MDS P-60/P-60 HL Reference Manual
MDS 05-2818A01, Rev. C
The MDS P-60 is normally wired by the factory for “floating” power connec-
tions. However, either of the primary power leads can be connected to TB2 Pin
2 (chassis ground), if desired, to configure the unit for positive or negative
AC Operation
Connector TB2 is used for primary power input on AC-powered models. Pins
1 and 3 are the AC line inputs. The AC Ground must be connected to Pin 2
(chassis ground).
AC power supplies are most commonly wired for 120 Vac, but can readily be
rewired for 230 Vac if desired. There is a chart on the side of the power supply;
unmount the power supply to view it.
Power Supply Bypass Plug
The MDS part number for the Power Supply Bypass plug (used on models
without a DC-DC converter) is 03-1304A01.
Accessory Power—With Analog Interface/Utility Board Installed
Interface terminal block TB1 Pin 12 can be used to provide up to 1 ampere for
13 Vdc negative ground accessories. TB1 Pin 11 is the negative connection.
Fuse F5 provides protection for this accessory power.
Backup Battery—Important information
Packaged systems supplied wired for AC operation have a backup battery
system installed as standard equipment. The battery is disconnected for ship-
ping by unplugging its cable from the Interface/Utility Board. This prevents
accidental discharge of the battery and radio operation while the unit is in ship-
ment or storage. Plug the battery cable into J4 to enable the backup power
Antenna Connection
A type-N coaxial connector on the lower right side of the transceiver chassis
serves as the antenna connection to the packaged system. Route the antenna
coax through the weathertight bushing on the bottom of the enclosure and
attach it to the transceiver connector. This bushing is also commonly used to
pass the RTU interface through to the Interface/Utility Board. Do not tighten it
until all cabling has been installed.
The antenna connection is
made directly to MDS iNET and TransNET
transceivers, as with other MDS radios. A pigtail coaxial lead is provided (P/N
03-3576A01), that makes the antenna connection readily accessible, and con-
verts it from a TNC connector to a Type-N connector. After connecting the
antenna feedline to the pigtail connector, the assembly should be well insulated
(for example, electrical tape or shrink tubing) to prevent contact with other cir-
cuitry inside the P-60 housing.
Refer to the transceiver manual for additional information on installing
antennas and feedlines.
The following subs ection describes audio and keyline connections
to an MDS
Interface/Utility Board (P/N 03-2110A01).
Instructions for the
Interface/Utility Board are given in the
next major subsection.
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