan be done by pressingthe CLEARbuttonwhile the tapecounteris on screenor on the front paneldisplay The counterwill not...

Страница 23: ...ntrol functions playinga recorded tape and recordinga programshoulddo just that This sectionshowsyou the basicsof usingyour VCR It discusses things likeusingthe remotecontrol playinga tape and recordingprograms V 3 VcRBASICS VCRBasicstells you what you need to know in order to watch a movie or tape your favorite show 2r ...

Страница 24: ...higheror lowerchannel in the VCR s channelmemory CLEAR Resets time counterto 0 00 00 Allowsyou to changeentrieswhen settingthe clockor a timer recording F ADV Letsyou view oneframewith eachpressof the buttonwhentape is in pause FORWARD Fastforwardsthe tapewhen the VCRis stopped Searches forwardthrougha tapeduringplayback Startsslow motionduringplay pause and increases slow motionspeed GO BACK Swit...

Страница 25: ...orward TRACKING Up or Down Letsyou manuallyreducethe streaks that may appearon the pictureduringplay slow motion or pause Reduces picture jitter duringstop actionplayback TV VCR Switchesthe picturesignalso that it either comesfrom the VCRor cable antenna system TV Function Buttons CHAN Up or Down Selects nexthigheror lowerchannel in the TV schannelmemory CLEAR Removes menusor statusdisplays from t...

Страница 26: ...rdedon another VCR Automatic tracking is turned on whenever a tape is inserted or the VCR spower is turned on Playing a Tape Tunethe TV to your VCRviewingchannel 3 4 or TV s video input see How to FindYourTV sVideoInput Channel in the References sectionof this manualfor moreaboutthe video line input Inserta tape in the VCR lf the Auto Playfeatureis setto ON the tape automatically beginsplayback if...

Страница 27: ...commercial pressPAUSEinsteadof STOP Formore informationaboutin depthrecording features referto the nextsection Check the Safetv Tab No matterwhich recordingoptionyou use you needto makesurethere is a tape in the VCR and that the tape s safetytab is in place Youcannotrecordon a tapewith the safetytab removed lf the safetytab is removedand you want to recordover it simplycoverthe holewith vinyltape ...

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Страница 29: ...imeto explain thedifferent recording features available to suityourneeds including Recording explained in VCRBasicssection Express Recording TimerRecording TimerRecordingwith VCRPlus system Broadcast Stereoor SecondAudio Program SAP Audio Only Recording Copyingand EditingTapes V 4 RECoRDING 27 ...

Страница 30: ...icklyrecordthe remaining portionof the programyou arewatching 1 Setthe tapespeedby pressing the SPEED buttonon the remotecontrol Pressthe RECORD buttonto begin recording Repeatedly pressthe RECORD buttonto set up the recordingduration 2 3 REC CH 36 Record Length 0 00 Press REC to set Lenqth REC CH 36 Recond Length 1 30 Press REC to set l ength Eachtime you pressthe RECORD button you increase the r...

Страница 31: ...cator TIMER appears in the displaywhen the VCRis turned off and a timer recordinghas been set lt flashesif there is no tape in the VCR When recording from a cable box or satellite receiver turn it on and tune it to the channel you want to record beforethe recordingis to begin The VCRchannelshould be set to the cablebox soutput channel usually Channel3 or 4 3 Select1 to Createa New Program Holt oft...

Страница 32: ...l channels througha cablebox or if you receiveyour TV signaloff air Setting Up the Channel List lf you did not set up the VCRPlus programmingsystem channellist you can do it now 1 Displaythe CHANNELS menufrom the VCRMAIN MENU 2 Displaythe VCRPlus ChannelListmenu 3 Go to Setting Up Your VCR rt you need more informationon settingup your VCRPlus programmingsystemchannellist Using the VCR Plus System ...

