GE JET122 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25

Содержание JET122

Страница 1: ...untertop Microwave Oven Model JET122 EAUTHISBOOK toget the BEST PERFORMANCE fromyour SAVE TIME AND MONEY 8 Section entitled BeforeYou Call For Service on page 30 SAVETHESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTUREREFERENCE ...

Страница 2: ...r microwave oven Before sending in this card please record the num bers in the space below or get them from the nameplate described above and record here Model Number Serial Number Please reference both these numbers in any future correspondence or prod uct service calls concerning your microwave oven Precautionsto avoid possible exposure to excessive microwave energy 1 DONOT ATTEMPT tooperatethls...

Страница 3: ...mperature probe40 use with TEMP COOK and Tem perature COOK CODES SIM N C0OK and TEMP HOLD functions 9 Receptacle for temperature probe 10 Double DutyShelf Model and serial numbers are either inside oven at top left side or on rear outside of case All these things are normal with your microwave oven 1 Steam orvapor escapingfromaround 3 Dullthumping sound whilecooking at the door power levelsother t...

Страница 4: ...mperature probe 12 Temperature cooking 13 Cook Code 14 Cook CodeChart 15 Cook n Watch 16 Automatic Step by step Cooking 17 Programming withtime 18 19 Setting to microwavewith Temp Hold 20 Automatic Simmer Sim nCook 21 Defrost as cooking function 22 Programmingwith temperature 23 Memory 24 25 Foods recommendedwith probe 26 Foods not recommendedwith probe 26 Questions and answers 27 Setting to micro...

Страница 5: ...gned espe cially for bulky foods Time a phone call The HOLD TIMER setting lets you do this with solid state precision Because the timer works separately just like the timer on your conventional range fbatterfoods I Microwave a meal without being there The Memorysettingletsyou decidehowdinner should be cooked Then it remembers for you Someoneelsecanpress STARTlater andthemeal is cookedjustthewayyou...

Страница 6: ...fledelectrician to make sure the receptacle is properly grounded When disconnecting the power cord from the adapter alwaysholdtheadapterwithone hand If this is not done the adapter ground termmal is verylikely to break with repeated use Shouldthishappen DONOTUSE the applianceuntilapropergroundhasagain been established B USAGE SlTUATlONS WHERE APPLI ANCE S POWER CORD WILL BE DIS CONNECTED FREQUENTL...

Страница 7: ...escause bagto heat and may cause fire 11 Don t defrost frozen liquids especially carbo nated ones in the oven Even if theccntaineris opened pressurecan build up Thiscancausethe container to burst resulting in injury 12 Don t overcook food Excessive okercooking driesfoodout and maycause it to ignit zin some cases 13 If f o o d should everIgnite Keeptheoven door closed Turn off the power immediately...

Страница 8: ...aversatileno heatsetting that shandywhen foods need astandlngperiodbetweende frost and cook See page ll COOK CODE Enter 4 code digitsAfteryoupress START decoded lnforrnatlon appears in thedrsplays See age 14 Power Level Number Pads Touchdesired Pad to change power level You can even change powerlevel while cook ing except with autclrnatlc slrn mering feature LOW Low power 4bout 1 3 the oven s full...

Страница 9: ...ouch when you re ready to cook wlth MemoryEntry 1nstru tlons you COOK N WATCH Mlcro wave up to 3 mlnutes whlle you watch to see wheli food I S ready The Power Level of 10 canbechanged Do notenter tlme See page 16 Number Pads Use them to tell the oven how long to micro wave or to what temperature How long to hold Or use to set theclockand to set digltsIn Cook Code CLEARIOFF Stops the oven a n d e r...

Страница 10: ...nuteand 20 sec onds The read out shows 1 20 and Time Cook Power Level 10 remains on readout dlsplay 4 Select PowerLevel The oven isautornat lcally set at HIGH unless you change the PowerLevel For your coffee leave the oven at HIGH For other foods see recipes in your Cookbookforsuggested PowerLevels To change from automatic HIGH 10 touch de siredPowerLevel numberpad at bottom of control panel 5 Pus...

Страница 11: ...n be changed from Its automatic PowerLevelof 3 to otherpower levels you can use DEFROST as the first step ofatwo stepautomaticmicrowavesettlng See page22 The HOLD TIMER setting is a solid state timer No microwavepower is used So you can use it for other things around the kitchen liketiminga3 minutelongdistancephone call 1 Touch HOLDITIMER Read out display flashes Enter Time 2 Select amount of time...

