GE TFX19 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11

Содержание TFX19

Страница 1: ...odSaverSystem 8 Drawer CoverRemoval 9 10 FoodStorageSuggestions 6 TemperatureControls 5 IceTrays 10 Vacation MovingTips 12 IcemakerAccessory Kit 10 Warranty BackCover Installation 3 4 WaterFilterAccessory 10 AdapterPlug 4 AdjustableRollers 4 Clearances 4 ElectricalRequirements 3 4 ExtensionCord 4 Grounding 3 4 Location 4 WaterSupplytoIcemaker 4 GEAllSwel ci MeP LightBulbReplacement 12 Modds mxul T...

Страница 2: ...ontact thedealer orbuilder thatsoldyou therefrigerator Savetimeandmoney Beforeyourequestservice checktheProblemSolveronpages 13and 14 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself Toobtaina Spanishlanguage versionofthisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice Paraobtenerlaversi6nen espafiolde estemanual Harnea GEAnswerCenter serviciode informaci6n parael...

Страница 3: ...rdo thisapphntx k equippedWitfl a three prong plug Wi kh with K P G I B F 1 3 m a standard two prongwall outletisencol mtered it isyour personalresponsibilityand obligationtohaveit replacedwith a properlygroundedthree prong walloutlet ...

Страница 4: ...edforbestperformance andtopreventoverloading house wiringcircuits whichcouldcausea firehazardfromoverheating wires Refrigerator Location Do notinstallrefrigerator where temperature wiUgobelow60 F becauseit willnotrunoftenenough to maintainpropertemperatures DoinstaNitona floorstrong enoughtosupportit My loaded AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocation c k A11ow thefollowing clearancesfor easeofi...

Страница 5: ...reachthe temperature youset Ifyout your hkwv60 F a night youmaywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to D Coolertemperaturesinthe housemaycausethecompressorto operatelessfrequently thus allowingthefreezercompartment towarmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingatthiscoldersetting fortheentirewinteror forwhatever periodoftimeyouareturningdown yourthermostat T...

Страница 6: ...ll be necessary toexperiment to determinethe fkeezercompartment locationandtemperaturecontrol settingtokeepyouricecreamat therightservingtemperature TheH ofthef ieezer compartment is slightlycolderthanthefront Tipsm foods Therearethreeessential requirementsforefficienthome freezing L Initial quality Freezeonly top qualityfoods Freezingretains qualityandflavor it cannot improvequality 2 Speed Thequ...

Страница 7: ...rtment letyou repositiontheshelvesfromtimeto timetobetteraccommodate your variableinventoryoffrozenfoods r e shelves L Whilepressingtabson shelf supportsonrightwall liftshelf outofgroovesin supports 2 Pullshelfsideways untilshelf rodscomeoutofhokx on lefiwall 3 Selectdesiredshelfheightand insertrodsintoholesonleftwali at de k edlevel mlright walfl havetibs9 lower shelfintogroovesonsupportwhile pre...

Страница 8: ...ll the wayin C m v Keeper N F d _ _ 1 1 C M K onmodels soequipped TheConvertibleMeatPandrawer hasitsowncoldairducttoallowa streamofcoldairfromthefreezer compartmenttoflowaroundthe drawer Thevariable temperature control regulatestheairflowfromthe freezercompartment TFX22 TFX24 TFX20 Setcontrolleveralltheway down the coldestsetting to store freshmeats If leverisleftinmeat positionforalong periodofti...

Страница 9: ... Reachin pushtherear oftheglass upand atthe sametime pushit backuntilit clearsfront corner retainers 4 Tiltandremovethe cover 5 Pullthedrawerforward liftthe fronttoclearstops andremovethe drawer If therefrigeratordoor doesn topencompletely pullthe draweroutuntilithitsthedoor Thenliftthedrawerupuntilit is higherthanthedrawersupports tilt it andtakeit out If tapeholdsConvertibleMeat Pancovertodrawer...

Страница 10: ...only Do notput theminanautomaticdishwasher A Kit optional extra cost AGE automaticicemakerwill replacethe iceyouuse automatically Itcankeepyou suppliedwitha binfidofcubes iceforeverything everybody withoutfiss or muss If yourrefrigeratordidnotcome alreadyequippedwithan automatic icemaker youmayaddone contact yourlocalGEdealer speci UK KIT4or IM 1 A watersupply kitcontainingcoppertubing shut offval...

Страница 11: ...roughlywithwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgaskets meatand vegetable drawers icestorage binandallplasticparts can be cleanedthesameway Donotuse cleansing powders or otherabrasive cleaners Tohelppreventodors leave anopenboxofbakingsodainthe rear oftherefrigerator onthetop shelf Changetheboxeverythree months Anopenboxofbaking sodain thefreezerwillabsorb stalefreezerodors Dr...

Страница 12: ...eplacingwithsamesize bulb reinstallshieldandshelfand plugrefrigeratorbackin m YOU Forextendedvacationsor absences shutoffpowerto refrigerator turnthenumbered controltoOFl cleaninteriorwith bakingsodasolutionofone tablespoon ofsodatoonequartof water Wipedry Topreventodors leaveopenboxofsodain refrigerator Leavedoorsopen For shortervacations remove perishablefoodsandleavecontrols atregularsettings H...

Страница 13: ...andstopsmotortomaintaineventemperatures smPs I REQU13NTLY OR If refrigeratorvibrates morethanlikelyit isnotrestingsolidlyonthefloorandfront RATTLING rollerscrewsneedadjusting or floorisweakor uneven RefertoROLLERSonpage4 Ifdishesvibrateon shelves try movingthem Slightvibrationis normal Thehighspeedcompressormotorrequiredtomaintainnearzerotemperaturesin SOUNDS thelargefreezercompartment mayproduceh...


Страница 15: ...p FIRST contactthePeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY if yourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 m E...

Страница 16: ...o F a c S e C e o o y t e d i f s u c c e o w f p r o d b o a u t h C u s C G E E L C p u r c h f o r d i h o u s e r d u n o w o G E E L F i t h 4 m a i n s t a H a w h o S E G E a n W a s h i n D I A l a t H O F S o w a r r i t s a e x c t h i i G E E L C L I M I b e c y m u p t C SERVICE ship the product t t s e r s h o f o t s e r t e c h n t r a c o s t y o h o 1s Nm se icetriPstoYourhometo o...
