GE JP651 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

Содержание JP651

Страница 1: ...dCleaning 13 14 ControlSettings 6 CookingGuide 8 9 Cookware 8 9 Energy Saving Tips 4 Features 5 Griddle 12 GriddleCookingGuide 12 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 ProblemSolver 15 RepairService 15 Use andCare of models JP651 JP661 SafetyInstructions 3 4 Warranty BackCover Your DirectLinetoGeneral Electric TheGEAnswer Centd800 626 2000 ...

Страница 2: ...themona labelunder therightfrontsurfaceunit Thesemodelandserialnumbers arealsoontheConsumerProduct OwnershipRegistration Cardthat camewithyourcooktop Before sendinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere ModelNumber Serial Number Usethesenumbersin any correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourcooktop Ifyoureceived adamagedcooktop Immediately contactthedealer or builder thatsoldyouthecooktop Sav...

Страница 3: ...etcookinggrease orotherflammable materials accumulate onthecooktop o Donotusewaterongrease fires Neverpickupaflaming pan Smotherflamingpanon surfaceunitbycovering pan completely withwell fitting lid cookiesheetorflattray Flaminggreaseoutsidea pan canbeputoutbycovering with bakingsodaor if available a multi purpose drychemical orfoamtypefireextinguisher o Donottouchheating elements Thesesurfaces ma...

Страница 4: ...eheating orasfats meltslowly Alwaysheatfatslowly and watchasitheats Usedeepfatthermometer whenever possibletoprevent overheating fhtbeyond the smoking point SAW THESE INSTRUCTIONS 4 Energy fkwin g Tips o Usecookwareof mediumweight aluminum withtight fitting covers andflatbottomswhichcompletely covertheheatedportionofthe surfaceunit oCookfreshvegetables witha minimumamountofwaterina coveredpan Watc...

Страница 5: ... onpage JP651 JP661 1 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 Underrightfrontunit 2 Infinite HeatControls 6 o 3 Unit ON IndicatorLight 6 Q 4 Plug InCalrod Units 13 3 5 Tilt LockCalrod Units 13 4 1 6 Automatic3 in 1Unit 10 7 Griddle Shownonpage12 12 e 8 Automatic3 in 1UnitSelectorKnob 10 e 5 ...

Страница 6: ... I Step1 Graspcontrolknoband pushin Step2 lhrn eitherclockwiseor counter clockwise todesiredheat setting Controlmustbe pushedintoset onlyfromOFFposition When controlisanypositionotherthan OFF itmaybe rotatedwithout pushingin Choking Guide forUsingHeats HI MED HI Low Quickstartforcooking bringwatertoboil Fastfry panbroil maintain fastboilon largeamountof food Sauteandbrown maintain slowboilonlargea...

Страница 7: ...ots extending morethan l inchbeyondedgeoftrimring is notrecommended However when canningwithwater bath or pressure canner large diameter potsmaybe used Thisisbecauseboilingwater temperatures evenunderpressure arenotharmfultocooktopsurfaces surroundingheatingunit HOWEVER DONOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OR HER LARGEDIAMETER COOKWARE FORFRYINGOR BOILINGFOODS HER THANWATER Mostsyrupor saucemixtures and ...

Страница 8: ...ter add eggsandcoverskillet LOW Cookonly3to4 minutesforsoftcooked 15minutesforhardcooked Continue cooking at MEDHI untilwhitesarejustset about 3to5 moreminutes LOW thenaddeggs When bottoms ofeggshavejustset carefullyturnwer tocook otherside LOW Carefidlyaddeggs Cookuncweredabout5 minutes at MEDHI MED Addeggmixture Cook stirringtodesired doneness Cwered Saucepan Ifyoudonotcoverskillet baste eggswit...

Страница 9: Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time ihmoverpancakeswhen bubblesrisetosurface Rmcakes or Frenchtoast Skilletor Griddle MEDHI Heatskillet8to iOminutes Greaseiightly Cook2to3minutes perside Rista Noodles or spaghetti MEDHi Cookuncovered HI Incoveredkettle bring saltedwatertoa boil uncover andaddpastaslowiyso boilingdoesnotstop Useiargeenoughkettieto preventboilover Pastadoubles insizewhencooked Co...

Страница 10: ... l quartsaucepan Thenselect desiredheat setting 3 Selectheatsettingas recommended on theAuwnwfk m UnitCooking hide Settingswere chosenusingmedium weight aluminumpans oForcookingwithliquids use settingsanywhereinthearea markedI H MED LOWBOIL SIMor settinginbetweentoobtain desiredrateofcooking e Forfryingoperationsusesettings anywhereinareanumbered200 to500 0 Forwarmingoperationsuse settingsmarked20...

Страница 11: ...blespoon butter thenaddsteaks Fry2 to3 minutesperside Melt2 tablespoons fit addbreadedor flouredfishandcookabout 15minutespersideforl inchsteaks Startincold ungreased skillet Whensizzlingbegins turn frankfurters frequentlytobrownevenly Melt 1tablespoonfat thenaddhamburgers Cook6to8minutes perside Startincold ungreasedskillet Cook7 to8 minutesperside Tobrownmeat Addliquid covertofinishcooking Ifdes...

Страница 12: ...thGRIDDLEsettings 5 Letgriddlecoolonccmktop or protecthandswithheavy dry potholdenbeforehandling To clean seeguides Care Secfim Toavoidmarringnon stickfinish storegriddleupright or storeflat butnootherpansor utensilsontop GriddleCookingGuide FirstSide SecondSide Minutes Minutes SpecialInstructions Preheat ifdesired Browneachside Preheatandgreaselightly ifdesired m Browneachside Chops 350 400 Cubed...

Страница 13: ...ippanmustbe underthetrimring Inserttheterminalsoftheplug in unitthroughtheopeninginthedrip panandintothereceptacle Guidethesurfhceunitintoplace soit fitsevenlyintothetrimring Guidethesurfaceunitintoplace soitfitsevenlyintothetrimring Plug h units Tilt Lock Unit CAUTION Theleflfrontandtworearunitson ModelJP661areplug inunits The rightfrontunitisatilt lockunitthat cannotberemoved Allfourunitson Mode...

Страница 14: ...ilbumoff abouta minutej switchunits toOFF Avoid getting cleaningmaterialsoncoils Wipeoffanycleaningmaterialswithdamppapertowel beforeheatingunit Letunitcoolcompletely beforehandling Chrome Plated oSoapandWater Cleanasbeloworindishwasher DONCYI CLEANINSELF CLEANING OVEN DripPan Rings oStiff Bristled Brush theywilldiscolor Wipeaftereachcooking sounnoticedspatterwillnot bumon ModelJP661 Soap FWxl Sco...

Страница 15: ...etforunit youareusing Plug insurfaceunits Model3P661 arenotpluggedin solidly Griddleis notseatedproperlyontheautomaticsurfhceunit Automaticunitselectorknobisnotturnedto RIDDLE Non stickcoatingofgriddlemayhavebeendamagedbyuseof h st ments or abrasivecleaners IfYOU needmorehelp 43311 tollfree Tfie GEAnswerCen er 800 626 20Q0 consumerinformation service If You NeedService Toobtainservice seeyour warr...

Страница 16: ... e Replacement of housefusesor teachyouhowto usetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers ReadyourUseandCarematerial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions Failureofthe productif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingtheproduct pleasecontactyourdealerorour or usedcommercially ConsumerAffairsofficeatthe Damageto productcaused addressbelow or call tollfree byaccident fire floodsor acts TheGEAnswer...
