GE TFX27EM Скачать руководство пользователя страница 22

Содержание TFX27EM

Страница 1: ...ation and Moving Tips 18 Electronic Monitor 6 9 Warranty Back Cover Door Alarm 7 WaterFilter Accessory 18 System Check Reset 7 8 WarmTemperature 7 Energy Saver System 5 Energy Saving Tips 2 Food Saver System 14 Food Storage Suggestions 13 Storage Times 13 Ice Dispenser 10 12 Icernaker 10 12 Installation 3 4 Adapter Plug 4 Adjustable Rollers 4 Clearances 4 Electrical Requirements 3 4 Extension Cord...

Страница 2: ...yourreikigerator ewipe a umoisture from bottles andcartonsbeforeputtingthemin therefrigerator e Keepallfoodscoveredto reducemoisturebuildupinside therefrigerator If youturncontrolsto thecoldest position forquickchilling orIkezing be suretoturnthembacktoregular settings Don tovercrowd yourrefrigerator Overcrowding can require extra electrical energy to keep everyttng cool Ifym lwx iveda damaged ref...

Страница 3: ...arded If theodoror colorofanyfoodis pooror questionable get idofit Thefoodmaybedangeroustoeat Evenpartialthawing andrefreezing reducetheeatingqualityoffoods preparedfoods Theeatingquality ofredmeatsisdfected lessthan thatofmanyotherfoods Use refrozenfoodsassoonaspossible to saveasmuchoftheireating qualityasyoucan If your old isStili arowd the lm webut l m in 3se9 be swreto lremovs the doors This w...

Страница 4: ...whichcouldcauseafire hazard fromoverheating wires R f H8tKB Location Donotinstallrefrigerator where temperature willgobelow60 F becauseit willnotrunoftenenough tomaintainpropertemperatures Doinstallitona floorstrong enoughto supporta fullyloaded refrigerator AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocation Ckarances Allowthe followingclearances foreaseofinstallation proper aircirculation andplumbing an...

Страница 5: ...maywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to D Coolertemperatures inthe housemaycausethecompressor tooperatelessfrequently thus allowingthefreezercompartment towarmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingatthiscoldersetting fortheentirewinteror forwhatever periodoftimeyouareturning downyourthermostat Thisis especiallyimportantwhenthe thermostatisturneddownfora...

Страница 6: ...oughlyon thefollowingpages System Checkpadputsa reviewoftheelectronicdiagnosis offivecodedfimctionsatyour fingertipandalsoallowsyouto erasecodesfromdisplay Electronic controlallowsyou toturnnightlightinwater and ice dispenseron andoff Electronic controlallowsyou to selecticecubesor crushedice andsignallightconfirmsyour choice o 8 men your refrigerator is first plugged in Allpanellightscomeonforfiv...

Страница 7: ...emperature LightCxwvs Atfirst it sprobablybecauseyour newlyinstalledrefrigerator hasn t completely cooleddownyet Wait a fewhoursforittocool andthen thelightwillgoout Fromthenon theredlightwill glowwhenevertemperatures inside gettoohighforproperfoodstorage If thishappens openthedoors onlywhenabsolutelynecessary andclosethemasquicklyas possible Assoonas insidetemperatures returntonormal thelightgoes...

Страница 8: absolutelynecessarywhilethis codeis displayed Touchingthe SYSTEMCHECK RESET pad afterthefreezercompartment temperaturehasreturnedto normalwillerasethecode Thisflashingcodetellsyouthe powertotherefrigerator has beeninterruptedformorethan2 seconds Checktheconditionof foodinboththefreshfoodand freezercompartments Touch SYSTEMCHECK RESET pad to erasecode Thereisno faultwiththe refrigerator whenPF c...

Страница 9: ...what they mean and what todo when they alertyou is smmnwizd on this panel m the inside of the freezer mmqxwtment door Panellocaledontheinsideof thefreezercompartmentdoo 9 e m EEv ...

Страница 10: ...mpartmentdoorandlookdown intothechute If iceis blocking thechute pokeitthroughwith a woodenspoon Toheip keepbits Oficefrom sprayed beyondthe glass placeglassclosetoicechute butn6tsoclosethatit blocks outcomingice RX not be into thin glasses finechina or delicate crystal they cancrackor chip frbmthecombinedpressureofyour handpressingthemagainstthe cradleandicedroppinginto thecontainer liceshould be...

Страница 11: ...inued consumption ofsuchdiscolored icecubesmaybeinjuziousto health If suchdiscolorationis observed discardtheicecubes andcontactyourGEFactory Ser i e center or ana th r Clj tomel Care servicer TO Dkpeme Lx 2M d water Forice touchCUBESor CRUSHEDpad Forwater simply positionglassbeneathword CWwYmv L II II 4 II II Gripglassor othercontainer gentlynearrimandpressrim firmlyagainsticeor water dispensercr...

