GE JBP28G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 15

Содержание JBP28G

Страница 1: ... saving Tips p5 Features p6 Surface tooting p7 Oven tooting p15 How tooperate the self cleaning oven p22 Use andCare of model JBP28G Questions Use theProblem Solver p26 YourDirect Line to neml Electric The GE wer Cenwf 800 626 2000 ...

Страница 2: ...stions Ifyoudon tunderstandsomething or needmorehelp write include yourphonenumber ConsumerAffairs Ger eral ElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 write downthemodel andserialnmbers You ll findthemon a labelon thefrontoftherangebehindthe storagedrawer Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthatcamewith yourrange Beforesendingin this card pleasewritethesenumbers...

Страница 3: ...EMS R g grease oukide a p m COWD BESEWOUSLY can be put out by coveringwith mmD baking soda or ifavatiabie a rndti pur se dry chemical Neverwear loos fittkg or or fo fire exttiguisher hanging garments w b king theappkce H able qterial Do touch heating could be ignitedif broug htin elemetitsor intiripr solace of oven These surfaces maybe hot con ct with hot heatingelements and may cause severebums e...

Страница 4: ...pan sti This apptianceis eqtipped with one bums ignition of fla ble materials arid spillage the hande of a container shotid be W the cen r ofthe range withoutextending overnearby surfaceuni w2ystirn smface ht to 0 before rernovhg utemil Wep w eyeon foods bebg fried at GH or WD GH heab tind should be used in or around my pafl of the oven ...

Страница 5: ...drawer pull drawer outall the way ti tupthe front and bke it out Toreplace drawer insertrollersatbackof drawerbeyondstopon rangeglides Liftdrawerif necessaryto insert easily Letfrontofdrawerdown thenpushinto close mew sam mps Usecookwareofmediumweight Preheatovenonlywhen aluminum withtight fitting covers necessary Mostfoodswillcook andflatbottomswhichcompletely satisfactorily withoutpreheating cov...

Страница 6: ...s 1151 4 ON IndicatorLightsfor 7 SurfaceUnits 16 OvenShelfSupports 151 I 5 OvenSetControl 115 17 Broderh andRack I 20 I I 6 OvenTempControl I 15 18 OvenLiner 1251 7 OvenCyclingLight 15 8 AutomaticOvenTimer Clock 14 andMinuteTimer 19 BakeUnit Maybeliftedgently 25 forwipingovenfloor 20 StorageDrawer 1241 9 Door LockedLight I 22 m I i 21 DoorLatch 1221 10 SolidElementSufiaceUnit 10 11 Sensi Temp Surf...

Страница 7: ...doN glowred evenatHI setting Solidelementsreachtemperature a littleslower andholdheatlonger thanconventional tubularelements Solidelementshaveveryevenheat distribution Sincesolidelements holdheatlonger youmaywishto turntheelementoffsooner and takeadvantage oftheresidualheat Theamountofresidualheatis dependentuponthequantityand typeoffood thematerialand thicknessofthepanandthesetting usedforcooking...

Страница 8: ...emp elementalwaysbeginswithfu power nomatterwherethedid is set Whenthetemperature corresponding tothatsettinghas beenreached theelementcycles OFFandON similartoyouroven Evenwhenthedid is setat minimumtheelementbeginson fill poweruntiltheselectedheat settingis reached TheSensi Temp elementwillnot bum foodwhenthecorrectsetting is selected Forexample baked beans chocolate mashedpotatoes canbelefionth...

Страница 9: ...sshouldnotoverhang morethan1inchovertheelement Tooptimizecookingtimeand energyusage youshouldusea panthatis sizedcorrectlyforthe cookingprocess withawell fitted lidtoavoidevaporation lossand cookwithaslittlewateror fatas possible If thepanis toosmall energyis wastedandspillagecan flowontothe solidelement Placeonlydrypansonthe solid element Do notplacelidsonthe solidelement particularlywetlids Spec...

Страница 10: ...emperature is wellwithinthelimitssetby UnderwritersLaboratoriesandwill notcausedamagetothecabinets countertops cookware dishtowels andothermaterials Q WhyamI overcooking my foodwiththenewsolidelement A Thesolidelementisvery energy efficient andretainsitsheat muchlongerthanthecoilelement Foodwillboilor frythreeto five minutesafierthecontrolsareturned off Werecommendthatyoubegin cookingatlowersettin...

