LOGIQ C Series Quick Guide
Direction 5401576-100 Rev. 1
Starting an Exam
New Patient
To start a new patient’s exam,
1. Press
. Press the New Patient button on
the Patient menu.
2. Select the Exam Category.
3. Type the Patient ID, Patient Name, Birthdate,
4. Press the Register button on the Patient menu
(DO NOT press Register if you are
automatically generating a patient ID).
5. Press
, or
Figure 10. Paitent Screen
Patient Entry Menu
Image Management Window
Access to this patient’s exam history and image
management features.
Function Selection Window
New Patient
is used to clear the patient entry
screen to input a new patient’s data into the
is used to enter new patient
information into the database prior to the actual
exam being performed.
displays exam
details and additional patient information.
EZBackup, EZMove
One-step method to backup (move and delete
patient images) to an external media.
Selects this exam’s dataflow preference.
Exits the Patient Menu and returns to scanning.
Patient Information
Patient ID, Name, Birthdate, Age and Sex.
Category Selection and Exam Information
Select the appropriate category and enter the exam
Patient View and Exam View
Patient View
lists the patients in the database.
“Search key” enables searching list by Patient ID,
Last Name, First Name, Birthdate, Sex, Exam
today, Exam between, Exam date before,
Examdate, Examdate after, Accession Number and
Exam Description. “string” field helps define the
search parameters, and “Clear“ clears the
searching condition.
Exam View lists the exams of the selected patient.
Select the patient or the exam in Patient View and
press “Exam View”.