GE Spacemaker JVM140 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 22

Содержание Spacemaker JVM140

Страница 1: ...cemaker modd M140 I Features ofyour oven p5 Auto Roast p12 Auto Defrost p14 ShdfGuide pu l Save time andmoney Before you request service usetheProblem SolveEp21 Your DirectLineto Amend Electric TheGEAnswer kBtelF y9 U Y ...

Страница 2: ...move or ifym I arenottheoriginal purchaserpleasewritetous statingmodelandserialnumbers Thisappliance mustberegiskwed Pleasehecertainthatit is or write includeyourphone number ConsurncrAffairs GeneralHcctric Ckxnpany AppliancePark Louisvik KY40225 Writeto GeneralEhxtricCompany RangeProductService ArxdiamxPark write downthemow L isville KY40225 andserialnBRmbers You llfindthcrnon a labelinside theov...

Страница 3: ...ensils P pertowe s waxpRperrand pkls tic wrapcanlx UsedtoCover dhhes inordertoretainmoisture andpreventspattering Somemicrowaved foodsrequire stirring rotating or re rrangit g CheckyourCookbook forspecific instructions Steambuildsuppressureinfoods whichtiretightly coveredbya skin or membrane Piercepotatoes egg yolksandchickenliverstoprevent bursting Whenusingekctriwd appliances basicsafetyprecauti...

Страница 4: ...richinamaybe presentinthemeat it willbe killed aridmeatwillbe safeto eat Boilingeggs inand out of SIMM is not r aommQnd d for microwave cooking Pressureean buildupinsideeggyolkandmay causeitto burst resukingin injury Foodswith unbroken N W P suchaspotatoes hotdogs orsausages tomatoes apples chicken liversandothergiblets and4ggs seepreviouscaution should bepierced toallow steam toeseapeduring Gcwki...

Страница 5: ...y into theOVWI b fib _ me G 6 Mkxxfllwrmmmtww Tempmture Probe Usewith Ternp ClxM4dd andAuto Roast functions only Receptacle forTemperature Probe Probemustbesecurely inserted intoreceptacle before oven willstartanytwnpemtum orAuto Roast cooking TwoPosition Metal Shelf Doubles theovencapacity when reheating orcooking smaller f item For complete useofshelf seeptqy 18 19 9 oven Fk or 10 AutoRoast Auto...

Страница 6: ...lock Touchthispadtoentertimeofdayorcheck timeofdaywhilemicrowaving Tosetclock first touchCLOCKpadandthenentertimeofday For example if timeis 1 30 touchnumberpads L 3 andO and 1 30willappearin readoutdisplay Start will flashonreadoutdirectingyouto touchSTART thus settingtheclock If youwishto resetorchange time simplyrepeataboveprocess 5 NumberPads TouchthesepadstoenterTime Temperature PowerLevel Au...

Страница 7: ...velnumber ifyouwanttochange fromautomatic Power Level10 NIGH forcocking or Power Level 3 LOW fordefrosti g E Star Musttouchthispadforoven beginany functions 14 AutoIMk Touch thispad thenCodenumber foodweight andtheovenautomatically setsPower Levels anddefrosting time Seepage14 IS Light Touch desired padtoilluminate counter or toturnm nighlight AU MA C FAN FEATm Cookingappliances installed underthe...

Страница 8: ...ART Step Power Level 0isdisplayed and CookThe 1 counts down Step Attheendof CookTime 1 thenextselected power level is displayed and CookTime2 is shown counting down Step Whentimeisup theoven signals andfhshes4 End Oven light andfanshutoff Step9 Openthedoor HOW toweAuto start The AutoStartfatureallows you toprogram youroven tobegin cooking atapreset time ofday uptoa12hourdelay TO the Auto Start Ste...

Страница 9: ...ould bereplaced in theirboxes Besuretoremove any foilcovets Keepmetaltraysat least1 away fromcavity walls Questions andAmvvers Q When Ipress START Ihear adullthumping noise What isit A Thissoundisnormal It is lettingyouknowtheovenisusinga PowerLevellowerthan 10 HIGH Q GinIDefrostsmallitemsin a hurry A Y buttheywillneedmore frequent attention thanusual Raise thePower Level afterentering the timebyt...

Страница 10: ...cle Step8 Remove probeandhod fromtheoven cmu T use 8knver power level itUYiil heatmoreWdy even thou requiringmoretime Be9UXV frozenf hwbeen completely defiwted before inserting probe Probemaybreakoffifused infrozen foods Usethecliptokeeptheprobein placewhileheating Cover fbudsloosely formoisture control andquick evenheating QwstimsmdAmem Q After Xfollowed thesteps andtouched theSTART pad EW JR fla...

Страница 11: ...efrosting is automatically setonPower Level 3 butcanbechmged bytouching the Power Level padandthedesired power Ieveic step 4 set mndillgorkid time byt timi gj hmwwc mm The display shows 0ml Enter Time flashes Step5 Tbuch 1 0 0andOtohold fix tenrnimltes KkOO q ears cm disphiy and T ime flashes Step6 Touch TIME XXX1pad Thedispkty shows 0and POVNX Kl EnterCookTime1 flashes Step Touch 2 5 0 and0fbr tw...

