Страница 1: ...rage Drawers 15 16 SystemCheck Reset 7 8 Drawer Cover Removal 15 16 Warm Temperature 7 Temperature Controls 5 Energy Saver System 5 vacation MovingTips 19 Energy Saving Tips 2 Warranty Back Cover Food Saver System 15 Water Filter 19 Food Storage Suggestions 14 Storage Times 14 Ice Dispenser 10 13 Icemaker 10 13 Installation 3 4 Adapter Plug 4 Adjustable Rollers 4 Clearances 4 Electrical Requiremen...
Страница 2: ...enthedoorsmoreoften thannecessary Closethedoorsas soonas possible particularlyinhot humidweather Besurethedoorsareclosed tightly Beforeleavingthehouseor retiringforthenight checktobe surethedoorshaven t beenleft openaccidentally Storeonlythosefoodsrequiring refrigerationinyourrefrigerator eWipemois re frombottles and cartonsbeforeputtingtheminthe refrigerator Keepfoodscoveredtoreduce moisturebuild...
Страница 3: ...houldnotbeeaten Thawed icecreamshouldbediscarded If theodoror colorofanyfoodis pooror questionable getridofit Thefoodmaybedangeroustoeat Evenpartialthawing andrefreezing reducetheeatingqualityoffoods particularlyfrufis vqy bles and preparedfoods Theeatingquality ofredmeatsisaffectedlessthan thatofmanyotherfoods Use refrozenfoodsassoonaspossible tosaveasmuchoftheireating qualityasyoucan If your old...
Страница 4: ...cuits whichcouldcauseafire hazard horn overheating wires Ref emtir kation Donotinstallrefrigerator where tenqwrature willgobelow60 Fo becauseit willnotrunoftenenough tomaintainpropertemperatures Doinstallitona floorstrong enoughtosupporta fullyloaded refrigerator AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocation ae3 H8 llces Allowthefollowing clearances foreaseofinstallation properair circulationandplum...
Страница 5: ...MOW60 FS at night youmaywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to DYCoolertemperaturesinthe housemaycausethecompressorto operatelessfrequently thus allowingthe freezercompartment to warmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingatthiscoldersetting fortheentirewinteror forwhatever periodoftimeyouareturningdown yourthermostat Thisisespecially importantwhenthetherm...
Страница 6: ...d explainedmorethoroughlyon the followingpages YSTEM CHECKpadputsa reviewoftheelectronicdiagnosis offivecodedfunctionsatyour fingertipandalsoallowsyouto erasecodesfromdisplay Electronic controlallowsyou toturn nightlightinwater and ice dispenseron andoff Electronic controlallowsyouto selecticecubesor crushedice and signallightconfirmsyourchoice 6 8 8 when yourrefrigerator isfirst phqggd in Allpane...
Страница 7: ...oors only whenabsolutelynecessary andclosethemasquicklyas possible I RESET DISPL 1 I v I v I hll Assoonasinsidetemperatures returntonormal thelightgoesout 1 TheSYSTEMCHECK RESET padhastwofimctions If eitherdooris openformorethan 30seconds a recurringbeep sounds L YoucantouchtheSYSTEM CHECK RESET padandgeta reviewoftheelectronicdiagnostic codesin orderoftheirpriority Thelightgoesoutandthebeeping st...
Страница 8: ...lynecessarywhilethis codeis displayed Touching the SYSTEMCHECK RESET pad afterthefreezercompartment temperaturehasreturnedto normalwillerasethecede This fk ing cock tolls youthe Thisflashingcodetellsyou something s wrongwiththedefrost system keep doorsdosed to retaincoldandcallforservice Codeflashesuntilproblemis corrected powertoth refrigeratorhas beeninterrupted formorethan2 seconds Checkthecond...
Страница 9: ... w m i y R mm andwhat to dowhimtheyahf tyoll is Qn thispanel 033theinkkk of thefrw Yr Ckwr DEwi kw SEE YOURUSEAND CY4RE FOR Panelbated on theinside ofthefreezermnparlnwnt dom I 9 ...
Страница 10: ...n To open liftcompartmentdoorhandle andpulldown Closedoorafteruse Althoughdurable stain and scratch resistant the worksu ace ontheRefieshrnentCentercounter shouldnotbe usedas a cutting board Sharputensilscandamageit I Cold ir Duct IIIIII Coldair enteringfromthefreezer compartment keepsthetemperature h the RefreshmentCenter Compartmentatproperfood keepinglevels TheRefreshmentCenter Com artmentis al...
Страница 11: ...freezer compartmentdoorandlookdown intothechute If iceisblockingthe chute pokeit throughwitha woodenspoon 1 p keep bitsof icefrom beingsprayed the ghws placeglasscloseto icechute butnotso closethatit blocks outcomingice lee not be into thin gka ses finechina or delicate crystal they cancrackor chip fromthecombinedpressureofyour handpressingthemagainstthe cradleandicedroppingintothe container Ice b...
Страница 12: ...saltsinan inactive watersupplylinewhichfeeds the icernaker Continued ofsuch discolored icecubesmaybeinjuriousto health If such is observed discard theice cubes andcontactyourGE Factory servicecenter or all C Qme Care servicer no IkeaI N i Forice touchCUBESor CRUSHEDpad Forwater simply positionglassbeneathword WATER mmdw 11 SK I rl L3w3 xb i 2w dms t sP iz 11 zii Gripglassor othercontainer gentlyne...