Страница 12: ...ou set a temperatureoutsidetheoven srange be low 90 orabove 199 oranytemperature lower than the temperature of the food Thestgnalalsosounds if you set the oven to mlcrowave by temperature a r d forget to attachtheprobe to thereceptacleinside the oven Durlng TEMP COOK you can recall the tem perature that you set by touchin51 the TEMP COOK pad Things to rememberwhensettingyouroven to microwave with ...

Страница 13: ...splays 0 and au tomatic Power Level 10 is displayed 2 Selectthetemperatureyouwant Use 170 shown on display for your soup 3 SelectPowerLevel Theovenisautomat ically set at HIGH unless you change the Power Level For your coffee leave the oven at HIGH For other foods see recipe s in your Cookbook for suggested Power Levels To change from automatic HIGH 10 touch de siredPowerLevel numberpad at blsttom...

Страница 14: ... of Defrost time and then TIME COOK Setting 5 means Temperature Cook and probeshouldbeused If probe is not used properly the oven will signal Ase Probe when you pressSTART Themiddle 2 digitsindicate t i r e inwhole minutes or temperature in a code from 00 to 99 meaning temperature in degrees F from 100 to 199 F The last digit shows Power Level CodeforHighPoweris O meantng Power Level is 10 First D...

Страница 15: ...emp 170 Cook EEmil l3 piq q Time 11 oo Cook Minutes Time Ki0O Cook Mlnutes i Defrost Time 10 Minutes Cook Hold 5 Mln 4 Mlnutes 14 to 16 oz pkg about 1 Ib of frozen Convenience Entree such as Lasagna Stuffed Peppers or foods listed under 8 oz above Defrost Time 15 Minutes Cook Hold 7 Mln 9 Minutes 1 recipe Beef Stew from Cookbook 2 qt stew In 13 x 9 x 2 in dish Defrost Tlme 25 Minutes Cook Hold 12 ...

Страница 16: ...use COOK N WATCH to complete cooking HOW TO USE COOK N WATCH FUNCTION TO WARM A MEAT AND CHEESE SANDWICH 3 Press START The Inside light comes on A fan starts Display counts up In seconds Power Level shows 10 or other level selected No Change needed 4 Watch food untll food appears done or timer shows approximate tlme needed speciflc food for 1 Place food in oven for example melt cheese on a meat an...

Страница 17: ...Instructions the oven automatlcallyrearrangesyourprogramIna Tlme or Temperature Cooking sequence DEFROST always comes flrst then Hold then Things You Can Do It s 4 OO You want to startcooking at 5 OO but you have to leave nowto take the children to a music lesson Set the oven to Hold for 60 minutes then Time orTemperature Cook Al low foods to remaln at room temperature only as long as is safe Time...

Страница 18: how to cookallthree ways Wnenyoure ready to start lust changethe tlrnes Ilsted on the chart for tlmes needed for the food you re cooklng Things to remember when pro gramming with time If youaccldentally reverse the sequence of programming Instructlons the oven auto matlcally rearrangesyour program Defrost 1ng always comes flrst then hold then cooking When lnstructlons conflict the oven carrles...

Страница 19: ...ime flashes on the panel Then cookit for Enter Time flashes on readout Thereadoutpanel changes to Oand alJtomatic p o w e r l e v e l H i g h 10 appears 25 minutes Time Cook appearson read out panel 2500 appears on readout Power Level 10 re mains on Changepowerlevelfrom a u t o m a t i cH i g h 10 to Medium High power 7 by pressingappropriatepadat bottom of 2500 remains in the readout panel Time C...

Страница 20: ... a kitchen counter Temper atures of up to 20 to 30 above the TEMP HOLD setting are possible Because of this heat storage itisnotpossible to hold roasts at a rare degree of doneness It is suggested that you first remove the roast from theoven and let it stand uncovered for about 10 to 15 minutesbeforen turning to TEMP HOLD Or if you know before cooking that you intendto hold a solid roast at servin...

Страница 21: ...Level for automatic simmering 6 Push START The inside light comes on A fan starts 7 Simmeras long as your slow cook recipe calls for Five hours six even ten hours The oven won t shut off until you touch the CLEAR OFF pad or open the door of oven To restart oven repeat steps 3 and 6 The automatic simmer feature lets you slow cook foods which need long gentle cooking to tenderize or develop flavor F...