Страница 33: ...ll not be lost in the event of an extendedPower outage Program t has been saved Remember to insent a recordabIe tape and turn the VCR of f before the program start time Remember to Leave You r cabte box on and tuned to the desired channeI When a program is setto record insert a recordable tape and tun off the power TIMER is displayed on the VCRfront Danel when this is done correctlY 4 lndicatehow ...

Страница 34: ...0ne Tjme ChanneL 03 cabLe Start Time 08 00 PM End Time 09 30 PM start Date 11 16 OO Thu Tape Speed SLP Press INF0 to edit Press CLEAR to correct Press ltiENU to save 3 PressCLEAR to eraseor MENUto seethe next program Recording BroadcastStereoTV or SAP SecondAudio Program SomeTV programsare broadcast with stereoaudio or SAP Second Audio Program 1 Turnon the TV andtune it to the VCRviewingchannel ei...

Страница 35: ...non the remoteto selectthe line input L1to recordfrom the backjacksor L2to record from the front jacks TheVCRwill recordaudiofrom the audioequipment connected to the AUDIOlN jacks UseSPEED on the remoteto selectthe recording speed Startaudiosourceplayingand pressRECORD to begin recording PressSTOPwhen you arefinished Recordingaudio only will erase anything that was previously recorded on the tape ...

Страница 36: ...e jackson the backof the VCR or L2 for the jackson the front of the VCR 5 lnsertthe tape to be copied into the playback VCR Inserta blanktapewith its safetytab in placeinto the recording VCR 6 Usingvisualsearch locatethe segmentto be copied on the playbackVCB Pausethe tape at this location 7 PressRECORD on the recording VCR then PAUSE 8 PressPAUSE on bothVCRsto begincopying 9 PressPAUSE on both VC...

Страница 37: ...Control Your Television The remotecan be programmedto controla television It is programmedto controla GE RCA or PROSCAN TV Othermanufacturer s brandsneedto be programmed V 5 PRoGRAM THEREMoTE 35 ...

Страница 38: ...5 Release TV andthen pressCHANup or down lf the TV responds to the remotecommands the remoteis programmed 6 lf the TV doesnot respond repeatthesestepsusing the nextcode listedfor your TV sbrand Operating the TV After you set up the remote seewhich buttonsoperate your TV 1 Pointthe remoteat the TV and pressthe TV button lf the TV does not turn on pressthe TV buttonand then pressthe ON OFFbutton 2 Y...

Страница 39: ...13 14 20 41 42 Mitsubishi 05 05 11 13 14 20 41 42 43 MTC 05 06 11 52 NAD _ 11 35 36 NEC 04 05 06 11 48 Panasonic 04 24 30 45 Philco 04 05 07 08 11 13 30 33 34 37 38 56 Phillips 04 06 07 08 13 30 33 37 38 39 46 47 48 Pioneer 06 11 Portland 05 06 11 12 Proton 06 08 11 Quasar 04 24 RadioShack 06 08 11 12 17 21 49 RCA 04 05 06 11 13 50 51 Realistic 06 08 11 12 17 21 49 Sampo 06 11 12 Samsung 05 06 08 ...

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Страница 41: ...Featuresto Enhance VCR Operation PictureSearchOptions Commercial Scan Tracking Pro Tect PlusrM Locking TimeCounter On Screen Displays Audio Reception Audio Playback V 6 orHER FEATUREs V 39 ...

Страница 42: ...r play pause usingslow motion Slow motionworkswell for tapesrecordedat the SPor SLPspeed 1 Duringplayback pressPAUSE and then FORWARD or REVERSE to beginslow motionplayback 2 PressFORWARD to increase or REVERSE to decrease the speedof the search 3 UseTRACKING up or down to removeany streaks from the picture 5 PressPLAYto returnto normal playback The VCR switchesautomatically from slow motionplayba...

Страница 43: ...specific indexnumber the VCRwill locatethe next indexmark and beginplayback 5 PressSTOPto end indexsearching Some indexmarksmay be missedby the VCR A marktoo closeto your locationon the tape The markat the beginningof a recordedsegmentof five minutesor less Thefirst indexmark on the tapewhen you startat the beginningof the tape Zero Search The zerosearchfeatureenablesthe VCRto quicklyreturn to a c...