Страница 13: ...smeltandfusetogether TO RemoveIkeCdx storage lun ee Liftthe leftcornertofreethebin fromthe shelf andpullthebin straightoutwhilesupportingit at frontandback lb ReplaceIce cube storage Bin Slidethebinbackuntilthetab onthebinlocksintotheslotin theshelf ma k NotU ed Oldicecubeswillbecomecloudy andtastestale Emptyicestorage binperiodicallyandwashit in lukewarmwater Besuretoallow storagebinto coolbefore...
Страница 14: ...tment drawers onmodelsso equipped makeitunnecessary towup certain foods whichthey ve beendesigned topreserve Zhesedrawersare describedonpage15 TOstoreicecream Fine quality icecream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperatures than more airy already packaged brandswithlowcreamcontent Itwillbenecessary toexperiment to determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperaturecontr...
Страница 15: ...fromthefreezer compartmenttoflowaroundthe drawer The variable temperature control regulatestheair flowfromthe freezercompartment z SetcontrollevertoM13AT the coldestsetting to storefreshmeats If leverisleftinmeatpositionfora longperiodoftime somefrostmay formontheinsideofthedrawer SetcontrollevertoVW toconvert the drawerto normalrefrigerator temperatureandprovideextra vegetablestoragespace Coldair...
Страница 16: ...yout Reachin pushthe rearofthe glassup and atthe same time back untilit clearsfront cornerretainers Dishesandlidsare o safeforuseinmicrowave ovens safeforusein refrigeratorsand freezers dishwashersafe 9 Reinstallthegasketattherear of thevegetabledrawer Fittheendof theplasticdrawersupportintothe slotonthegasket withtherubber gasketflapfacingyou Makesure the gasketsnapsintoplace QuickServe dishesonl...
Страница 17: ...ghooksdisengage Toreplace or relocate Select desiredshelfheight engagePorta Bin shookin slotsonthetracksof the door andpushin Porta Bin willlockinplace shelves in Freezer Shelfsupportsat variouslevelsin the freezercompartmentletyou repositionthe shelvesfromtimeto timetobetteraccommodate your variableinventoryoffrozenfoods Torepositionshelves L Whilepressing tabsonshelf supportsonright wall liftshe...
Страница 18: ...andfreezer compartments shouldbe cleaned atleastonceayear Unplugthe refrigeratorbeforecleaning If this isnotpractical wringexcess moistureoutofspongeor cloth whencleaningaroundswitches lightsor controls Usewarmwaterandbakingsoda solution about atablespoonof bakingsodatoaquartofwater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughlywithwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgask...
Страница 19: ...n VaCatkm Forextendedvacationsor absences shutoffpowerto refrigerator turnthenumbered controltoOFF cleaninteriorwith bakingsodasolutionofone tablespoonofsodatoonequartof water Wipedry Topreventodors leaveopenboxofsodain refrigerator Leavedoorsopen Forshortervacations remove perishablefoodsandleavecontrols atregularsettings However if roomtemperatureisexpectedto dropbelow60 F followsame instruction...
Страница 20: ...1d when refrigeratorisfirstdeliveredtoyourhome us a y requires24 hours to completelycooldown Lmgeamountsoffoodp aced inre ligerator tobe cooledor frozen Hotweather fr uent dooropenings Doorleftopen Temperature controlsaresettoocold Refertoinstructionsforuseof TEMPERA1 U CONTROLSonpage5 Grilleandcondenserneedcleaning Refertopage18 Check TIPSonpage2 Temperature controlstartsandstopsmotortomaintainev...
Страница 21: ...requent do ropenings TOOWARM Doorleftopenfortoolongtime Packagemaybeholdingdooropen FOODSDRYOUT Foodsnotcovered wrappedor sealedproperly FROSTORICE Doormayhavebeenlefiajar or packageholdingdooropen CRYSTALS ON l RozEN FOOD Toofrequentandtoolongdooropenings Frostwithinpackageisnormal SLOW ICECUBE aDoor may havebeenleftajar FREEZING Turntemperatureoffr ezercompartmentcolder ICE CUBESHAVE Oldcubesnee...
Страница 22: ...ses If waterresemoirhasbeendrained a lowsever hoursforreplenishedSUpply to chill WATER DISPENSER eWaterSUpply be turnedoffornotconnected DOESN YI WORK Supplylinemaybecloggedwithsediment Q ormal wa th iscreated by automatic energy Saver system circulatingwarmliquid FRESHFOODAND aroundfrontedgeoffreezercompartment tohelppreventcondensation onoutsideof FREEZERCOMPACT refrigeratorinhot humidweather ME...
Страница 23: ...ileyourwar rantyisstillin effectandyou llreceive a substantial discount Witha multiple yearcontract you reassuredof future serviceattoday sprices Telecommunication Devicefor theDeaf hdivichds qwdi d to Sel ketheir own appliances can haveneeded partsor accessories sentdirectlyto theirhome freeof shippingcharge The GEpartssystem providesaccess to over47 000parts and allGE GenuineRenewal Partsarefull...
Страница 24: ...uthorized CustomerCare servicersduring normalworkinghours LookintheWhiteorYellowPages ofyourtelephonedirectoryfor GENERALELE XRICCOMPANY GENERALELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERALELEGl131C H POINT FACTORY SERVICE or GENERALELECIT31C CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE Is se icetripstoyourhometo teachyouhowto usethe product ReadyourIke andCarematerial if youthen haveanyquestions aboutoperatingthep oduct pleaseconta...