Страница 22: of 3 Def Defrost appears on initial boiling m Bring to a boil for one hour at HIGH Power level changes from 3 to 10 Then automatically switch to simmer for 99 minutes TimeCookappears or8readout panel Readout displays 99 OO and mmmm PowerLevel IO at powerlevel 5 MEDIUM Powerlevelchangesfrom 10 to 5 Push START Appropriate program or1 readout carrying out the1st step of the 2 step panel appears to...

Страница 23: ...r dinner butnotstartedyet It would be ready too soon First insert the probe in the cooked roast and attach the The readout disFllays 0 Enter Time fla hes on readout panel probe to the oven Then heat it Thereadoutpanel Shows 0 D e g D e g r e e s E n t e r Temp flashes and auto m a t i c P o w e r L e v e l 10 appears DEG TEMP COOK appears on the 0 panel shows 130 DEG De readoutpanel Thereadout to ...

Страница 24: ...vethese simple instructions with the baby sitter DO THIS SHE LL SEE THIS HAPPENING TOUCH THIS ON THE CONTROL PANEL All functions of program selected aD pears on readout panel YOJ can also Put the food in oven and close the press each function and it will tell door To confirm functions you have you time or temperature and power just selected press Memory Recall level Display shows prolarams as but ...

Страница 25: ...signal lights tell you how the oven is micrclwaving at the moment 2 Touchtheothercookingfunctionpads you want to know about 3 The answers appear in the readout panel YOU LL SEE THIS ANSWER ON THE WHEN YOU WANT TO ASK THIS TOUCH THIS CONTROL PANEL I entered a program this morning The TIME COOK and DEFROST sig What cooking did it call for nal lights come on The readout panel shows the amount of tota...

Страница 26: ...ipes anyfoodsthatyoucan cook in aslow cookingappliance you can micro wave withtheautomaticsimmersettingusingan ovenware casserole 9 Stewing and simmering thistype 01 cooking in o volvesbringingfood to asimmeringtemperature and automatically maintaining that temperature for a long period oftime We recommend the automatic simmer settingon your microwaveovenformost stewing pot roasting and other slow...

Страница 27: ...tion Sse page22 0 How long does theautomaticsimmersetting cook A Until you shut it off by touching CLEARIOFF his way you can simmer foods as long as with a low cooker without affectingthe microwave timer Some slow cooking recipe call for simmering 5 to 10 hours Regularmicrowavesettingsalwaysuse much shorter times 0 What happensif I tell the oven to cookflrst then defrost A TheovenonlycooksIncorrec...

Страница 28: ...sing Brown N Sear Dish with Microwaveoven Scorched appearing stains on the shelf of your microwave oven usually caused by grease baking onto shelf while preheating Brown N SearDish mayberemovedwith Delete cleanser aproductofDrackettCo Note Greasedoesnotnormallybakeonto oveninterior in microwaveoperation how ever high heats generated on bottom of Brown N Sear Dish can cause baked on con dition onsh...

Страница 29: ... gel1tlY and solution of liquiddishpandetergent 2 tea turnittotheleft Or COUnter clockwi e then spoonsdetergentperquart of water USE Pulloutward Out of thesocket RePl ice with sP clAL CAUTION NOT TO SCRATCH THIS lampnlimber25T8DC It isavailableindrug SURFACE and hardware stores Replace compartment Chrome trim is best wiped with a damp towel or cloth thenwipedimmediatelywithadry towel Cleaned daily...

Страница 30: ...etween 90 and TV Radio Interference 200 Make sure temperature setting is higher Some TV and radio interference might be no thanactualtemperatureoffoodinoven If ticed while operating the microwave oven It food has reached or exceeds temperature is similar to the interlerence caused by other setting ovenwon tmicrowavebecausethe smallappliancessuch as vacuum1 cleaners temperatureyousethasalreadybeen ...

Страница 31: ...e pleased with your new GEAppliance Part ofour commit ment to keepingyoupleased isproviding the best possible servicewe can Should your GE appliance need servicing call your local dealer He may provide the service himself or refer you to a qualified servicer in your area If you do not haveaservicingdealer call the FactoryService officein your area A list of these offices and telephone numbers is i...

Страница 32: ...l Zone or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so theabove limitation or exclusion may not apply to you Thiswarrantygives you specificlegal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state ADDITIONAL LIMITEDFOUR YEAR MAGNETRON TUBEWARRANTY The magnetron tubeis covered in the above full wa...