Страница 44: ...rn on the VCR Occasionally you may needto manuallyadjusttracking especiallyif the tapewas recordedon a differentVCR Just usethe TRACKING buttonsto removethe streaks or snow Youcan also usetrackingwhen you pausea tapeto reducejitteringof the picture Whenyou manuallyadjustthe picture automatictracking is turnedoff Toturn automatictrackingbackon press both TRACKING buttonson the front of the VCRat th...

Страница 45: ... 30 00 4 PressSTOP Thisis the approximate end of the program Youmay want to pressPLAYto verify Now you can beginrecordingat this spot 5 PressINFOto removethe time counterfrom the screenand returnto the normaldisplaymode On ScreenDisplays The lNFo buttonshowsthe statusof the vcR sroB PLAY RECORD etc channelnumber time counter date time and tapespeedon the TV screen The dateandtime must be set befor...

Страница 46: ...To receive Hi Fistereo sound use audio videocableswith a compatible TV or receiver Using only the OUT TO TV jack will not producestereo sound Reception SomeTV programsarebroadcast with stereoaudioor a SecondAudio Program SAP which offersa second language The receptionfeatureletsyou selectthe type of audioyou want to record Press1 to switch between Reception STEREO MONO and SAP SelectSTEREO for nor...

Страница 47: ...To enjoy Hi Fisound connectyour VCRto a stereo television or amplifierlreceiver usingthe audio video jacks The TapePlayback featureletsyou selectwhich audioyou useduringplayback SelectHl Flto playbacksoundrecordedon the Hi Fi trackandfor normaluse SelectLINEAR to playbacksoundrecordedon a linear monauraltrack suchas a SecondAudio Program SAP or a dubbedvoice SelectMIX to playbackthe soundrecordedo...

Страница 48: ...46 ...

Страница 49: ...ddleafteryou connectyour components Try not to coil any twin leadcablesand keep them awayfrom the audio video cablesas much as possible Makesureall antennas and cablesare properly grounded Referto the SafetyTipssheetpacked with your unit Protect Your Components from Overheating Do not blockventilationholesin any of the components Arrangethe componentsso that air cancirculate freely Do not stackcom...

Страница 50: ...O TV Thecoaxialcablesuppliedwith your VCRis usedto connectthe VCR sOUTTO TV jackand your TV santennainput Audio Video Jacks and Cables RCA type TheAUDIOA IDEO jacksprovidevery good picture qualityand stereosound and can be usedif your TV has audio video inputjacks Thesejacksare usedfor most audio video connections betweencomponents TheVCRAUDIOA IDEO jacksare colorcoded yellowfor videoand redand wh...

Страница 51: ...nect them referto the instruction manualthat camewith that particular component Advantages of Audio Video Connections Usinga simplecoaxialcableconnection givesyou good picturequality lf your televisionhasaudio video jacks I highlyrecommendusingthem to get evenbetterpicture qualityand stereosoundwhen recordingand playingback videotapes Theseconnections give you more convenient operationby not havin...

Страница 52: ...antennaconnection 2l forcablebox To connect 1 Connectcablesas shown 2 ReturnIo FirstThingsFirsf then follow the steps CABLE CABLE BOX OR W Using This Connection Tuneyour TV to channel with the CH3CH4switch Auto TVIVCR Setting set theAutoTVI GRfeature to oN To play a tape 1 Inserta tape 2 lf necessary pressPLAY To record one program and watch another 1 Beginrecordinga programusingone of the recordi...

Страница 53: ... have 1 coaxialcablefor cable antenna connection 2 for cablebox 3 audio video cables To connect 1 Connectcablesas shown 2 Returnto FirstThingsFirsf then follow the steps Using This Connection Tune yourTVto itsvideoinputchannel Use of TV VCR buttonis notrequired Auto TVIVCR Setting Set the Auto TV CRfeatureto OFF To play a tape 1 Inserta tape 2 lf necessary pressPLAY To record one program and watch...