Страница 11: ...iththe solidelementandtaketoolongto boilwater MGHT WRONG 3 Whencanning userecipesand proceduresfromreputablesources Reliablerecipesandproceduresare available fromthemanufacturer of yourcanner manufacturers of glassjars forcanning suchasBall andKerr andtheUnitedStates DepartmentofAgriculture ExtensionService 4 Rememberthatcanningisa processthatgenerateslarge amountsofsteam Toavoidbums fromsteamor h...

Страница 12: ...tions Meat Fish Wultry Bacon SausagePatties Cookon350 425 Brownmeaton350 thenswitchto 175 to 200 simmeruntiltender e Brownchickenon400 switchto200to finishcooking SwissSteak PotRoast braised Chicken fried 425or HI toheatandmaintain temperature Chicken Shrimp Deep fried HI preheat skillet then greaselightly 6 7 brownmeatandcook todesireddoneness Preheatskilletandcookon300 400 LambChops Hambu ers I ...

Страница 13: cook3to 5 minutes Sauces 3 4 finish cooking WM simmer Meltfatandcookon200 Soup Stews HI heat upliquid Heatandsimmeron200 Vegetables Fresh HI cover bringsalted watertoaboil Placefreshvegetables inpanwithwater coverandcookon200 3 4 cook 10 30 minutes depending ontenderness of vegetable 3 4 cook accordingtotime onpackage Frozen HI cover bringsalted waterandvegetables toa boil Placefrozenvegetables...

Страница 14: ... theStopTimesetoryoucanset bothDELAYSTART andS P dialsto automatically startandstop ovenata latertimeofday It takes theworryoutofnotbeinghome to startor stoptheoven SettingthedialsforTIMEBAKE isexplainedindetailonpage16 QuestiomandAmwem A Q HowcanI usemyMinute Timertomakemysurface cookingeasier A YourMinuteTimerwillhelp timetotalcookingwhichincludes timetoboilfoodandchange temperatures Donotjudgec...

Страница 15: ...ooking PREHEATING theoven evento hightemperature settings issptiy rarely morethanabout10minutes Preheattheovenonlywhen necessary Mostfoodswillcook satisfactorily withoutpreheating If youfindpreheatingisnecessary keepaneyeontheindicatorlight andputfoodintheovenpromptly afierthelightgoesout Oven InkriorShelvw Theshelvesaredesignedwithstop lockssothatwhenplacedcorrectly onthe shelfsupports they a wil...

Страница 16: ...hattime bakedfoodswillcontinue cookingafiertheoventurnsoff HowtoSet betiate StartandAutomatic Stop Beforebeginning makesurethe rangeclockshowsthecorrecttime ofday Howtohe Bake 2 m OVENSETknobto TIMEBAKE TurnOVENTEMP knobtodesiredoventemperature forexample 250 F Theoventimercontrolsare designedto turntheovenonand A HowtoSetDelayed Start andStop 1 To setStartTime pushinknob onDELAYSTART dialand rn p...

Страница 17: ...l food Aluminum be Pan 325 375 30 55 Two piece panisconvenient Jellyroll MetalJellyRollPan 375 4000 10 15 Linepanwithwaxedpaper Sponge MetalorCeramicPan 325 3500 45 60 Cakes Bundt cakes MetalorCeramicPan 325 3500 45 65 Supcakes ShinyMetalMuffinPans 350 3750 20 25 Paperlinersproducemommoistcrusts Fruitcakes MetalOrGlassLoafor AIbe Pan 275 3000 2 4hrs Use300 F forsmallor individual cakes ayer ShinyM...

Страница 18: ...kinthehotovenandtherefore shoddberemoved whenthedesired internaltemperature hasbeen reached ForRozenRoasb Frozen roastsofbeef pork lamb etc canbestartedwithout thawing butallow10to25minutes perpoundadditional time 10 minutesperpoundforroastsunder 5pounds moretimeforlarger roasts Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingtoensureevendoneness Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbecookedsuccessfully without tha...

Страница 19: ...tsunder5pounds Defrostpoultrybeforeroasting Oven Approximate Roasting Time Internal NW Temperature Doneness inMinutesperPound Temperature F Meat 3 to5 lbs 6to8 lbs Tendercuts rib highqualitysirlointip 325 Rare 24 30 18 22 130 1400 rumportopround Medium 30 35 22 25 150 1600 WellDone 35 45 28 33 170 1850 LambLegorbone inshoulder 325 Rare 21 25 20 23 130 1400 Medium 25 30 24 28 150 1600 WellDone 30 3...

