Wok Cooking
We recommend that you
use only a flat-bottomed
wok. They are available
at your local retail store.
Do not use woks that
have support rings. Use
of these types of woks,
with or without the ring
in place, can be
dangerous. Placing the
ring over the burner
grate may cause the burner to work improperly
resulting in carbon monoxide levels above allowable
current standards. This could be dangerous to your
health. Do not try to use such woks without the ring.
You could be seriously burned if the wok tipped over.
Stove Top Grills
Do not use stove top grills on your sealed gas burners.
If you use the stove top grill on the sealed gas burner it
will cause incomplete combustion and can result in
exposure to carbon monoxide levels above allowable
current standards. This can be hazardous to your health.
Air Adjustment
An air adjustment shutter for each surface burner
If an air adjustment is needed, remove the control
regulates the flow of air to the flame.
knobs and control panel.
When the right amount of air
3/4” Inner Cone
flows into the burner, the
flame will be steady, relatively
quiet and have approximately
3/4 inch sharp blue cones. This
If the flames are yellow, call for service.
If the flames are yellow-tipped, you can
make the adjustment yourself.
Use pliers to open the air
is usually the case with factory
shutter more. If they blow
awav from the burner. close
preset shutters.
-. --
–– ---- ,
the air shutter more. Be sure to
With too much air, the flame will be unsteady,
keep the gap in the air shutter
possibly won’t burn all the way around, and will be
facing straight up. Be careful
noisy, sounding like a blowtorch.
not to distort the air shutter
With not enough air, you won’t see any sharp blue
when making adjustments with
cones in the flame, you may see yellow tips, and soot
the pliers.
may accumulate on cookware.
Now look at the inner cone of
the flame. It should be about
3/4-inch long for all surface
burners. If the flame is not the
the orifice hood
Air Shutter
Use a l/2-inch
wrench to
hood by
in the ‘
L.P. direction to shorten and the
Nat. direction to lengthen.