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Содержание JTP13GT1

Страница 1: ...GE Applimce S i ui rll r PR rufi l ul ot iiL ii rjr l l ...

Страница 2: ...l Sysbm j ll Sf f 0snvec ion Cqntrol Opetation j 12 ER0 S qrnrc lqp Control Syelqm t 13 Conveetion tsgte Fan Aesembff Aecees 14 t orlorhed Door Lsd fstem 15 Ttrcnnal Utlst r r t t 16 shemaric fl FqqryraT qg r page no 1 Page no 2 Page no 3 page no 3 page no 4 pape no 5 Fage nor 7 pageno 8l page no g pag no 12 pageno t 0 page no 19 psgeno 24 page no 25 pageno 26 pegeno 20 1S lBuift ln tllfal SVPn 1 ...

Страница 3: ...nShelfPositions Installs inWallor Under Countertop Calrod Gasor Radiant Cooktops canbe installed aboveovens Model Nos JTPI3GTl Black onBlack JTPI4WT1 Mite on Mite Features Electronic SelfClean Range Control With Convection BakeandRoast FoodTemperature Probe Motorized LockMotor 3 8Cubic FootOvenCavity 2500WattConveclion BakeUnit 3600WattBroilUnit 2585WattBakeUnit FullGlassLarge VtewrWindow Door Sof...

Страница 4: ...fsupport curved extension ofshelf facing upandtoward rearofoven Tiltupfront of shelfand pushtoward backof ovenuntilil goespast thebumpontheoven shelf support Convection Roasting Rack TheRoasting Rackisdesigned tofitontopof thebroiler panandgrid This permits theheated airtocirculate under themeat andincrease the browning ontheunderside ofthemeat orpoul try Temperature Probe Convection Profilemodels...

Страница 5: ...canbe mounted aboveit ToRemove Fromlnstallation 1 Disconnect Power andremove ovendoor 2 Remove lower trimbyPushing Upand thenPulling Forurard 3 Remove 4 screwsfromovenfrontframe 4 Pulltheovenforuyard 5 Reinstall in reverse order Iypesof Installations Wdl Mormt or Cabinet Insallatioo Single Orrcn Cmincbes f z Y sull8Lt SRAC rO IO SUPPORT RUfl ITf lr rfrrrn d t to dflm b rdrf cg rr dw i t bb l q 4 o...

Страница 6: ...r ll aor lr irrf srh r r r l a r d l l r r r E s J E fie b a E q gttr E r 6 6 4 t Y r E r a L J i ru Sorvn F t u b S O t t E 4 a h F l d F r g t s v 6 b v E t F t i l q E 4 T I l J t z n Component Compartment AirFlow Thecomponent compartment contains two 2 fansforcooling thecomponents located onthe rearwallofthecomponent compartment Fanblades pullairinfromthebackoftheunit andcirculate itinthecompo...

Страница 7: ...moved bysliding out 5 Toreplace theventtrimthetwoscrews on thesidetrimmustberemoved Reassemble inreverse order NOTE Door handle onJTP16 17 18isa onepiecesofttouchhandle OE YENTTRIM ENO CAPS HEAT FLECTOR o I oooR rnnuE ouren culss GTASS MTG CUPS IIINER 1 Separate doorintotwoassemblies lnner andOuter Middle Glass Access 2 Remove twoscrews frominner doorassem blythatmounts oneofthemiddle glassre tain...

Страница 8: ...gasketby placing finger under gasket beside theclipandpullstraight up ToInstall Gasket 1 Locate thecenter clipof thegasket 2 Place finger ontopofspring clipandpress intocenter topholeininnerdoorpanel Note Gasket willgo on betterif folded upat 90 beside theclipbeing inserted 3 Continue thisprocess all thewayaround inner paneluntilallclips have been inserted 4 Mthsmallscrew driver tuckloose ends of ...

