GE GSD725 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3

Содержание GSD725

Страница 1: ... 5 DispenserCups 7 Drying Options 4 Energy SavingTips 5 Features 4 5 Loading 8 9 Operating instructions 4 5 RinseAgent 6 Water Temperature 6 Probi m Soivaff 13 15 More questions cali Preparation Front PanelChange 12 consumer setwiees l9 Model and Serial Numbers 2 RepairService s 2 Warranty BackCover cane and cleaning AirGap 11 Winter Storage ll ...

Страница 2: ...elifono800 626 2000 writedownthemuldd W Rd serialnumbers You llfindthemona label fastenedtothetubwalljust insidetheclishwasher door Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcame withyourdishwasher Before sendingin thiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere ModelNumber Serial Number Usethesenumbersin any correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourdishwasher Toobtainservic...

Страница 3: ...s DOnottamperwithcontrols Donottouchtheheatingelement duringor immediately afteruse oDonotoperate yourdishwasher unlessa lenclosure panelsareproperly inplacet oDonotabuse siton orstandonthedoorordish rackofthedishwasher o lose supervision isnecessary ifthisappliance isusedbyornearchildren Donotallowchildren toplayinside onorwiththisappliance orany discarded appliance Dispose ofdiscarded appliances...

Страница 4: ...hthedoor m Ill 4 c SlowlyturnCycleIndicatorDialtoONpositionto startthecycle Youwillhearthemotorstart There is a timedelaybetweenstart upandwaterfillsoyou willnothearanywashactionrightaway Toobtainthebenefitsof a completecycle becareful thatyoudo not turn the dial any further than nmiwmy to startthedishwasher 4 6 Ifyourdishwasher drainsintoafoodwastedisposer operatethedisposeruntilit isemptybefores...

Страница 5: ...usetheRINSE HOLDcycle to rinseoffheavysoils Besureto latchthedoor whenwaitingfor a fullload Thishelpskeepsoils moist easierto remove If you don tneedyourdishesrightaway use your energy savingNO HEATDRYINGfeature that turnsthedryingheateroffautomatically Dishesdry naturallyovera longerperiodsuchas overnight 0Always tkt the ICJdethat uses the kast WMMMRt ofwater that will remove the soilfrom the kmd...

Страница 6: ...g performance useof arinseagent suchasJET DRY brandisrecommended If youaccidentallyspill Wipeuptherinseagentwith a dampcloth Don tleavethespillinthedishwasher It cankeepyourdetergent fromworking If youcan find any rinse agent write Rinseagentscomeineitherliquidorsolidform Yourdishwasher usestheliquidform Ii w tom the rinse agent dispenser 13ENCKISER CONSUMER PRODUCTS INC JET DRY 411W PutnamAve Gre...

Страница 7: ...pletely I None minimum I Full I RINSE HOLD I Useno detergent I Use no detergent I use no detergent 12grainsandupis extremelyhardwater A watersoftenerisrecommended Withoutit lime FilledMainCupholds3 tablespoons canbuildupinthewatervalve Thewatervalvemaystickwhileopenandcauseflooding FilledOpenCupholds2 tablespoons How toPrepare the Dishesforwashing 3 Tryto removefoodscrapsandplacedishesin dishwashe...

Страница 8: ...gthewashandrinseportionsof thecycle Don tblockit orloadtallthingsnextto it Also be carefulnotto let a portionof anitemsuch as a potor dishhandleextendthroughthebottom rack Thiscouldblockthewasharmandcausepoor washingresults HOW TO LomTm TOPMCK Thetoprack is bestfor glasses cups and saucers Cupsand glassesfit bestalongthe sides Thisis the placefor dishwasher safep astics too Make sure smallplastici...

Страница 9: ...gthecenteroftherackso wateranddetergent fromwasharmcanreachsoiledsurfaces n Putflatwareintheremovable basketwithhandlesupto protectyourhands Mixknives forksandspoonssothey don tnesttogether Distribute evenly Smallp astic items suchasmeasuringspoonsandlidsfromsmallcontainers arenotrecommended forautomatic dishwashing If placedinthedishwasher theyshouldgointhebottomof silverware basketwithsilverware...

