GE JES636 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 17

Содержание JES636

Страница 1: tile Power Level 13 Convenience Features 19 21 Cooking Guide 15 16 Defiosting Guide 18 Features of Your Microwave Oven 11 12 Microwave Terms 24 tiler Features 22 24 Time Features 14 19 Write themodel andserial numbershere l ind these mn nbers on a label inside the oven Troubleshooting Tips Before You Call For Ser_qce 27 Things That Are Normal With Your Microwave Oven 28 Co uumer Support Consum...

Страница 2: ...ile oven if it is damaged t is particularly irnportant that tile oven door close properly and that there is no damage to tile door bent _linoeso _ nd latches broken or loosened _ door seals and sealing surtaces N TheOvenShouldNot be a justed or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel SAFETY PRECAUtiONS This microwave oven is not approved or tested for marine use Read and lol...

Страница 3: ...tdoors Do not use dfis product near water tbr example in a wet basenlent near a swinnning pool or near a sink Keep power cord awW fl om heated surt_tces Do not immerse power cord or plug ill water I o not let power cord hang over edge of table or COllnter To reduce tile risk attire in tim oven avity Do not overcook toad Carefully attend appliance if paper plastic or other combustible materials are...

Страница 4: ...unless _ lluse popcorn labeled tor use in l nicrowave ovells Some products such as whole eggs and sealed container tbr exm nple closed jar v will explode and should not be heated in this microwave oven Such use of the micro_ave oven could resuh in injury _ I o not boil em s in a microwave oven Pressure will build up inside egg yolk and will cause it to burst possibly resuhing in injm 7 Operating t...

Страница 5: ... cause the container to burst poss lvresultin_ in niurv o Spontaneous boiling_U nder certain special circumstances liquids may start to boil during or shortly after removal ti om the microwave oven To prevent burns ti om splashing liquid we recommend ttle tollowing bet_ re removing tile container ti onl tile oven allow ttle container to stand in the oven ti r 30 to 40 seconds after the wen has shu...

Страница 6: ...h is nlicrowave sat i yOll llSe a rneat thermometer while cookino l hake sure it is sale tor use in microwave ovens I o not use reQvled paper products Recycled paper towels napkins and wm _ed paper can contain metal tlecks which ma cause arcing or igrfite Paper products containing nylon or nylon t laments should be avoided as tile ma also ignite Some st rotoam trays like those that meat is package...

Страница 7: ...op toil cover and return tile tray to tile box When sin i ll _ g 011111the microwave oven keep ttle ioil at least 1inch awW fl om tile Odes of the oven Plastic cookware Plastic cookware designed tbr microwave cooking is very useful but should be used carefully Even microwave sa_ plastic may not be as tolerant ot overcooking conditions as are glass or ceramic materials and may sotien or char it sut...

Страница 8: ...ician or sel vice technician if the grounding illSU tl i h _lsare not completely understood or ifdoubt exists as to whether the appliance is proper1 grounded if the outlet is a standard 2 prong wall oudet it is Tour personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a proper1 gTounded B prong wall outlet I o not under any ir xnnstances cut or remove tile third gTound prong fi om the p...

Страница 9: ...rew does not groundthe appliance unlessthe cover screw is metal and not insulated and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring You should have the circuit checked i ya qualified electrician to make sure the receptacle is properly grounded When disconnecting the power cord Fern the adapter always hold the adapter with one hand If dos is not done the adapter ground terminal isvery li...

Страница 10: ...e extens on cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating ot tile appliance Tile extension cord must be a aoundirN type 3 wire ord and it nmst be plugged into a 3 slot outlet Tile extension cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over tile countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally liyou use an extension cord ttle interior lig...

Страница 11: ... in tl e oven TouchControlPanelDisplay In the event era power failure or iIthe microwave has been unplugged PEx_ llbe display ed and the clock must be reset OoorLatch Release Press latch release to open door Removable Turntable Ttlrntable and support mustbe in place when using the oven The mrmal le ma_ be removed tbr cleaning Convenience Guido NOTE Ratingplate oven vent s and oven light are locate...