Страница 9: ...nge Right Hinge oorHingeReplacement Opendoorto firststopandliftdooroffby firmlygrasping on eachsideandpulling straight up Be careful notto letthehinge armssnapbackonyour fingers l Remove fourscrews mounting oven inwall andslideforwardapproximately 6 Take necessary precautions to insure thatoven dosenotslipfonarard i Remove the2 lowersidetrimscrews and thetwoscrews thatmount thehinge tothe frontfra...

Страница 10: ...ess tofanmotor assemblies fanther malswitch assemblies ovenlightsocket con trol control transformer onconvection models lockmotorassembly andfanon thermal limit switch ControlPanel Access 1 Disconnect POWER andopenovendoor 2 Remove3 screwsfrom acrossbottomof control panel 3 Pushupon control panelassembly to re leasemounting rivets ontopcorners ofend caps 4 Reinstall inreverse order FAfiTHERM sw t ...

Страница 11: ...lastsettimeofdaywill flashindisplay until theclockissetoranother function isused lncrease Decrease Pads Thefollowing outlines thefunctions ofthe increase decrease pads Usedto select time temperature start stoptimes Hl LOBroil Etc r lncrease Decrease pads willnotfunc tion unless oneof the program padsare touched first The onlypadsonthe control thatdo not haveandaudible tonewhentouched Usedto initia...

Страница 12: ...F will bedisplayed Select desired temperature usinglncrease Decrease pads After about 5 seconds the bakerelay willclose anddisplay willshow 100 andON TimeBake Operation Touch COOK TIME pad 9HR gg and oven timewillflash Press Increase orDecrease Padfordesired length ofbaking time r TouchBAKE padandselectdesired tem perature t Same procedure asbake Defayed Bake Operation o TouchCOOK TIMEpadandselect...

Страница 13: ... I NOTE Clean timecanbevaried between 2 and tCt f J 4 hoursin 5 minute intervals Wtrencleancycteis complete and ovenhas coofeddoorwillunlock r 1 ilil A V E fr1 u iThe bake temperature can beadjusted byt 35 F ifrom thefactory setting iToAdjust TheBake Temperature 1 Press BakePad 2 Selectany temperature above500 F by pressing the Pad fl uil i5 A 3 lmmediatelyPress andHoldBakePaduntil 00 orpreviously...

Страница 14: ...etlme BAKE ONLY durlng pre heat cycle BROIL CLEAN FIRST 30MINS OR750 F NOTE Acooking orcleaning mode ofoperation mustbeselected before therelaycontacts will operate Voltage must bepresent across terminals L1to Nforthecontrol tooperate BakeMode BakeUnit B a k eU n i t 67 Seconds On 6 7 S e c o n d s O n BroilUnit E t7Seconds On BALANCE OFCLEAN CYCLE O D WIERfA I CONN XTRO PA dEI Nti BroilUnits y c ...

Страница 15: ...rearoven walljustrightofcenter justbelow thebroilunit OvenSensor andDoor Switch OhmmeterTest See Motorized DoorLockOperation fordoor switchfunction explanation Disconnect powerto range Makeresistance measurement fromsideofsensor lockswitch connector withexposed terminals lf abnormalreading is observed remove senscrfrornovenandcnect atdisconnect bleck Ohmmeter Tesl Setohnrmeter on scale thatwillrea...

Страница 16: ...n Sensor Circuit or Shorted Sensor Circuit 1 Measure Sensor Circuit Resistance atSensor LockSwitch connector plug atERC should read approx 1100Q room temp Measure lead tolead andeach leadtochassis ground 2 Measure resistance directly across sensor pull sensor leads intooven approx 10 andcutleads atcrimp connection and check sensor resistance Both sensor leads shorted toground Cutorpinched sensor h...

Страница 17: ...timeofdaywillflashin display until theclock issetoranother function isused lncrease Decrease pads The followingouilines the functions of the pads Usedto select Time Temperature Start a a StopTimes Hl LO Broil etc Pads willnotfunction unless one of the program pads aretouched first Noaudible tone when touched Used to initiate programs lf not touched within20 seconds afterprogram setection willdefau...