Страница 10: ...ashingimmediately Saltyor acidfoodscan stainif lefton Drydetergentcancausedifficult to remove blackspots Placeinbacksectionofsilverwarebasketto avoid exposuretodetergentfromthedetergentcup YES Plastics YES Stainlesssteel Don tputin samesilverware basketwithstainlesssteel Contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver Don twashcopperutensilsin thesameload Silvermaygeta brownfilm Adhesiveusedto attachsome hol...

Страница 11: ...tricalpowertothe dishwasher Removefusesor trip circuitbreaker Turnoffthewatersupply eDisconnectthe waterinletline fromthe watervalve Drainwaterfromtheinletline andwatervalve Useapan to catchthewater Drainthecollectionchamberat rearofunitbelowfilterby disconnecting hoseto pump Reconnectafterdraining eRemovetheplasticpumpcover inthetubbottomandusea spongeto soakup waterin therubberboot milt in Dishw...

Страница 12: ...ful edges may be sharp 4 Replacetheinsertpanel sidetrimandscrews How to changelowerpanelinsert 1 Removepanelattachment screws 2 Removetheentirepanel 3 Takeoutscrewsandremovethetoptrim 4 Slideouttheinsertpanel 5 Putthecoloryouwantinfront Replacetheinsertpanel toptrimandscrews 7 Replacetheentirepanelandattachment screws Colorinsertpanelsforboththedoorandthelower panelcanbe replacedby 1 4 thickwoodin...

Страница 13: ...slowef thanusual If so waituntilpressureis normalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Pluggedair gap SeeCareandCleaningsection Improperrack loading SeeLoadingsection Watermaynotbe reachingthedetergentcups Movedishesthatmaybe blocking detergentcup Thedispensercovermaynotbe openingor maybe blockedby improperlyloaded items If youuseda powderdetergent openthecupandremoveanycaked on detergent If the cup stilldoes...

Страница 14: ...ergent SelectP0TSCRU1313ER cycle Startthedishwasherandallowto runfor 18to 22minutes Thedishwasherwill nowbe in themainwash 5 Thenopenthedoorandpour2 cups 500ml ofwhitevinegarintothebottomof thedishwasher 6 Closethe doorandallowtocompletethecycle M vinegar rinse doesn t work Repeatas above exceptuse 114 cup 60ml of citric acidcrystalsinsteadof vinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals If yours ...

Страница 15: ...oseris not clogged Sudsingdetergentsamnotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAUT OMA IC DIS ASH R DE RGEhTS TOAVOIDSLJDSING lb remove suds from the tub Openthedishwasher Let sudsevaporate Add 1gallon ofcoldwaterto thetub Closeandlatchthedishwasher Pumpoutwaterby slowly turningthecontroldialuntila drainperiodis reached Repeatif necessary Suds cancauseunittooverflow That s whyit ssoimportant touseadetergent ...

Страница 16: ...veneeded partsoraccessories sentdirectlyto theirhome TheGEpartssystempro videsaccesstoover47 000 parts ancl allGEGenuineRenewal Partsare fullywarranted VISA MasterCard andDiscover cardsareaccepted user maintenance instl uctiom containedinthisbookletcoverproce duresintendedtobeperformedby my Wer other servicing generally shouldberefemmitoquaMledser vicepersmmela Cautionmustbe exel ed9sinceimpropers...

Страница 17: ...he sewicetechnician stravel coststo your home All warrantyservicewill be providedby our FactoryService Centersor by our authorized CustomerCare servicersduring nownalworkinghours Shouldyour applianceneed service duringwarrantyperiodor beyond call 800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 WHAT1SNOTCOVERED Servicetrips to your home to teach adequate electrical plumbing and you how to use the product other connectin...