Страница 12: before you begin Time Fe tt res Press Enter TIME COOK Amount of cooking time Press eeee or twice TIME DEFROST Amount of defrosting time EXPRESS OK Starts immediately 30 SEC Starts immediately POWER LEVEL Power level 1 10 Press Enter Option POPCORN Starts immediately 3 5 oz 3 oz or 1 75 oz pressonce twice orthree times more bss time REHEAT Foodtype 1 7 Serving size BEVERAGE Starts immediately 4 ...

Страница 13: ..._lg or tmxfi_lg over A lov er setring v ill cook more evenly and need less stirring or rowring of tile leo Some leeds may have better flavor texttlre or appearance if one of the lower settings is used Use a lower power level when cooking fbods that have a tendenc to boil over such as scalloped potatoes Rest periods when the microv ave energ 7 des el oixe time fi r the toed to eqtmlize or trander h...

Страница 14: ... _ti aii set bm _ u ha change i _ tbr more flexibilit Press TIMECOOK o_arel _e I LO Yi _ _ m3 o 2 e the door t rh g rime Cook _o check the _bo l lose die door and press STABTto remme Tinle Cook tt Jets ou ch _mge pov er lex els automaficall ho ing cooki ag Here s how to I t it Press TIMECOON _ 74 power level I 0 Press TIMEcoogagafi i _jiii pov r l le el I 0 At the e_ d of Time Cook L Time Cook com...

Страница 15: ...tmeh 10to 13mill 11 4 to 1 2lbs frozen lO oz package 6 to 8 min chopped frozenspears lO oz package 6 to 8 rain In l t asserole pla e 3 tablespoons water Cabbage fresh 1medium head ll to 13 rain In 1_ _or 2 qt t asserole pla e about 2 lbs 1 4 cup water wedges 14to 16 min Ira2 or 3 tt casserole lace 1 4 cup water Carrots fresh sliced llb 7 to 9rain ha 1K_ qt casserole place 1 4 cup water frozoo lO o...

Страница 16: ... 1 squash orbuttemut about l lb 6to8min 6to8min 5to 7min 8to 11 min In round glass baking dish place orn Itcorn is in husk use no water if corn has been husked add 1 4 cup water Rearrange after hall of time Place in round glass baking dish Cover with vented plastic wrap Rearrange after half ot time In 1 tt casserole place 3 tablespoons water In 1 it casserole place 1 4 cup water In 1 tt casserole ...

Страница 17: ... oods t_ ozen in paper or plastic can be deti osted in the package Closed packages shotEld be slit pierced or vented AI_TER ibod has partially defl osted Plastic storage containers should be partiall tmcovered Family size prepackaged ti ozen dinners can be detmsted and microwaved If the todd is in a ibil COlltainer trallstor it to a illicrowave sate dish Foods that spoil easil should not be allowe...

Страница 18: ... if necessaiT to complete deimsting Turn meat over after halt the time Use powerlevel1 Place unwrapped meat in cooking dish Turn over after halt file time and shield warm areas with tbil When th dshed separate pieces and let stand to complete defrostino 18to 22min 24 to 28 rain 10 to 16 min per lb 6 to 10 min per lb Place wrapped chicken in dish Unwrap and turn over aher hall the time When finishe...

Страница 19: ... 3 5ounces Popcom To use tile Popcornteature followpackage instI tRtiOllS USillg TimeCookiftile package is less than 1 75 in ices or larger dlall 3 5 ounces Place the package of popcorn in the center of tile microwave 12 Press POPCORNonce for a 3 5 ounce package at popcorn twice for a 3 0 ounce package or three tinles for a 1 75 ounce package Tile oven starts immediatel How toAdjustthePopcornProgr...

Страница 20: ... ReheatGuide 1 Pasta 2 Meats casseroles pizza 3 Fruits and vegetables 4 Beverages 8 I0 oz 5 Saucesandgravies 6 PinTa pieces 7 Plate of leftovers 2 to 3 foods 4 oz each Comments Cover with lid or vented plastic x_Tap Cover with lid or vented plastic wrap over with lid or vented plastic wrap Use wide mouth mt N over with lid or vented plastic wrap Do not cover over with vented plastic _Tap BEVERAGE ...

Страница 21: ... is a handy guide located on the inside front of the oven Remove meat fl om package and place on microwave sate dish Twice durino teii st the oven signals TURn At each TURn signal turn tile toed over Remove defl osted meat or shield warm areas with small pieces ot toil _Mier defl osting most meats need to stand 5 minutes to complete deti osting arge roasts should stand tot o dl Otlt 0 mlntltes Con...