Страница 18: ...ixseconds canbeeliminated by pushing and holding the CLFAR OFF padfor10seconds CHILD LOCKOUT FEATURE TheControl HasTheProvision To LockThe ControlPanelTo PreventThe Oven From Being Used T o LockControl Panel Press andhold pads along with STOP TIME pad for approximately 2 seconds Theword OFFwill appear in display and then disappear Anytime a ovenfunction pad is pressed the word OFF willappear indis...

Страница 19: ...PlaY 4 TouchBakeandselect Temperature SameProcedure asbake TEMPERATURE PROBE OPEMTION 1 PlugProbeintorecePtacle 2 TouchPROBE PAD SETPROBE will appear indisplay 3 Press t Pad and select Probe temperature Displaywill show LO until 100 F probetemPerature isreached Control willtracktemperature untilset temPerature isreached Ovenwillsignal andturn OFF 4 Touch Bake Pad and select oven temperature Probe ...

Страница 20: ...nd3HR 00willbedisplayed anddoorwilllock NOTE Cleantimecanbe variedbetween 2 and4 hours in5 minute intervals 3 vhen thewordlockdisappears fromthe display thedoorwillunlock CONVECTION COOKING Convectioncookingis the movementof heated air in the oven cavity This is accomplished by a fan mounted on the rear wall of the oven cavity The fan operates anytimeone of the convectioncooking modesis selected a...

Страница 21: ...5 0N appears in display After25 to 30 seconds thewordSETwilldisappear from displayand SelectedTemperature will changeto oven temperature and begin risingin 5o increments until selected temperature is reached Display willshow 1OO F until ovenreaches 100 F CONVECTION ROAST 1 Placethe food in the ovenmaking sure pansdo nottouch 2 TouchConvection RoastPad SET o andCONVwillaPPear inDisplay 3 Sameproced...

Страница 22: ... 1t cC V 240VAC Men Ovenls Not Calting ForHeat L1to CFt Approx 120 VAC withoven doorclosed Lock Motor Connector J7 P i n l t o N 120VACwhenlockmotor is locking or unlocking Oven Light Connector J7 P i n T t o N Oven Light is on any time relayis closedor ovendoor isooen NOTE lf0 or 120VACisread press CLEAR OFFandrecheck lf 240VACis notpresent checkBAto N BRtoN andCVtoN should read120VAC lf 120VACis...

Страница 23: ... R EO Bake Unit Jl l tv 67SecondsOn I Ji Bake Unit VE I 57 Seconr s BROIL 30MINS 1 1 B U C K CLEAN FIRST oR 750 F APPROXI MATELY 25 ON TIM EIN BA KE o gakc and Broll unltl cannot bc on a t l a rn e tlm c BAKE ONLY durlng pre heal cyclc 57 SecondsOn BroilUnit E 17Seconds On BALANCE OFCLEAN CYCLE 11 BLACK L2 BED 240V C9H ECNONROAST tov L2 RED COH TECTIOH BAXE 3600w i 16n BAKE 2585W 22n ...

Страница 24: ...r shows someresistance without depressing thepadthekeypanel isbad OvenSensor andSensor Circuit The controlmonitors the oven temperature throughthe oventemperature sensor The sensor onthese modelsis located ontherear ovenwalljust rightof centerjust belowthe broil unit Ohmmeter Test Set ohmmeteron scale that will rJ approximately 5004 Connect leadsto ribuon cableas indicated in chartfor eachfunction...

Страница 25: ...sor Crrcurt Resistance at Sensor LockSwrtch connector plugat ERC should readapprox 1100W room temp1 Measure leadto leadandeachleadtochassis ground Measure resisiance directly across sensor pull sensor leaCs intoovenapprox 10 andcutleadsatcrrmp connec ion and checksensorresistance Both sensor leads shorteC toground Crri nr ninchpd sensor hamess wire Lcssof ccntact withrn sensorharness connector ai ...

Страница 26: ...4 scewsmounting panelto rear wall 2oneachside andpullfon vard ToRemove Convection BakeElement Remove threescrewsmounting element to backwall and pull forwardand disconnect leads ToService FanMotor Fanblade must beremove frominside oven Removeovenfrom installation and remove backcovei ELEUEHT g t JJ suPPoRr iffi4ir w l 3rir corvv FAN MTG ovEN ff scREws FAX SCREWS BLADE 3 PANEL scREws a PANEL MOUKNH...

Страница 27: ...ord LOCK remains illuminated inthedisplay Cam Thecamonthemotor performs twofunc tions Positions thelockhookinthedoorto pre ventopening during clean operation Operates thetwolockswitches whichtells thethecontrolif thedoorislocked andreadv forclean operation Note Men dooriseither beinglocked or un locked bothswitches 1 2 willbe intheooen position LOCXED LOCXSU l LOCK SlA T O P LO CK SW 1 BOTTOM oooR...

Страница 28: ...witches opens at243 F and closes when temperatures coolbelow 205 F lf thefanthermal switch opensduring 1 OvenTemperature Below 600 F a Bakeor Broil theheating element will cycle OFF thelockmotor willrunand theword lock willappear indisplay along withthecooking function andtempera ture ON willdisappear fromdisplay lfthethermalswitch closes while thelock motoris in theunlocking phaseof op eration th...

Страница 29: ...30 Burlt lrrWallOvcn Notes ...

Страница 30: ...UP I zKO FAN APPARENCY RESISTOR MOT O R EAKE ELE I 2585r 229 THERMAL SI O P E N 2 4 3 F C L O S E 2 0 1 F ll RMIL SW O P E N 2 3 F crosE 204 F UNL tocx 5t 2 r oH cYctrGcorfilc 3 C CLICCo ltlcls THERUAL SX C L 0 S E r J l F c P N 2 0 F FA NMO T OR FA rVOTOR I zKO FAN APPARENCY RESISTOR DCCR LOCK 5T ELECOVCONT LocKSf rl 0v 116 111 51 r oo alAclsuro lr ffcrsr rro t ro0r o ilr cro oLl 000r ooof 9r c 5...

Страница 31: ...I Lr J O U J Z F J r 4 r t t L L L N I a A 1 l t v t l Y l t il E I G J J o o E X o r t t T l l e l F a l l UJ I 3 Q 2 2 39 G p 2 E w O O Pi ail _ d l i u x s l E b 3r OE 4 c o q N F ftE E l3 Q i7 Zci F z o u o J 9 S r t e l J I l l Dil ll F l l il 11 rll l J I l l Jt I z l rr z 4 5u 4 _ l 2 I ...

Страница 32: ...J Z v t r 4 n 6 0 c l r4 l rl a _ t J e l H F a l q rl ls l rj l r o a L U O L J E t n O a V s L tJ J rn 1 a j fllx i f t s 1 r o t t I i 1i t s i 3 15 i S iS qF ii tdrrii L 6 I a r ff O s rl rl fr s fl t ll o a a t o q a 6 a v C c I 2 a z F 1 ef F t uJc B 8 6 2 4 vO a f o C r4 E 1 9 l l y 9 o e 6 i o E R o a tui 5 o t o o I z t 2 I E t G C o o x z x ...

Страница 33: ...WT1 JTP 18AT1 z z U zo w l t s l Z F J J t n z n t r l t O J v Q t lt l Y t t l o c u 0 L co t_ l z l o l O T I z e z F z g Q o 2 2 59 9 3il A 6 E FIEE F F l l P E Y 6F oF o 6tr O L F w 5c o r H fE I U J c o tuJ z o J l ot_J rF F t J I J ...

Страница 34: ...NOTIS ...
