GE GSD700G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 13

Содержание GSD700G

Страница 1: ...eFeatures 4 5 UserMaintenance Instructions 11 Detergent DetergentGuide 6 7 Warranty BackCover DispenserCups 7 WaterTemperature 6 EnergySaverSwitch 4 WinterStorage 11 Energy Saving Tips 2 FrontPanelColorChange 11 Loading 8 9 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 OperatingInstructions 4 5 CycleSelection 5 DryingOptions 4 5 6EAIIWWV Ci l lter Potscrubber 4 5 80 62620flo Built inModel GSD700G ...

Страница 2: ...leasewritethese numbershere Model Number Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence orservicecalls concerningyourdishwasher ToobtainHispanicversionof thisbook call GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformation service 1 Toll free Paraobtenerlaversibnen espafiolde temanual namegratisa GEAnswerCenter serviciode informaci6n paraelconsumidor el fono 800 626 2000 2 Ene y saving tips Thepowerco...

Страница 3: ... hasnotbeenWW3d ha period A Local sharpitpms so that theyare notlikely toda n yge the doorwxil and B I adsharpkniveswiththe handk uptoreducetherisk ofcut type injuries possibility ofdmiigeorinjury ifyouhavenotusedhotwaterfor tvio weeks ormore 4x moveinto Do nottouchtheheating elementduringor immediately after use a residence inwhichthehot s watersystem maynothavebeen usedforsometime turnonall hotw...

Страница 4: ...educethe naturaldryingtime Uscofthisoptionreducesthe ekctricidenergyusedbythis mode approximately 7 for theNORiMAL WASHcycle Estimated yearlysavings depending onyourlocalelectricalrates areas follows Electric Me per Kwh 05 08 11 Estimated YearlySavings 2 88 4 61 6 34 STIW4 Selectthecycleandstart thedishwasher Ifyourdishwasher drainsintoa foodwastedisposer operatethe disposeruntilitisemptybefore st...

Страница 5: ...period sounds The motorstops Softfooddisposershredding Water vaporcomesthroughthe action ventbythedoorlatchduring Drainvalveopeningtopump dryingandwhenwaterisbeing waterout pumpedout Timer controlascycle progresses Detergent cupopening Wash WaterUsc CycleTime wash Gallons Minutes cycles approx approx CycleSequence P0TM3UJBBEIt 12 1 IEIBmmmmm NORMALWASH 12 1 EIEEIEEIEIElm LIGHT WASH 10 3 45 Elmmmmm...

Страница 6: ... eagent A rinseagentmakeswaterflow offdishesquickerthanusual This lessenswaterspottingandmakes dryingfaster too Forbestdishwashing performance useofarinseagentsuchasJET DRY brandisrecommended Rinseagentscomeineitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher s dispenserusestheliquidform EIowto fill the rinse agent dispenser Unscrewthecap Add theliquidrinseagentuntilitjust reachesthebottomofthelipinside the...

Страница 7: ...meattrimmings leafy vegetables andcrusts Remove 2 Remove largequantities ofany food Yourdishwasher hasabuilt in softfooddisposerthatpulverizes softfoodbitsandflushesthemaway Itcanhandlesmallamounts of softfoods butlargeamounts will bedifficulttohandle 3 Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasher before soilhasachancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdried onsoilare moredifficulttowashandmay notc...

Страница 8: ...hisistheplacefor dishwasher safe plastics too Makesuresmallplastic itemsarelodgedintightlysotheycan tfallontothe Calrod heatingunit WATCH OUTFORTHIS Thewashtowerrisesthroughthecenterofthebottom rackduringthewashandrinseportionsofthecycle Don tblockit or loadtallthingsnexttoit Also be carefulnottoletportionsofitemssuchas knives skewersor pothandlesextendthroughthebottomrack or thesilverwarebasket S...

Страница 9: ...nsidefromthewater 1 _ Putflatwareintheremovable silverwarebasketwith handlesuptoprotectyourhands Mixknives forksand spoonsso theydon tnesttogether Distributeevenly Smallplasticitems suchasmeasuringspoonsandlids fromsmallcontainers arenotrecommendedfor automaticdishwashing If placedinthedishwasher they shouldgo inthebottomofthesilverwarebasketwiththe silverwmcontop Don t let any item extend through...

Страница 10: ...vermaygeta brownfilm Adhesive usedtoattachsome hollow handle knivescanloosen Rinseifnotwashing imme ately SaityOracidfoodscan stainiflefton Drydetergent im n causedifficult to remove blackspots Placeinbackseetionof verw e basketto avoidexposure todetergent fromthedetergent cup SterlingSIver andSilver piate YEs Afterwashing wipethenon stickcoatingareawith vegetable oiltokeepitfromlosingitsnon stick...

Страница 11: ...owthedoor Eachsideofeach panelis a differentcolor Or you mpaintthepanelswiththecolor ofyourown choice HowM citifi e door panel 1 Takeoutthreetrim screwson eithersideofdishwasherdoor F move sidetrim 2 Slideout bothinsertpanels a 3 Putthecoloryouwantin front j Careftll edges maybe sharp gig Replaceinsertpanels sidetrim andscrews How to change lower panel 1 Removefourpanelattachment screws No abovepa...

Страница 12: It shouldbe atleastlZO F Totest seepage6 Toobtainthebenefitsofa completecycle be carefulthatyoudonot tarn the dialany further than neeessary tostartthedishwasher Waterpressuremaybetemporarilylow Turnonafaucet Iswatercomingoutslower thanusual If so waituntilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Pluggedair gap Seepage11 Improperrackloading Seepages8and9 Aluminumdepositsoftenleavemarkswhenthey...

Страница 13: ...500ml ofwhitevinegarintothebottom ofthedishwasher Closethedoorandallowtocompletethecycle If vinegar rinse doesn twork Repeatas above exceptuse 1 4cup 60ml ofcitric acidcrystalsinsteadofvinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals Ifyours doesn t callGEFactoryService Usinga vinegarorcitricacidcrystalrinsemorethantwicea month Considera home watersoftener If vinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsedoesn two...

Страница 14: ...p ifyouhaveone Seepage11 Checkthekitchensink Isit drainingwell Youmayneedaplumber If dishwasher drainsintodisposer rundisposertoclear Besuredisposerisnbtclogged SUDSIN THETUB Sudsingdeterge arenotmeahtfordishwashers USEONLYAUTOMATIC DKN3TKASHER DETERGENTS IOAVC ID SUDSING TOremovesuds from the tub Openthedishwasher Letsudsevaporate Add1gallon ofcoldwatertothetub Closeandlatchthedishwasher Pumpoutw...

Страница 15: ...lp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 ____ ...

Страница 16: ... FactoryService Centersor by our authorized Customer Care servicersduring normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of yourtelephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORY SERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHATi COVERED eservice rips to your ome o Replacement of house fuses or teach you how to usethe product ...
