Страница 1: ...torageSuggestions 6 8 Drawer CoverRemoval 8 10 Storage Times 6 Temperature Controls 5 Icemaker 10 11 Vacation MovingTips 12 Icemaker AccessoryKit 11 Warranty Back Cover Ice Travs 11 WaterFilter Accessory 11 Installation 3 4 Adapter Plug 4 AdjustableRollers 4 Clearances 4 Electrical Requirements 3 4 Extension Cord 4 Grounding 3 4 Location 4 Light Bulb Replacement 12 Modeland Serial Numbers 2 ...
Страница 2: ... NEXT if you are stillnot pleased write all the details including yourphone number to Manager Consumer Relations GE Appliances Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if yourproblem is still not resolved write Major Appliance Consumer ActionPanel 20 North WackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 Toobtain a Spanishlanguage version of this book call GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer informatio...
Страница 3: ...l containice crystals or if they are stillcold below40 F Thawedground meats poultry or fish that haveanyoff odoror off colorshouldnot be refrozenand should not be eaten Thawed ice cream should be discarded If the odor or color of any food is poor or questionable get rid of it The food may be dangerous to eat Even partialthawingand refreezing reduce the eating quality of foods particularly fruits v...
Страница 4: ...mance and to prevent overloadinghousewiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard from overheatingwires Refrigerator location Installthe refrigeratoron a floor strong enough to support it when it is fully loaded Do not install refrigeratorwhere temperature will go beIow60 F because it will not run oftenenough to maintain proper temperatures Also see Energy SavingTips regarding location clearanc...
Страница 5: ...ettered settingat this colder settingfor the entirewinteror for whateverperiod of time youare turning downyour thermostat This is especially importantwhen the thermostatis turneddownfor an extendedperiod This change shouldhaveno effect on your fresh food compartment However if freezing occurs turn the numbered control one step warmer as from 5 to 4V When you stop turning the thermostat down turn t...
Страница 6: ...g temperature Them ofthe freezercompment is slightlycolder than the front mps on foods Therearethreeessentialrequirements for efficient home freezing 1 Initiai quality Freeze only top ql lality foods Freezingretainsquality and flavor it cannoti rnprove quality 2 Speed The quicker fruits and vegetabks are frozen after picking the better the frozen product will be You llsavetime too with less cullin...
Страница 7: ...o shelvesthat canbe positioned at any of fivelevelsin the fresh foodcompartment Pora Bim on the Dool s onmodelssoequipped AdjustablePorta Binson fresh food and freezer compartmentdoors can easilybecarriedfromtherefrigerator to the work area 1 II To remove Lifi Porta Binstraight up unti mountinghooksdisengage To relocate Selectdesired shelf height engagePorta Bin shooks in slotson the tracksof the ...
Страница 8: ...apped foods SUCh aS o Broccoli o Cabbage Parsnips Brussels Cauliflower Turnips Sprouts GreenOnions cd FreshDrawer This refrigerateddraweris designed to providelowerhumiditystorage for itemssuch as Apples Oranges Squash Apricots QPeaches summer Grapes Pears KIStrawberries Mushrooms Raspberries angerines Nectarines Dl Wvem These drawershaveindividual adjustablehumiditycontrolsthatlet you regulatethe...
Страница 9: ...ts on the tracks at the rear of the refrigerator and lower the front of the frame until it locks into position and rests on the front supports at each side 1 4 Slide the l 3 width drawer all the wayto the right 5 Mount the 2 3 width drawer onto the center and left slides Replace the glass cover pushing lts rear edge firmly intothe rear frame channel and gently lowering the front into place Toremov...
Страница 10: ...din the top 6 slots on the left side and the leveris set at COLDEST air from the freezer is forced around the drawerto keep it very cold Youcan movethe drawerto any locationfor storageof itemsother than fresh meats The variable t control lever lets you regulate the amount of cold air surrounding the drawer When the kver i all the way up the damper over the opening in the drawer is fully open to pr...
Страница 11: ...ingsoundsand are not cause for concern Ice traysare designedto release ice cubes easily Hold tray upside down overa containerand twist both ends to release cubes For only one or two ice cubes leavethe tray right sideup twist both ends slightlyand remove desired number of cubes Washice traysand storagebin in lukewarm water only Do not put them in an automatic dishwasher l VVo Position Shelf in E l ...
Страница 12: ...re shouldbe takenin moving your refrigeratorawayfrom the wall All types of floor coverings can be damaged particularly cushioned coveringsand those with embossed surfaces Pull the refrigerator straightout and return it to positionby pushingit straight in Movingyour refrigeratorin a side direction may result in darnage to yourfloorcoveringor refrigerator Condemer For most efficient operation you ne...
Страница 13: ...e 12 Check ENERGY SAVING TIPS on page 2 I S I thelarge ree ercomp rtmentmayprod cehighersoundlevelsthanyour ldrefrigerator I Fi w W l x _ W E I sg L iiwEw Y Temperaturecontrol starts and stopsmotor to maintain eventemperatures e If refrigeratorvibrates more than likelyit is not restingsolidlyOnthe floor The front roller screwsneed adjusting or floor is weak or uneven Referto ROLLERS on page4 If di...
Страница 14: ...ageholdingdoor open I Toofrequent or too long door openings 1 Frost within package is normal Icemaker feeler arm in OFF up position Watersupply turned off or not connected Freezer compartment too warm Cubes too small watershutoffvalveconnecting refrigeratorto home water line may be clogged Door may havebeen left ajar Turn temperature of freezer compartment colder old cubes need to be discarded Ice...
Страница 15: ...oursa day 7 daysa week Youcan havethe securefeelingthat GEConsumerServicewillstillbe there afteryourwarrantyexpires Pur chasea GEcontractwhileyourwar ranty isstillin effectand you llreceive a substantialdiscountWitha multiple yearcontract you reassuredof future serviceat today s prices T L a Individuals Cpadifkit to s their own a can haveneeded t artsor accessoriessent directlyto eir home free of ...
Страница 16: ...AL ELECTRICFACTORY SERViCE GENERAL ELECTRIC i iOTPOiNTFACTORYSEFiViCEor GENERAL ELECTRiCCUSTOMER CARE SERViCE IIS Service trips to your home to teach you how to usethe product Read your Useand Carematerial if you then haveany questions about operating the product piease contact your aeaier or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or caii toii free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer ...