GE JET322G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 18

Содержание JET322G

Страница 1: 14 SafetyInstructions 3 4 ConvectionCooking TouchControlPanel 6 CookingbyTemperature 13 Warranty BackCover CookingbyTime 12 CookingReference Guide 17 Cookw reandAccessories 8 ExtensionCords 21 Features 5 Grounding 21 MicrowaveCooking CookingbyTemperature 11 CookingbyTime 10 Defrosting 9 Microwaving Tips 2 PowerLevel 10 Precautions 3 Use andCare of model JET322G Microwaveelectric outputof thisov...

Страница 2: ...blemSolveron pages22and23 It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthatyou cancorrectyourself AHthesethingsarenormalwithyourmicrowave oven Dimmingovenlightandchange Steamor vaporescapingfrom in blowersoundmayoccurwhile aroundthedoor operatingatpowerlevelsother o Lightreflectionarounddooror thanhigh outercase Dull thumpingsoundwhile o Duringcookingyouwillhear ovenisoperating cracking and popping nois...

Страница 3: ...breaker Installor locatethisappliance onlyinaccordancewiththeprovided installation instructions Becertaintoplacethefront surface of the door threeinches or more back from the countertop edge to avoidaccidental tipping of the appliancein normal usage o Do notcoveror blockanyopenings ontheappliance Donotuseoutdoors o Donotimmersepowercordor pluginwater o Keeppowercordawayfromheated surfhces seed r s...

Страница 4: ...oodor liquid andturnon microwave energy it cancreate electricalarcingintheoven and damageovenwalls ti ensils Plastic utensils designedformicrowave cooking areveryuseful butshouklbeused carefully Evenmicrowave plastic maynotbeastolerant ofoverbooking conditionsasareglassorceramic materialsandmaysoftenor charif subjectedto shortperiodsof overcooking In 1onger exposures toovercooking thefoodand utens...

Страница 5: ...shinto open door 3 Window with Metal Shield Screenallowscookingtobe viewed hilekeepingmicrowaves confined inoven 10 Oven Rack Usewith Convection Combination and someMicrowave recipes 7 ConvectionHeating Vents 8 Temperature Probe Probemeasuresinternalfood temperature Mustbe usedwhen cookingbytemperaturein Microwave Convection Combinationor withAuto Roastfunction 11 Touch Control Panel Usetouchcontr...

Страница 6: energywhenit unctionsw a kitchen timer See page 19 7 Auto Start Allowsyouto programyOLN MM tobegincooking i dpresetlimeofday uptoan 1l hour and 59 minute delay SLY page 19 t wt Musttouchthispadfor NJCII to bcgin any l unction 9 Roast Insertprobe touch hispwi and desired numbur pad 1 L IdL tocwrnbirwt ion cmpL rdtIlrc cook Ilwat with kl vmt ic preset prtlgram In additionto microwaveor convection...

Страница 7: ...methodtakestheguesswork outofcooking shuttingtheoven offautomatically whenthefood reachesthedesiredtemperature AtitoRoastis ii c mking functiorl thatum file tcmpcrtitur probe Yousimpl selectfrom8 AutoRoastcmies ml theovenuutomaticaily wijust powerlevel oventemperature and internalt ood temperature Wwok thefoodthewayyouwtmti TheAutoStarttimerIctsyou programtheoventostartcooking atadesiredtime eveni...

Страница 8: ...muffinsbecause these pansreflectheatandhelp producea lighttendercrust NOTE For more informationon the proper use ofcookwarc in youroven see yourMicrowaveGuideand Cookbook Combination Cooking GLASSORGLASS CERAMIC GLASSORGLASS CERAMIC casseroleor bakingdishesarebest bakingcontainers arerecommended suitedforeggandcheeserecipes Besurenotto useitemswithmetal duetothecleanabilityofglass trimastheymaycau...

Страница 9: ...osting timeinminutes andsecondsbytouchingnumber padsin sequence Theprogrammed timeappearsinthedisplay Step3 Tosetthetimecooking stage touchMICROWAVE COOK Thedefrostingtimedisappears and ENTERCOOKTIME flashes Step 4 Touchthe numberpadsto enterthecookingtime Display showsthistime PowerlevelHigh 10 isprogrammedinto oven butif yourrecipecallsfora different powerlevel touchMICROPOWER LEVELandthatnumber...

Страница 10: ...eingused touchMICROPOWER LEVEL padandthenumberappears momentarily Nvo Stage Microwave TimeCooking Step 1 TouchMICROWAVE COOKandthethedesirednumber padsforfirststagecookingtime as describedin Steps1and2 above Step2 TouchMICROPOWER LEVEL Cookingtimedisappears fromthedisplayand ENTER POWER flashes Touchthe numberpadforfirststagepower levelor ovenautomatically cooks at High 10 step 3 Forthe secondcook...

Страница 11: ...esonthedisplay Touch numberpadfornewpowerlevel Step5 TouchSTART tobegin Cooking Thedisplayshows Cool if actualfoodtemperature isbelow 80 F After80 F isreached the displayshowsfoodtemperature asit rises Whenfoodreaches thepresettemperature Hold flashes ovensignalsandholds temperature Howto Usethe Temperature Probe Placeprobesothatpointrestsin centerofthe thickestmeatypartof roast or intothecutendor...

Страница 12: ...eated placefoodinoven Whenthedoor is opened Hot appearsonthe display Step 5 Setthedesiredcookingtime inhoursandminutesbytouching numberpadsinsequence For example toset2 hoursand30 minutes touchnumberpads2 3 andOinthatorder Thistime appearsonthedisplayas 2H 30V Toentertimelessthanonehour forexample 30minutes touch3 andO Displayshows H 30 until STARTistouched Step 6 TouchSTART pad The displayshowsre...

Страница 13: ...emperature selectedisshownonthedisplay Step 5 TouchSTART pad The displayshows 80 untilthefood temperaturereachesabove80 F thenit showsactualfoodtemperature as it rises Whenfoodreaches preselectedtemperature display shows End ovensignalsand turnsoff QuestionsandAnswers Q After 1preheatedmyoven I tried to set cookingtime but nothinghappened What is the problem A Untilyouopentheovendooror touchtheCL1...

Страница 14: ...nabove andonpage 15 Checkyourcookbookforspecificfoodinstructions I I I MICROWAW POWER I I OVENTEMP I Watts I 1 275 F 210 r R 325 F 300 F 210 210 1 __3_ 375 F 210 Step4 TouchSTART Cooking timebeginstocountdown When timereacheslessthan59minutes displayshowsminutesonleftof colonandsecondsonright When timeiscompleted ovensignals flashes End andturnsoff QuestionsandAnswers Q May I use my metal roasting...

Страница 15: ...theotherendsecurely into the wen wail receptacle Step 2 TouchCOMBINATION COOKpad ENTERCOMB CODE flashesandthetimeof daydisappearsfromthedisplay Step3 SelecttheCombination Code bytouchinga numberpadfrom 1to 4 depending on oventemperature needed The code entered is shown on the displayand ENTER COMB FOOD TEMP flashes Step 5 TouchSTART tobegin cooking Theselectedfood temperaturedisappearsandthe displ...

Страница 16: ...ork 170 F 6 Chicken 190 F 7 Turkey 190 F 8 Questions and Answers J When I wok pmdtr the thin small aretis like legs and wings of tm overcookbeforetherest of the bird is thoruughl cooked Ilow can 1prevent this Q Usuallymytemperatureprobe a givesveryaccurateresults butthis time it didn t Whathappened A Ifthetemperature probeis positioned touching fatorbone an inaccurate readingmayresult Be suretopla...

Страница 17: ...WAVE I COMBINATION CONVECTION Appetizers Dips Spreads N PastrySnacks A N A 1 Beverages I I N N Is auces Toppings I I N N I Soups Stews I I A N Meats Defrosting N Roasting A N A Poultry Defrosting Roasting N A N N A Fish Seafood Defrosting Cooking Casseroles N IN I A A I A I I I I I I I Eggs Cheese Scrambled Omelets Quiche Souffle N A N A 1Vegetables Fresh I N N Breads Quick Yeast A N A A Muffins C...

Страница 18: ...hetime ofdayisreachedatwhichcooking isdesiredtobegin theovensignals andautomatically beginsthe cookingfunction Whencooking iscompleted ovendisplays End signalsandturnsoff NCYFE Delaytimesupto 11hours and59minutescanbeprograrnm However usecautionwhensetting ovenforthisfhnction Foodspoilage canoccurduringprolongeddelay periods Nlinute Second Timer The MIN SECTIMERis a minutetimer The time can rangef...

Страница 19: ...Non abrasive ScouringPowder brush on type Non abrasive NylonMesh Scouring Bali Non abrasive Cleanser DHU3CTIONS Clean with milddetergent and water then rinse wellwith wellwrung out cloth If desired a container ofwater can be boiled inthe ovenusing microwaveenergy This will help loosen soil Forhard to removesoil clean gentlywith scouring ball Do not useabrasive cleaners which could scratch or mar s...

Страница 20: ...helargerslotinthe wallreceptacletoprovideproper polarityintheconnectionofthe powercord Caution Attachingtheadapter groundterminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrewdoesnot groundtheappliance unlessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacle isgroundedthroughthehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptacleis properlygrounded Usagesituationsw...

Страница 21: ... or notbeing usedduringAutoRoast Makesureyouentereda codenumberaflertouchingAU ROAST NotenoughtimesetwhenusingTimeCookfimctiansbecauseofvarianceofstarting foodtemperatures Thedensityandamountoffbodswillvaryandthusmayneedmoretimefor completion CheckcookbookandMicrowave Temperature Cooking page11 inthisbookfor specificprobeplacement IncorrectcodenumbersenteredafterAUTOROAST or COMBINATION cOOKING In...

Страница 22: ...pping noises whicharenothingmorethan normalexpansion oftheoven Whenmicrowaving atendof cycleyouwillheara slightthump Thisisnormal You NeedService Toobtain service see your warranty on the back page of this book We reproud of our service and w mtyou to be pleased If for some rcwm you arc not happy with the service you receive here are three steps to follow for further help FIRST contactthepeoplewho...

Страница 23: ...ctory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHATIS NOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Useand Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or c...
