MDS 05-3628A01, Rev. B
MDS 4790M (MPT 1411) I/O Guide
Access Level screen 53
Accessories 5
Active messaging (defined) 6
Active Radio Status screen 61
ALARM command (display current alarm status in
hexadecimal format). See also STAT command 28
Alarm Masks screen 59
classify events as major (AMASK command) 30
classify events as minor (NMASK command) 36
connecting optional circuits 19
display hexadecimal codes (LCD screen) 59
display status (STAT command). See also ALARM
command 41
event codes 42
hexadecimal values for major alarm conditions, table 29
hexadecimal values for minor alarm conditions, table 29
major, defined 64
minor, defined 64
relay connections, illustrated 20
set/display Pin 25 alarm output (ASENSE command) 31
summarize in hexadecimal format (ALARM command) 28
AMASK command (classify alarm events as major). See also
NMASK command 30
Antenna switch module
removing or re-installing 70
removing, illustrated 70
height vs. theoretical radio horizon, illustrated 75
selection 10
ASENSE command (set/display Pin 25 alarm output) 31
Assemblies, replacing 67
connector, illustrated 20
connector, installation 20
enable/disable receive attenuator (LCD screen) 58
enable/disable transmit boost (LCD screen) 58
enable/disable transmit boost (TXGAIN command) 44
set/display receive level (LCD screen) 58
set/display receive level (RXLEVEL command) 39
set/display transmit level (LCD screen) 58
set/display transmit level (TXLEVEL command) 44
Backlight Intensity screen 59
Backup Battery Cable
location 15
Battery, connecting back-up 19
BAUD command (set/display communication attributes for
Baud rate
set/display baud rate/format (Baud Rate/Format screen) 54
setting for RJ-11 DIAG port (DLINK command) 33, 65
Baud Rate/Format screen 54
Bench test setup 65
illustrated 65
BER (bit-error rate), defined 6
BERT (bit-error rate test), defined 6
Bit, defined 6
bps (bits-per-second), defined 6
BUFF command (set/display received data handling mode) 31
Byte, defined 6
coax 10, 17
DB-9 to DB-9 for PC connection 24
DB-9 to DB-9, illustrated 24
diagnostic and control interface, accessory 5
extension 13
feedline installation 16
feedline loss chart, table 11
feedline selection 10
front panel, disconnecting 13, 68
null-modem, connecting same-site radios for
diagnostics 66
RJ-11 to DB-9 adapter 66
RJ-11 to DB-9 adapter, illustrated 66
disconnect primary power before removing transceiver
board or power supply 67, 69
verify power source matches power supply 15
CKEY command (enable/disable continuous keying) 32
Clear Logs screen 62
Clear-to-Send Delay screen 55
Clear-to-send timer
set/display value (CTS command) 32
set/display value (LCD screen) 55
ALARM (display current alarm status in hexadecimal
format). See also STAT command 28
AMASK (classify alarm events as major). See also
NMASK command 30
ASENSE (set/display Pin 25 alarm output) 31
BAUD (set/display communication attributes for DATA
INTERFACE port) 31
BUFF (set/display received data handling mode) 31
CKEY (enable/disable continuous keying) 32
CTS (set/display clear-to-send timer) 32
DATAKEY (set/display key-on-data mode) 33
DATE (set/display date) 33
diagnostics, PC 27
DKEY (deactivate transmitter). See also KEY command 33
DLINK (enable/disable network-wide diagnostics) 33
DMGAP (set time to wait between characters) 34
DTYPE (set radio to root or node for diagnostics) 34
DUMP (display radio status) 34
HREV (display hardware revision level) 35