Страница 54: ... audio video cables 1 splitter To connect 1 Connectcablesas shown 2 Returnto FirstThingsFirst then follow the steps Using This Connection Tune yourTVto itsvideoinputchannel UseofTV VCR button isnotrequired Auto TVIVCR Setting Setthe Auto TVA CR featureto OFF To play a tape 1 Insert a tape 2 lf necessary pressPLAY To record a scrambled or unscrambled program and watch another unscrambled program 1 ...

Страница 55: ...nformation aboutthe VCR includinga description of the unit s controlsand display You also will find a TroubleshootingTipssectionin this Appendix which might helpto resolvesome of thosesimpleproblems Finally this sectioncontainsyour warranty information 8 REFERENCE 53 ...

Страница 56: ...Usedfor expressrecording Remote Sensor Receives signalsfrom the remotecontrol Aim the remoteat this sensor REV Rewindsthe tapewhen the VCRis stopped Searches the picturein reverseduringplayback Startsslow motionduringplay pause and decreases slow motionspeed STOP EJECT Stopsthe normalfunctionssuchas record playback rewind fast forward or pause Ejectsthe tapewhen the VCRis stopped VIDEO AUDIO LEFTM...

Страница 57: ...s recording in progress zeroto four hoursin half hour increments SAFE ProTect Plusfeatureturnedon SCH and SCH Forwardor reverse search SLUU In slow playback STILLPlay pause STOP Tapeis stopped Tape Inserted indicator OO Appearson thefront paneldisplayany time a videocassette is inserted intothe VCR Thisiconwill flashif a timerrecording hasbeenset powerturnedoff on theVCR but no tapeinserted Tape S...

Страница 58: ...r when it is connectedto the VCRwith thesejacks UseINPUT on the VCR s remotecontrolto selectL1 LineInput Hi Fior mono signals as well asvideocanbe recorded when the externaldeviceis connectedto the VCRwith thesejacks AUDIO L and R and VIDEOOUTJacks Sendssignalsfrom VCRto another component likea TV or VCR when connectedto a TV usingthesejacks ANT lN jack Receives a signalthrough a coaxialcablefrom ...

Страница 59: ...controlyour TV lf so follow the stepabove lf thoseoptionsdo not work try the following ideas You might access the VideoInputChannelby pressinga buttonon the remote seetable below selectingthe channelfrom the TV smenu system seetablebelow tuningdirectlyto the channelby selecting a specific channelnumber seetablebelow goingthroughall the channelsin the channellistby pressing the channelup or down bu...

Страница 60: ...V sfinetuning is correctfor the channel you haveselected Checkvideocableconnections betweenVCRand TV monitor Checkto makesurethe TV monitoris setto videoinput See How to FindYourTV sVideoInputChannel in this sectionof the manualfor details Try anothertape Some snow streaks are normal during search stop action frame advance and slow motionplayback Streaks in pictwe during normal playback Pressone o...

Страница 61: ...rded Checkto makesurethe correctVCRPlus systemcode is entered Checkto makesurethe cablebox or satellitereceiver was turned on when recording was to begin Checkto makesurethe programwas enteredcorrectly wrong channelor times Powerinterruotion Resetthe clock Checkto seeif time and datearecorrect includingAM PM Checkto makesurethe programdid not exceedthe tape slengthor the tapewas not rewoundbeforeh...

Страница 62: ...nnaconnections aresecureand correct Checkto makesurethe SignalType CABLE ANTENNA featureis set correctly lf DetectAutomaticallywas selectedfor the SignalTypein the AUTOCHANNEL SEARCH menu try usingeitherCABLE TV or ANTENNAinstead May not be necessaryif usinga cablebox for all channels Contact your localcablecompanyfor more information Tape plays back in slow motion PressPLAYto returnto normalplayb...