Страница 22: ...p to 12 hours Press DELAY l nter the tirne _ 1_1 want tile yen to start Be sure _ _ the microwave lock shows tile correct time Ida Select our desired cooking program Press START The Delay ume will be displa ed The oven will automaticall start at tile dela ed time The tinle Ida rna be displa ed by pressing CLOCK 22 CLEAR OFF Child Lock Out YOU Inay lock the control panel to prevent the nlicrowave t...

Страница 23: tile mi rowave to dela cooking up to 99 minutes and 99 seconds Press TIMECOOK 11 1d enter tile lln l_lllt ot cooking time Press TIMERand enter ttle amount ot thne to dela tile start of cooking Press START Tile timer will begin coun tirlg do _vn to zero arm cooking will then begin Howto Use to Set a Holding time ou can set a holding time between Defrost and Time Cook fl om one second to 99 minut...

Страница 24: ...l pieces Covers hold in moisture allow tDr more even heating and reduce cookinu time Venting plastic x_Tap or coveting with wm_ paper allows excess steam to escape In a remflar oven you shield chicken breasts or baked loods to prevent over browning When microwaving you use small strips ot toil u shield thin parts such as the tips ol wings and legs on poultry which would cook betore larger parts Wh...

Страница 25: ...dl a sudsy cloth then rinse widl a damp cloth Do not use abrasive cleaners or sharp utensils oil oven walls Tocleanthesurfaceof thedoorandthesurface of theoventhat cometogetheruponclosing useonlymild nonabrasive soapsor detergents usinga sponge or softcloth Rinsewith a dampcloth anddr_ Neverusea commercialOvencleaneron anypart ofyour microwave Removable Turntable and Turntable Support To prevent b...

Страница 26: ...indow clean with a damp cloth ControlPanelandDoor Wipe with a damp cloth 1 _ thoroughly Do not use cleaning sprays large amounts of soap and water abrasives or sharp ol_iects on the panel they can damage it Some paper towels can also scratch the control panel Door Surface It s importar t to kee I tile area clear where tile door seals against the microwave Use onl mild non abrasive detergents appli...

Страница 27: ...oor and close se _lrely Door not securely closed Door not securely closed Open the door and close se _uely SrARrpad not pressed Press START after entering cooking selection Another selection entered Press CLEAR OFT already in oven and CLEAR OFF pad not pressed to cancel it Cooking time not entered Make sure _ _ uhave after pressing TIMECOOK entered cooking time alter pressing TIMECOOK CLEAR OFF wa...

Страница 28: ...r levels other than high Dull thumping sound while oven is operating TV radio interierence might be noticed while using the microwave Sinfilar to the intert_ rence caused by other small appliances it does not indicate a problem with the microwave Plug the microwave into a different electrical circuit move the radio or T as tilr away Fore the nficrowave as possible or check the position and signal ...

Страница 29: ... value oI our contract No questions asked It s that simple Protect your refl igerator dishwasher washer and dp er range TV VCR and much more any brand l lus there s no extra charoe_ for emergent servke and low monthl_ financing is available Even_icemaker covera e and food st oilao e_I rotection is oflered You an rest eas knowing that all our valuable household products are protected against e pens...

Страница 30: carefully It will help you operate your new appliance properly Model Number Serial Number I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I Important If you did not get a registration card with your product detach and return the form below to ensure that your product is registered or register online at www GEAppliances com _ Cm here Consumer Product Ownership Registration Model Number Serial Number I I...

Страница 31: ...ties Toavoid any trip charges you must take the microwave oven to a general Electric CustomerCare_ servicer and pick it up following service In borneserviceis also available but youmust pay for the service technician s travelcosts to your home Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Improper installation Failure of the product if it is abused misused or used for other than t...

Страница 32: are available while your warren b is still in eIti_ct You _m purchase it on line anytime or call 800 626 2224 during normal business hours E Consumer Home Sei_ ices will still be there altei VOllr wai I_lllt expires PartsandAccessories vvww GEAppliances com Individuals qualified to see vice their ou33 appliances can have parts or accessories sent directk to their homes VISA MasterCard and Disco...