Страница 20: ...servingitspurpose andjuicesmay becomehotenoughtocatchfire 2 DONOTplaceasheetof aluminumfoilonshelf Todoso mayresultinimproperlycooked foods damagetoovenfinishand increaseinheatonoutsidesurfaces oftheoven 3 Asheetofaluminumfoilmaybe usedonflooroftheovenunderthe bakeunit ifdesired BECERTAIN FOILDOESN UCH BAKE UNIT Aluminumfoilusedinthis waymayslightlyaffectthebrowning ofsomefoods Changefoilwhenit be...

Страница 21: ...tsametime BeefSteaks Rare l inchthick c 7 8 7 8 Steakslessthan1inchcookthrough I ne 1to 1 lbs c 9 1o 9 1o beforebrowning Panfryingis c 13 14 13 14 recommended Rare 1 in thick c 9 1o 7 8 Slashfat Medium 2to2 lbs c 15 16 14 16 WellDone B 25 26 20 25 Chicken 1whole A 30 35 10 15 Reducetimesabout5 to 10minutesper 2to2 lbs sideforcut upchicken Brusheachside splitlengthwise withmeltedbutter Broilwithski...

Страница 22: ... abuzzing soundwillremindyoutolockthe doorpromptly Allowing thebuzzto continueforanextendedtimemay causedamagetothelocksystemso thatthedoorcannotbelatched Step2 Rotatethedoorlatchtoitslocked position Step3 Settheautomaticoventimer e Makesureboththerangeclock andtheDELAYSTART dialshow thecorrecttimeofday Whenthe DELAYSTART knobis pushedin andturned it will pop intoplace whenthetimeshownontherange c...

Страница 23: ...y comeon Theovendoorcan tbe latchedfor self cleaning whilethe DOORLOCK ED lightison If thishappens lettheovencooluntil theDOORLOCKEDlightgoes off Thentheovendoorcanbe latchedforself cleaning Q mat shouldI doif excessive smokingoccursduringcleating A Thisis causedbyexcessivesoil andyoushouldswitchtheOVEN 23 SETknobtoOFF Openwindows toridroomofsmoke Allowthe oventocoolforatleastonehour beforeopening...

Страница 24: ...efrontfaceoftheoven5 4 owerthedoortothehorizontal Dl ositionallowingthelowerhingeto Toremovelamp unscrewthe3 v engage Pressdownlightlyondoor slottedscrewsinthelampcover returningthehingekeeperstothe detachlensandframeandremove normalpositionandclosethedoor A lL CA TION If thedoorisnot Uulu Fo replaceImp use a high horizontal thehingesarenot temperatureappliancebulbofsame properlyengaged Liftthedoo...

Страница 25: ...leaningmaterialsonthegasket SoapandWater oSoap Filled Scouring Pad e Commercial OvenCleaner Control mobs RangeTopandOven OutsideGkissFinish oMildSoapandWater e SoapandWater Me l including Side im and TrimStrips a SoapandWater oPaperTowel Dry lOth oSoapandWater Porcelain Enmnel Surface SoapandWater Painted Surfaces QSoapandWater Soap illed Scouring Pad sideOvenDoor OvenGasket SoapandWater OvenLiner...

Страница 26: Foodis beingcookedonhotpan 1 Utensilsare notsuitedforbroiling Aluminumfoilusedonthebroilpanrackhasnotbeenfittedproperlyandslit asreco ended FOODDOESN ROAST OVENSETknobnotsetonBA ORBAKEPROPERLY 6VEN TEMPbob notsetcorrectly Shelfpositionis incorrect CheckR oasting or BakingGuide Ovenshelfis notlevel Incorrectcoo are or cookwa e 6f improper sizeisbeingused A foiltentwasnotusedwhenneededto slowdown...

Страница 27: ...ethree stepstofollowforfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain hy youare notpleased IrImost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeall the details including yourphonenumber to Mmager ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if yourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20Nort...

Страница 28: ...COMPANY GENERALELECTRIC FA ORY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC HOTPOINT FA RY SERVICE or GENERALELE RIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHAT ISNm c vE ED o Servicetripstoyourhometo c Replacementof housefusesor teachyouhowto usethe product resettingof circuitbreakers ReadyourUseandCammaterial Ifyouthen haveanyquestions Failureof the productif it is used forotherthan itsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe product pleas...