Страница 63: ...ngplayback Thetapeyou are payingmust be recordedin Hi Fiin orderto usethe Hl Flfeature Must usethe AUDIO IDEOjackson the backof the VCRto hear stereosound Stereo audio too noisy Stereosignalis weak Set Reception STEREO SAP MONO feature to MONO Pressone of the TRACKING uo or down buttonsto minimizethe nolse 6l ...

Страница 64: ...2OVAC 60 HZ 15 watts 3 7inches high 94mm 14 2inches wide 360mm 10 6inches deep 270mm 7 1pounds 3 2tgl 22 F to 149 F 30 C to 65 C 41 F to 104 F 5 C to 40 C Checkyour cablecompany s compatibility requirements Cleaning the VCR Usea soft cloth or dustingattachmentof your vacuum cleanerto dustyour VCR Removedustfrom the ventilation holesof the cabinet Plastic surfaces areeasilyscratched and can be marr...

Страница 65: ...warranty does not cover Customerinstruction yourOwner sManualclearlydescribes how to install adjust and operateyour VCR Any additionalinformationshouldbe obtainedfrom your Dealer Installation and relatedadjustments Signalreception problemsnot causedby your VCR Damagefrom misuseor neglect Cleaning of video audio heads Batteries A VCRthat hasbeenmodifiedor incorporated into otherproductsor is usedfo...

Страница 66: ...50 CHANbuttons 11 22 23 36 Channel List 30 Channel VCRviewing 5 CHANNEL TRACKING button 54 Channels adding removing11 detectingautomatically10 VCRlist 10 CHANNELS menu 9 10 11 15 30 Choosing a VCRconnection49 Cleaning the VCR 62 CLEAR button 22 23 31 32 41 42 Clearing programs32 Commercial scan 42 Componentbuttons 22 Connecting components47 Connecting your VCR 4 48 Connections47 audio video cables...

Страница 67: ...6 14 23 ON OFF button 22 24 25 36 On screen displays 43 oUT ToTV jack 18 Overheating 47 P Panel brightness 19 PAUSE button 23 24 25 34 40 ProTect plusrM lockingfeature 42 Problemsolving 58 Programming the remote 35 to operateTVs 36 PROGRAMS OVERLAP message29 31 R REC indicator55 Receptionfeature 44 Reception STEREO MONO SAP feature 33 44 RECORD button 23 25 28 33 34 54 Recordprotecttab 25 Recordin...

Страница 68: ...lly 13 usingmenus 8 usingPREFERENCES menu 17 Signal type 11 Signal type changing 11 Slow motionsearch40 SLP tapespeed 19 25 Solvingproblems58 5P tapespeed 19 25 Specifications 62 SPEED button 23 25 28 31 33 Statusindicators BYE 55 EJEC Eject 55 FF 55 Ht 55 PLAY 55 R0 3055 REC55 REW 55 SAFE55 SCH and SCH 55 STOP55 STOP button 23 25 28 32 33 41 STOP EJECT button 25 54 T Tableof contents 1 Tapeeject ...

Страница 69: 10 VCR cleaning 62 VCRdisplaypanel 55 VCRfront panel 54 VCRindicator 6 32 55 VCRMAINMENU 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 29 30 32 44 VCRPlus 15 channellist 15 Channel Listscreen15 programmingsystem28 systemmenu 30 worksheetfor channels16 VCRviewingchannel 5 VHSindexsearch system41 VOLbuttons 24 36 W Warranty63 Warranty limited63 X XPR express recordindZA Y Y adapter 48 z Zerosearch 41 36 55 67 ...

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Страница 72: ...this manualor on the carton Thiswill only add delaysin servicefor your product L nrousoru cor suuEn ErEcrBorucs 10330North Meridian Street Indianapolis lN 46290 O1999 Thomson Consumer Electronics Inc rrademark s Registered 7 il7r rthatthis Marca s Registrada s product orproduct modetmeets theENERGI Pfinted in KOfea Sran guidelinesforenergyefficiency TOCOM1553011A ...
