Страница 1: ...16 18 Modeland SerialNumbers 2 Burners 16 18 Oven 9 Clockand Timer 8 Air Adjustment 9 ControlSettings 7 Baking BakingGuide 10 11 CookwareTips 8 j 2W BroilerPanand Rack 17 18 DripPans 16 18 Broiling B...
Страница 2: ...gas supplier Don t turnelectric switches cmoroff13ecause sparks may ignitethegas FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable Vapomand liquids in the vicinity of this or any other a...
Страница 3: ...f the AN T1 TIP bracketis engaged withthe levelingleg Ifyoupull the rangeout from the wallfor anyreason make suretherearlegisreturnedtoits positioninthebracketwhenyou pushtherangeback Letburner grates...
Страница 4: ...ll bothsavecleaning andprevent hazardous accumulations offood sinceheavy spattering orspillovers leftonrangecanignite Usepans withhandlesthatcanbeeasily graspedandremaincool Useonlyglasscookware that...
Страница 5: ...ssyou placeaninsulating pador sheetof l 4 inch thick plywoodbetween therangeandcarpeting Whenthe floor cowing endsat thefront ofthe range theareathat therangewiHrestonshouldbe builtupwithplywoodor sim...
Страница 6: ...5 GriddleandFifthBurnerControl 7 0 6 Lift UpCooktop locksin upposition 16 e 7 OVENTEMPKnob 9 e 8 OVENSETKnob 9 e 9 AutomaticOvenTimer ClockandMinuteTimer 8 e 10 ClockandFour HourTimer 8 e H CooktopLi...
Страница 7: ...sameflame size 1 2 inchsmallerthanthe bottomofthecookware no matter whatthecookware ismadeof Foods cookjust asquicklyata gentleboil astheydoat a furiousrollingboil A highboilcreatessteamandcooks awaym...
Страница 8: ...clockhandstotheright tothecorrecttime Thenlettheknob outandcontinueturningtoOFF The MinuteTimer hasbeen combinedwiththerangeclock Useittotimeallyourprecise cookingoperations You ll recognize it asthep...
Страница 9: ...temperatures markedin 25 F increments onthedial llm it tothedesiredcooking temperature andtheflamewillcomeon usually within30to60seconds Aftertheovenreachestheselected temperature theovenburnerwill c...
Страница 10: ...bkms andPossible Solutions PDH3 Burningaroundedges oOventoofill avoidovercrowding Edgesofcrusttoothin Incorrectbakingtemperature Bottomcrustsoggyandunbaked Allowcrustand orfillingtocool sufficiently b...
Страница 11: ...ifBmaybeused Cakes without shortening Angelfood Aluminum llbe Pan A 325 3750 30 55 Twopiecepanisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPan B 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxedpaper Sponge MetalorCeramicPan A...
Страница 12: ...ted temperature FI Qzen Roasts Frozenroastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbe startedwithout thawing butallow10to25minutes perpoundadditional time 10 minutesper poundforroastsunder 5 pounds moretimeforiarger...
Страница 13: ...firstandbroilwithdoorclosed Bakery Products Bread Toast or ToasterPastries EnglishMuffins 2 3 1 1 Spaceevenly PlaceEnglish muffinscut side up andbrush 34 withbutterifdesired 24 slices 1pkg 2 2 sp it...
Страница 14: ...S WILL GET HOrENOUGH IO CAUSE BURNS DO1 1 TOUCH LETTHE OVEN COOL BEFORE REPLACING SHELVES 4 If a spilloveror heavysoiling occursontheporoussurface as soonaspracticalaftertheovenhas cooled removeasmuch...
Страница 15: ...tom canberemovedtomakecleaning easier Toremovethe ovenbottom 1 Removetheovenshelves f2m z 2 Remove thetwoknurledhold downscrewsateachfrontcorner If screwsaretootighttoremoveby hand usea screwdriver Pl...
Страница 16: ...heat DripPans Removethegratesandliftoutthe chromedrippans Washthemin hot soapywater Rinsethemwith cleanhotwaterandpolishthemdry witha cloth Neveruseabrasive cleaneror steelwool they llscmtch thesurfac...
Страница 17: ...newovenhasbeencarefidly adjusted toprovideaccuratetemperatures However ifthisovenhasreplaced oneyouhaveusedforseveralyears youmaynoticeadifferenceinthe degreeofbrowningor thelengthof timerequiredwhenu...
Страница 18: ...ing Pad Non metallic Burners SolutionforCleaning InsideofCoffeeMakers o SoapandWater MildAbrasiveCleanser o DampCloth Wipeoffburnerheads Ifheavyspilloveroccurs removeburnersfromrange seepage16 andsoak...
Страница 19: ...LOCKDOESNOT Rangeelectrical plug mustbesecurely seated in a live power outlet Checkforblown WORK fuseortrippedcircuitbreaker OVENLIGHTDOES Bulbmaybelooseorburnedout NOTCOMEON Electricalplugmustbeplugg...
Страница 20: ...use the product Readyour Use and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll f...