7. Note: You can press the MENU button anytime during setting to cancel the
selection and go back to the previous menu
Copy Files to SD Card
The Copy Files function can be used to copy
all video files at once from internal memory
to SD card.
Note: IntelliCorder will automatically detect an
SD memory card after insertion. Record, Play
and other file management tasks will be routed
from internal memory to SD card.
1. Press MENU switch to enter Menu mode
2. Use to move to Setup
3. Press OK to enter the setting mode
4. Use to move to Copy File to SD. Press OK to enter
5. Use to select Cancel or OK
6. Press OK to start copying.
7. Press MENU during setting to cancel the selection
and go back to the last menu
• Files copied from the internal memory
will be stored in a new folder \DCIM\xxxFLASH\. xxx
• The original files in the internal memory will not be erased - They must be erased manually.
Set Date / Time
1. Date
2. Time
3. Date Format
4. Time Format
12 - HOUR
24 - HOUR
St ar t C opy ing Files
fro m inte r nal M em ory
to SD C ar d?
O k
C ancel
2005 – 05 – 13
00 : 00 A M
12 -HOUR
Date / Time