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Страница 14: ...trollevertoMEAT the coldestsetting to storefreshmeats If leverislefiinmeatpositionfora longperiodoftime somefrostmay formontheinsideofthedrawer SetcontrollevertoVEGtoconvert thedrawerto normalrefrigerator temperatureandprovideextra vegetablestoragespace Coldair ductisturnedoff Variablesettingsbetweenthese extremescanbeselected 1 DrawerRemoval c 1 3 _ Drawerswil stopbeforecoming a T thewayoutofrefr...

Страница 15: ...dlidsare 9 Reinstallthegasketatthe rearof thevegetable drawer Fittheendof theplasticdrawersupportintothe slotonthegasket withtherubber gasketflapfacingyou Makesure thegasketsnapsintoplace Swlkd snack I Bdi TheSealedSnackPack and shelftowhichit isattachecl can be relocatedwithintheFreshFood compartment Thesealeddrawer retainshighhumidityforconvenient storageofmeatsandcheese bacon horsd oeuvres spre...

Страница 16: ...iftPorta 13in straight upuntilmountinghooksdisengage lb repkweor rehxate Select desiredshelfheight engagePorta 13in s hookinslotsonthetracksof thedoor andpushin Porta 13in willlockinplace Deep mmShek h Fre imx Detachableshelfextendersdeepen andenclosethreefixeddoor shelves providingmorestorage roomandgreaterstorageflexibility ShervW in Shelfsupportsatvariouslevelsin thefreezercompartment letyou re...

Страница 17: ...dswitches lightsor controls Usewarmwaterandbakingsoda solution about atablespoonof bakingsodatoaquartofwater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughlywithwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgaskets meatand vegetable drawers icestorage binandal plasticparts can be cleanedthesameway Donotuse cleansingpowdersor other abrasivecleaners Tohelppreventodors leavean openboxof...

Страница 18: ...penboxof bakingsodainrefrigerator Leave doorsopen For shorter vacations remove perishablefoodsandleavecontrols at regularsettings However if roomtemperatureisexpectedto dropbelow60 F followsame instructionsasforextended vacations Moveicemakerfeelerarmto OFF up positionandbe sureto shutoff watersupplyto therefrigerator Disconnectpowercordfromwall outlet removeallfoodandclean anddrytheinterior Secur...

Страница 19: ...tingtime Normalwhenrefrigeratoris firstdeliveredtoyourhome usually requires24hours tocompletelycooldown Largeamountsoffoodplacedinrefrigeratortobe cooledor frozen Hotweather frequent dooropenings Doorleftopen Temperature controlsaresettoocold Referto instructionsforuseof N3MPERA7 URE CONTROLSonpage5 Grilleandcondenserneedcleaning Refertopage 17 CheckENERGY SAVING TIPSonpage2 Temperature controlsta...

Страница 20: ... frequent dooropenings KXIWARM Doorleftopenfortoolongtime Packagemaybeholdin g dooropen l OODSDRYOUT Foodsnotcovered wrappedor sealedproperly l XT ORICE Doormayhavebeenleftajaror packageholdingdooropen CRYSTALS ON FROZENFOOD Toofrequentandtoolongdooropenings Frostwithinpackageisnormal SLOWICECUBE Doormayhavebeenleftajar FREIEzndG Turn temperatureoffreezercompartmentcolder ICECUBESHAVE Oldcubesneed...

Страница 21: ...p enishedSUpp y 0C WATERDHH BWWR e J kterSUpply lineturnedoffornotcormecte DOESNm WORK SUpplyline maybe clogged with Sediment DNIDERBETWH3N e orma warm is created a tomatic energysaversysteri i circulatingw liquid l RESH FOODAND aroundfrontedgeoffreezercompartment tohelppreventcondensation cmoutsideof FREEZERCOMPART refrigerator inhot humidweather MENTFEELSWAR 1 I MOISTURE FORMS Notunusualduringpe...

Страница 22: ...scount Witha muh iple yearcontract you reassured of Mm e serviceattoday sprices Telecommunication Devicefor the Deaf Imh hds qdfkd to service their own n appliancescanhaveneeded partsor accessories sentdirectlyto theirhome free of shippingcharge The GEpartssystem providesaccess to over4 7 000parts andallGE GenuineRenewal Partsarefully warranted WSA MasterCard and Discovercardsareaccepted user main...

Страница 23: ...ers or by our authorized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERALELE 3T31C HOTPOINT FACTORY SERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE KS Service trips to your hometo teachyouhowto usethe product Read your use andcare material If you then have any quest...