Страница 12: ...Hamtender bed mf tst ontrivetin microwave safedish Insertprobe fromthefronthorizontally intothe center meaty areanottouching bone orfat Make surethehandle does nottouch thefood ortoporsidesof theoven Cover withwaxpaper StepLTouch AWKI ROAST Rd Auto appears ondisplay and Ekmx Code fkxh Touch number pad2 Code 2 appears on display aridWart flashes Touch START Readout shows temperature ml Code2 Step2 ...

Страница 13: ...5 1o 10 15 30 5 10 4 1 80 80 175 115 18 20 17 19 20 5 10 5 5 4 100 100 80 190 190 175 20 20 20 g Recommended standing timebefore serving Automatic imnwr Auto Roast Code 6 Automatic Simmer Auto Roastcode 6 MmCookbookhasinformationon Automatic Simmering irwluding chartsandreeipes Approx Food Time Hrs Iklef PotRoast 6 8 stew 6 8 Chili 11 13 Chickefi stewing 11 12 Broiler Fryer 4 6 I Total timeinchdx ...

Страница 14: ...harttomakesurethatweight corresponds totheCodenumber entered Step1 Remove frozenmeatfrom packageandplaceinmicrowave safedish Placeinovenandclose door Ste lbuchAutoDefrost l d EnterCode flashes onrewkmt te Tbuahmunberpad4 Code 4 and Showson readout EnterWeight flashes Step Touch number pad3aridO forweight 3M Display shows 3 0 Code4andWart flashm Step5 Touch START pad Defrost timebegins counting dti...

Страница 15: ...he finger hold onthefilterands ide totherear ThenPullfikerdownward andto thefr nt Timfilterwilldropout lL Todeangreasefilter soak then agitatefilterinhotdetergent solution Don tuseammoniaor otherakdi becauseit willdarken metal Lightbrushingcanbeused to removeembeddeddirt Rinse shakeandremovemoisturebefore replacing Filtersshowkl be cleaned atleastonceamonth Never operate yourhoodwithout Toreplace ...

Страница 16: ...rnonto theovenfloor Thismaybe removed withacleanser suchas BarKeepers Friend Cleanser by SerVim Laboratories Inc AfterusingBarKeepers Friend Cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly following instructions oncan Do notuseBarKwqwrs Friend Cleanser onthepainted surfaces suchasthewalls Itmayscratch thepaint BarKeepers Friend Cleanser is soldinmy grocery hmhvare anddepafiment stems Automatic Temperature Probe Pr...

Страница 17: ...Connect electrical power tomicrowave oven w Toreplace youroven lamp first disconnect power atmainfuse orcircuit breaker orpullplug Remove thetopgrillbytaking off 3_s e whichhoiditinplace Next mmve thesingle screw located dx ve door rixmxmter of oven thatswwres lamphousing Remove bulbandrepkwe with30 wattincandescent bulbavailable fromyourGeneral13ktric Supplier PARI NO WB2x 4235 Secure lamphousing...

Страница 18: ...e awwroles Extrasteam generated frommukiple foodcooking may make utensils hotter thanwith regular microwaving the potholders whenhandling metal shelfandutensils They maybehot utensm forshelf Heating mdRehati Before placing food inthedishes youplan touseforshelf micmwaving check toseethattheywillfit together onorunder theshelf Also besureutensils aremicrowave safe Utensils forheating orreheating in...

Страница 19: ...xted bythesizeofthefood andits starting temperature Heatorreheat diffbrent types of foodatHIGH 10 lbdetermine heating times addtirnes forall f s gether Seeheating guide inside frontcover ofccmkbook Afterhalfoftime stirorrearrange fbods donotwe epsitioas Check fbods topshelfespecially after3 4oftotaltimeandremove anywhich aredone Continue cooking others Because ofthevarying rates you mayneedmstartr...

Страница 20: ag fiunding wirewithagrounding plug The m notunder anycirculn plugmustbeplugged imoanoutlet stancecutorremove the thatisproperly installed and M1 d Xlund prong f m grounded Fig 1 epower cord WAmG i poper Donot use am mkapter plug useofthegrounding plugcan resukinariskofelectric shock I INSURE PROPER GROUNO EXISTS Fig 1 BEFORE USE 3 Q alrj j withthisappliance Donotumanextension mrd withthis lppl...

Страница 21: ...m itmaybe minor Youmaybeabletocorrect ityourself JustusethisProblem Solvertolocateyourproblemand thenfollowthesuggested recommendations Swimor vapo escapingfrom thumpingsoundwhile aroundthedoor operating atpowerlevelsother s Lightreflection arounddoor thanhigh outercase a someTV adic3 intmfimmce 21 ...

Страница 22: ...eive herearethreestepsto Mow forfurtherhelp I Service C 3ntnwts Fortrouble free serviee beyond the written warranty period Hyoupreferto budgetyourrepairexpenditures insteadof beingsurprised bythem GEoffers service contmctsforvarying lengths oftimeon allGEmajorappliances Witha contractq we ll keepyourapplittrwingoodoperating condition duringthecontractperiodtt noadditional charge Service ccmtracts ...

Страница 23: ...MER CARE SERVICE BI WHATISNOTCOVERm Servhetripstoyourhometo teachyouhowtousetheproduct Read your Ike and km material Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions aboutoperating theproduct please contact yourdealerorour Consumer Affairs officeatthe address below orcall tollfree TheGEAnswer Centerw 800 26 2000 conaurner information service Improper installation Ifyouhaveaninstallation problem contact your dealerorinst...
